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What if questions involving extraterrestrial!

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posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 12:24 AM
If an extraterrestrial landed a ufo in your back yard and said, "I have been on this craft for 2 days and the bathrooms stink, may I please use yours?" What would you say?

If an extraterrestrial asked if him and his wife could use your guest bedroom because they were extremly tired, would you let them?

If extraterrestrials had no idea what sex was, and one asked you what it was, would you give them "the talk"?

If a group of extraterrestrials asked you take a picture of them with their camera would you?

If ufos could be jump started like cars, would you help an extraterrestrial out and jump start his or her ufo?

If extraterrestrials only had one color, and they happened to go to Home Depot, would you help them pick out a color for their ufo? If yes then what color would you pick?

If an extraterrestrial asked you too look after their kid, assuming they have them, would you look after their kid for one night?

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 12:29 AM
Wait, when they come, am I a salad or a tree?

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 12:29 AM
Interesting questions you have there.

Yeah, I'd let them use my washrooms. Then while they're in there, I can takes shots of their ship and hijack it.

I suppose the guest bedroom is kokay with me, as long as they clean up after themselves if they do anything.

I would just tell them that "sex" is a reproductive process.

I'd take a group shot of them, if I could figure out how to use their camera. I might sneak off with a few of my own pics too.

I'm not sure if I would jump start the UFO. Since it has to be pretty powerful to get off the ground and move at such high speeds. Even one with a dead battery could blow up my car's if I connected.

I would pick red and grey for their UFO. ATS colours!!!

No, I would not look after their kid. I hate annoying little children.

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 12:31 AM
Yes, because it is cruel to not let someone or something use the bathroom when they really have to go.

As long as they promised to make the bed and not wake me up early, sure.

I would not want to give "the talk" to an extraterrestrial. I would probably screw it up and then all extraterrestrials would have a false idea of sex.

I would take pictures for them.

Yes, it is a nice thing to jump start someones car or ufo.

No I would not help them pick out a color. I am not rude, but there are just way too many colors to choose from. I would likely spend a day thinking of the right color. I would end up picking the ugliest color and their ufo would look revoluting. It would just go down hill from there.

No, I would not look after an extraterrestrial's kid. If I do not know the parents then I will not look after their kid.

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 12:33 AM
RANT, you are a salad ok

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 03:25 AM
If an extraterrestrial landed a ufo in your back yard and said, "I have been on this craft for 2 days and the bathrooms stink, may I please use yours?" What would you say? I would probably tell him/her/it to make itself at home, and while its using the bathroom, i would be doing some exploring into that ufo.

If an extraterrestrial asked if him and his wife could use your guest bedroom because they were extremly tired, would you let them? sure, but you can bet your life i wouldnt be getting any sleep. id be sitting awake with my shotgun ready.

If extraterrestrials had no idea what sex was, and one asked you what it was, would you give them "the talk"?
from all the abductions and #, they probably know more about sex than we do

If a group of extraterrestrials asked you take a picture of them with their camera would you?
i would, but then i would explain afterwards that it stole their soul...haha, that would freak them out.

If ufos could be jump started like cars, would you help an extraterrestrial out and jump start his or her ufo?

If extraterrestrials only had one color, and they happened to go to Home Depot, would you help them pick out a color for their ufo? If yes then what color would you pick?
naw, i like the standard grey suits their boring personalities

If an extraterrestrial asked you too look after their kid, assuming they have them, would you look after their kid for one night?
..nope, nope ,nope...i dont trust me no alien babies

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 11:10 AM
What if questions involving extraterrestrial!

If an extraterrestrial landed a ufo in your back yard and said, "I have been on this craft for 2 days and the bathrooms stink, may I please use yours?" What would you say?

Ans: YES of course I�m not deliberately crule to any species, then ask them if they wanted to empty their sewage tanks down the sewer and want some thing to take away the smell.

If an extraterrestrial asked if him and his wife could use your guest bedroom because they were extremely tired, would you let them?

Ans: Don�t have a guest room but would be willing to move the kids into one bedroom or offer them the front room with air beds and sleeping bags to lie on.

If extraterrestrials had no idea what sex was, and one asked you what it was, would you give them "the talk"?

