posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 03:57 AM
now that i made a few jokes and got a smile on peoples face, I'm going to get on a more serious note. i have my first newbie question. Ive been
reading a lot here but one thing i cant figure out. Ill get to that after i tell you how i got here.
I got here accidently when researching John Titor (right now he's my current project, but for my own personal entertainment, not a website). One of
the links provided on one of the Titor forums was's catalog. I clicked on a link that lead me here. The first thing I noticed was that
it is more active around here then the forums I've been posting on, and the people aren't dreadfully boring. I also noticed the NWO forum was more
active then the other forums I posted on (that's another thing I've been researching and interested in). I also found a forum for something I've
been interested in for awhile and that was atlantis (i honestly forgot about my interest with atlantis because i dont find a lot of people anywhere
else with the interest). So after finding that there's a lot of thing's here that interest me I bookmarked this site, made a username, and started
posting. Basically this has already become my favorite forum. It's active in all the areas of my interest. That's why I like it better then or TTI.
Anyway's, sense trying to prove john titor a hoax (people on TTI seem to want solid proof even though ive made it clear hes a hoax many times) I've
gotten a hobby for researching and proving hoaxes real or fake. I came across the researchers board here, and i realized theres yet another section
for people like me.
so i started reading up on it. It says that you have to volunteer, but it doesn't say where or how you volunteer. I'd be
interested and dedicated to doing something like that. maybe someone can help me with that. (of course i think i have to be here a little while
longer, thats no problem, just wondering how i get involved).