DO u remember how people thought mysapce waz for neards without lifes. Now it is for awsome people who pimp out there myspace. But for some reason i
feel like people on this sight do not have a myspace because we are to busy debating about life. But i have both and we are all awsome who right what
we think. What do u think about myspace...?
I believe myspace is the worst web site ever created. Its an awful peice of junk that has tons of errors and navigational issues. But be that as it
may, people use it.
Hey, hey... guess what. Go swallow a nife. Duh... i figured that out... so sorry. Do u just look at these to complain and be negative. Any
way... myspace is cool, but u have to be careful. There is so many creeps out there. But it is cool to chat with friends. I do agree it has issues.
I just think myspace is pointless, though I have 3 myspace pages, I think its a lame website, I just use it to advertise, and that site was like
created to be a giant advertisement, I think its killing the youth and making the future illiterate, lozors omg kkomg omkayokbi.