Ans: NO way I�d either show them a video or three or get the kids to tell them as they seem more open about sex than me.

If a group of extraterrestrials asked you take a picture of them with their camera would you?

Ans: Yes if the showed me how to use their camera and would ask if one could be taken of me with them and for copies.

If ufos could be jump started like cars, would you help an extraterrestrial out and jump start his or her ufo?

Ans: Yes if I had a car

If extraterrestrials only had one color, and they happened to go to Home Depot, would you help them pick out a color for their ufo? If yes then what color would you pick?

Ans: No wife tells me my colour coordination is terrible.

If an extraterrestrial asked you too look after their kid, assuming they have them, would you look after their kid for one night?

Yes if they got on with my own but other than that No unless I got to know them first.

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 11:26 AM
Id try to work out a deal so I could some how get one of their spaceships.

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 11:35 AM
Yes of course I'd let them use the bathroom as long as my husband was around to keep an eye on them cause you can just go and let any old stranger in your house.
I haven't got a guest room but they would be welcome to pitch my tent in the garden .
I agree with dragoonrider , my kids could give them "the talk" cause they probably know more than I do anyway.
I'd be happy to take their picture. Do you think they will understand when I tell them to say cheese?
I'd jump start their ship. It would seem rude not to.
I'd probably pick them a colour to complement their eyes for their UFO
If they assured me that their kid would be well behaved and not do any probing about in the night then yes I don't see why I wouldn't look after them for the night.

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by ilovepizza

If an extraterrestrial landed a ufo in your back yard and said, "I have been on this craft for 2 days and the bathrooms stink, may I please use yours?" What would you say?

If an extraterrestrial asked if him and his wife could use your guest bedroom because they were extremly tired, would you let them?

If extraterrestrials had no idea what sex was, and one asked you what it was, would you give them "the talk"?

If a group of extraterrestrials asked you take a picture of them with their camera would you?

If ufos could be jump started like cars, would you help an extraterrestrial out and jump start his or her ufo?

If extraterrestrials only had one color, and they happened to go to Home Depot, would you help them pick out a color for their ufo? If yes then what color would you pick?

If an extraterrestrial asked you too look after their kid, assuming they have them, would you look after their kid for one night?

1.I'd say, "I don't let strangers use my washroom!"

2.Of course not!

3.Yes i would say it's how we propagate our species!

4. Definitely!

5. Of course, i'd expect an award also!

6 I'd say, " Better just stick with GREY, you GREY!

7. Yeah, then I'd be famous afterward!

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 06:27 PM
What if an ET looked at you and screamed ALIENESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS?

What if one wanted to watch a porn with you?


posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 09:34 AM
If an extraterrestrial landed a ufo in your back yard and said, "I have been on this craft for 2 days and the bathrooms stink, may I please use yours?" What would you say?
Sure, but don't dump your tanks in my yard, and my anal probe better be just where it was!

If an extraterrestrial asked if him and his wife could use your guest bedroom because they were extremly tired, would you let them?
Sure, after I put a tape in the hidden camcorder...

If extraterrestrials had no idea what sex was, and one asked you what it was, would you give them "the talk"?
Sure, then I'd show them a porno tape, hehe...

If a group of extraterrestrials asked you take a picture of them with their camera would you?
Absolutely, whether they asked or not, hehe...

If ufos could be jump started like cars, would you help an extraterrestrial out and jump start his or her ufo?
Sure, as long as I could go on a ride...

If extraterrestrials only had one color, and they happened to go to Home Depot, would you help them pick out a color for their ufo? If yes then what color would you pick?
Neon Orange, no hidin' that baby, hehe....

If an extraterrestrial asked you too look after their kid, assuming they have them, would you look after their kid for one night?
Sure...what's the little Nipper eat? Forget the dough, I'll settle for a good blaster...

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 04:13 AM
If an ET screamed alien at me, I would just scream the same thing back at them. Both of us would calm down after a while.

I would not watch a porno with an alien. In my question I said, "If extraterrestrials had no idea what sex was", so I would not want them to watch a porno. A porno would not acurately portray "sex". I think aliens would first have to learn the basics before we moved on to the more advance techniques.


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