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9/11 Time Line

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posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 07:06 PM
This is only the start of my piecing together of the time line of 9/11. My source could be considered dubious (it is based off the film "United 93" which itself was based on the official report).

With that in mind, there are a couple of points in the film where the time is referenced in the dialogue. Notably these are when NEADS is attempting to get scramble authorization, and again at the end when it states that UA93 crashed at 10:03 in Pennsylvania.

First off, some issues I noted with the events as depicted in the film include:

* The distinct lack of any clocks anywhere, and only one reference to the time during the film itself, and again at the end in the ending titles.

* Towards the end of the film, the passengers are ONLY using the aircraft sat phones. NO-ONE is using a mobile!! If mobile phones were so extensively used, why was this not depicted??

From what I can tell, the events that occur to Flight 93 occur in almost real-time in the movie.

The times listed are corrected based on known time points in the film then corrected off the position in the film itself. Again, this is very rough, but appears that Flight 93 itself almost occurs in real-time (you'll see what I mean as you read through the time-line).

Before 08:30

* AA11 is reported 50 - 60nm W of Boston Logan Intl.
* 5 minutes before the start of the NORAD exercise (08:30???) - assuming time at this point is 08:25
* NORAD notified of hijack at this time
* Conflicting reports - FAA state AA11 heading North, NORAD tracking it South.
* Boston ARTCC no track on AA11


* UA93 cleared for takeoff
* NY ARTCC reports AA11 heading south; FAA no track
* AA11 disappears off scopes


* NEADS: OTIS requests scramble
* NORAD informed of WTC1 crash via CNN!


* UA93 reports level at FL350 to Boston Center


* UA175 no response to ATC


* UA175 disappears off scopes


* FAA think AA11 hit WTC1
* NY ARTCC tell FAA UA175 Hijacked


* UA175 watched hitting WTC2 by Boston controllers in control tower


* OTIS request "to get birds over Manhatten"


* FAA Talk of ground stop around NYC


* UA93 checks in with Cleavland Center


* AA11 considered still airborne ??? by NEADS ??? and now heading to Washington DC!


* Scramble of Langley birds to cover Washington DC
* NEADS determine FAA feeding bad info regarding flights
* AA77 finally reported hijacked to NEADS; told it went no contact 25 mins earlier (08:40)


* DAL1989 reported suspected hijack despite ATC being in vox contact the whole time and flight plan appearing normal for the duration
* FAA call for ground-stop over the whole of the USA involving 4200 aircraft.


* NEADS determine they require presidential clearance for shootdown (hwo are they talking to?????)


* FAA military liaison finally arrives at the FAA


* UA93 determined hijacked by Cleavland ATC


* Hijacker says that UA93 is no more than 50 mins from the target (CVR records last 30 mins; remember this point). Was this pulled from the CVR or just for theatrical effect?


* Cleavland still have DAL1989, but still call it hijacked despite everything being normal
* UA93 reported climbing again


* NEADS told that AA77 is a hijack (again?!)


* First sat phone usage depicted in the film by the stewardess calling UA maintenance to report flight hijacked


* NEADS still seeking shootdown authority


* Only passengers shown making calls are ALL using sat phones. ???


* NEADS informed of DAL1989 situation, suspected hijack despite flight acting normally
* DAL1989 reported heading West as a hijacking despite following flight plan and in contact with ATC
* AA11 is reported as heading towards Washington ?!?!?!
* UNKNOWN 2619 reported as hijacking; heading towards Chicago. Sears tower cleared

The film ends here, but titles at the end state that Flight 93 crashed at 10:03.

UA93 was in flight from 08:34 to 10:03. Flight time 97 minutes. At 09:18 the hijacker reports no more than 50 minutes flight time to target. This makes the aircraft time line end at 10:08 (assuming time correct at the time this is mentioned).

As I stated before, this time line is ROUGHLY what I make it to be based off the film. From UA93 cleared takeoff to the end of the film, The film covers only 68 minutes of the total flight time. Based off estimated flight time of 97 minutes, this means that 29 minutes of Flight 93 flight time is missing in the film.

Again, THIS IS ONLY A ROUGH ESTIMATE OF THE TIMES. Could anyone with the official report confirm/correct these points please? Any gross differences need reporting, too (i.e. an event I have occurring at 09:00 that actually occurred at 08:45 needs to be noted).

Why am I using a film to do this? Because the film is based off the official report. It is also likely to have been seen by lots of people. I have already noted the lack of mobile telephone usage in the film. What else is inaccurate or wrong in the film, and doesn't match with the official report? I don't believe these particular omissions were accidental.

[edit on 24-3-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 07:56 PM
A bit more ........

Much of what happened on the plane has been reconstructed from the many phone calls made by passengers and crew, mainly through onboard GTE airphones.

There were numerous calls allegedly from Flight 93, most of them made using cell phones

With him were others who placed cell-phone calls from the plane,

If the hijackings of September 11 were staged, the organization responsible would also be sure to add other elements to the basic plan, not only developing lists of hijackers, but sending fake cellphone calls from some of the passengers. The following analysis focuses on Flight 93, from which more alleged cellphone calls were made than from the other three flights combined.


Any analysis of the cellphone and “airfone” calls from Flight 93 must begin with some basic, high-altitude cellphone facts. According to AT&T spokesperson Alexa Graf, cellphones are not designed for calls from the high altitudes at which most airliners normally operate. It was, in her opinion, a “fluke” that so many calls reached their destinations. (Harter 2001) In the opinion of a colleague of mine who has worked in the cellphone industry, it was a “miracle” that any of the calls got through from altitude. (See the recent proposal to install equipment to make cellphone calls possible from aircraft.) An aircraft, having a metal skin and fuselage, acts like a Faraday cage, tending to block or attenuate electromagnetic radiation. One can make a cellphone call from inside an aircraft while on the ground because the weakened signal is still close enough to the nearest cellsite (relay tower) to get picked up. Once above 10,000 feet, however, calls rarely get through, if ever.

[edit on 24-3-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 08:07 PM
More info than I could ever put together:

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 08:19 PM
My sig links to the book I am reading. It's timeline is amazing.
So many questions going unanswered.

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