posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 07:52 PM
I think another benefit that this administration gets from keeping the troops in Iraq is that many of them are being used full capacity to keep them
away. Away from their homes so they cant research and learn about 911truth. Being's when the
poo hits the fan, the administration is going to
need an army that is submissive and will protect against rebeller's, which the administration will label as domestic terrorists. So by keeping them
there, there in effect keeping the solider's completely unaware of the lies they are fighting for. They will continue to serve and never question. So
I think they're trade off was that either they let it go, or they destroy a country that almost assassinated "Gog" who is Bush Senior. This
Satanist cult wanted Saddam and his country dead, after all they were directly threatening to the members of Skull and Bones, and they sat on enormous
oil that could benefit them in there long term agenda to take over the world. They are securing a large oil location. They have america, now the
middle east, and to afghanistan. What else is there left. Just Iran is in teh way. And there gona kill them lol.
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[edit on 24/3/2007 by Mirthful Me]