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Al Quaeda Doesn't Exist

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posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 09:57 AM
New film about Al Quaeda. Opinions.

Mod Note (This Appears On Every New Thread/Post Reply Page): MEMBERS: Do not simply post news articles in the forums without comment. If you feel inclined to make the board aware of current events, please post the first paragraph, a link to the entire story, AND your opinion, twist or take on the news item.

[edit on 24/3/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 11:28 AM
do you have any idea what the video is called.

would like to download the whole thing.

thanks for the link dude.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by tombangelta
do you have any idea what the video is called.
would like to download the whole thing.
thanks for the link dude.

Its called "Al Quaeda Doesn't Exist"

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 11:16 PM
Ha Ha Ha Ha The jokes on us. Al Qaida doesn't even exist.
Hysterically funny.

9/11 - TRUTH - Al Qaida does NOT exist

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 08:23 AM
Al-Qaeda Is A Bunch Of Computers At A Bank Building In Jeddah
Al-Qaeda is a cluster of IBM VAX (Virtual Address Extension) mainframe computers in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Call Langley, Virginia to open an account.

Al-Qaeda is a CIA contrivance — Al-Qaeda is “us”

Dear Think About It:

This may come as a surprise to you, but Al-Qaeda does not exist. At least not in the sense you would expect, as a “terror” organization. All it originally ever was, is an intranet database (i.e. computer memory hardware), used for information storage and exchange relating to mujaheddin freedom fighters operating in Soviet occupied Afghanistan.

On Friday, 8 July 2005 the British politician and former foreign minister Robin Cook wrote an article critical of the UK’s involvement in the Iraq war. He also said “some things” about Al-Qaeda or Al-Qaida or however we decide to spell it. Well apparently he revealed a little too much. A month later, on 6 August 2005 he unexpectedly dropped dead while hiking with his wife in a remote part of northern Scotland. Normally in this desolate region, there would have been no other hikers in the area to “help”. But on that day there were. What a coincidence!

Robin and Gaynor Cook 8 July 2005

2. Lingering questions about Robin Cook's death

Why Would Al-Qaeda Register A Website On 16-Jul-2002 In -- Of All Places -- Maryland?

Dear Think About It:

I almost forgot... Al-Qaeda used to have a website registered in Maryland. I think that was a little "odd".

originally quoted from QAEDA WEBSITE TRACKS BACK TO ... MARYLAND???
Submitted by two readers. My comments follow.

Last night on CNN I heard them making a connection between the London bombings and an “Islamic terrorist” website called I tried to view the website but it’s been taken offline. I did find the following three year old reference to on CNN: From:

"These statements and others from al Qaeda have been appearing from time to time on a Web site called
"In recent months, the site, which experts suspect is closely linked to al Qaeda, also has posted manifestos signed "al Qaeda jihad" in which it says bin Laden is alive and well and preparing future attacks against the United States.”

Interesting "link" to al-Qaeda, as revealed by whois data for

Registration Service Provided By: DIRECTI
Contact: +91.2256797500
Domain Name: ALNEDA.COM
SFP, Inc
Jon David ([email protected])
Po 312
Tel. +011.4107237089
Creation Date: 16-Jul-2002
Expiration Date: 16-Jul-2013
Jon David, a fine Islamic sounding name, no doubt named after a martyr or prophet or some such. Located in that hotbed of terrorism, Berlin, Maryland USA.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 11:27 AM
Good post Wizard.

Since about 2002 I have speculated about the major exaggerations by Bush-Blair on the danger of Al-Qaeda, even posted my doubts about the "massive terrorist network" here.

Nice to see this link, thanks ultima.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 11:36 AM
Lets get serious for a minute. Just being Devil's advocate here. Are we actually believing that there are no arabic groups that hate americans......Namely Al-Qaeda? Al-Qaeda Is A Bunch Of Computers At A Bank Building In Jeddah ? If that is so, how did the American who was found in the Al-Queda camp fighting Americans join? Webcam? Myspace? Just kidding, but I could use some actual answers backed by Hard evidence. Seriously..... Anybody have any other info? I'm just being the Devil's advocate here.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 11:54 AM
I remember in the BBC documentary "The Power of Nightmares" that Al Qaeda was a name made up during the trial of the Embassy Bombings in 1998 by some international con-man who was wanted in like 11 countries or something.

The people who are supposively "Al Qaeda" are not actually some diverse terror network around the globe, it's a small pocket of people.

Al Qaeda doesn't exist.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by theutahbigfoothunter
Lets get serious for a minute. Just being Devil's advocate here. Are we actually believing that there are no arabic groups that hate americans......Namely Al-Qaeda?

There are actually several organized groups of Arabs that hate America; they are named Iran and Iraq, but that's another story--revolving around double-dealing in armaments for decades, frame-ups, CIA overthrows, threats and actual deeds of invasion--entirely.

And great post, Wizard

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 12:04 PM
I remeember reading a journalist's article about 3 years ago, which was written by Karen Kwiatkowski. She had been in military intelligence for a number of years throughout the '90's and up until 2002 or so, IIRC. She wrote that she'd never heard of Al-Queda, even though she worked for Intelligence. I have also encountered another woman on a message board, very similar situation as Karen's, who had been in Intelligence at the same time and said she'd never heard of Al-Queda. Kinda makes you wonder who Al Queda is then, huh?

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 01:30 PM
Strangely enough, i've never heard of this before.
And it seems all quite easy to verify too.
Makes you realise just how much power the media has, in making people believe things.
I'm sure this small group, if indeed they do exist, is loving the publicity though

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by theutahbigfoothunter
Lets get serious for a minute. Just being Devil's advocate here. Are we actually believing that there are no arabic groups that hate americans

Thier are lots of groups that hate America, some foreign and some domestic.

Although "Al-Qaeda" or "Al-Qaida" is the name of the organisation used in popular culture, as of 2003 the group's official name had changed to "Qaeda-al-Jihad" - the base of the jihad.

The military leader of al-Qaida is widely reported to have been Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who was reportedly arrested in Pakistan in 2003. Its previous military leader, Muhammed Atef, was allegedly killed in a U.S. bombing raid on Afghanistan in late 2001.

Try looking at some of the following sites.

[edit on 25-3-2007 by ULTIMA1]

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