posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 10:47 PM
unisol, u seem really smart. I hate emo's and i wish she was not so abusive!!! Sorry... lol
Never want that to happen. Some times i hate people are so smart and naturally beautiful but they will not take care of themselfs. And when
they smile u she someone so different. I wish they were not wackjobs! lol
Oh and like when people that are anerexic and think they are really fat. drives me crazy!!! I try not to say i am fat but sometimes i catch myself
saying things about myself that is alittle like a fat jock. but it gets me down when people call me fat and anerexic. LIke, they just kid but the
truth is i actually have like a eating thing were i freak out
no what i mean. But not bad. Just wanted to let the world now jk. Anyway, i am
sad beacuse i just meat this hot kid that is emo. i kicked his ass for it. jk