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Powerful FDNY testimonies.

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posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 09:48 PM
This video summons up many written testimonies of FDNY.

If after reading them you actually cannot stop the feeling that those towers were brought down than...

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 09:55 PM
external link

Nice slide show. it is taking thefirefighters out of context, and I think you should see that.

How about this testimony...

We were walking into darkness. As we walked through those revolving doors, that's when we felt the rumble. I felt the rumbling, and then I felt the force coming at me. I was like, what the hell is that? In my mind it was a bomb going off. The pressure got so great, I stepped back behind the columns separating the revolving doors. Then the force just blew past me. It blew past me it seemed for a long time. In my mind I was saying what the hell is this and when is it going to stop? Then it finally stopped, that pressure which I thought was a concussion of an explosion. It turns out it was the down pressure wind of the floors collapsing on top of each other. At that point everything went black, and then the collapse came. It just rained on top of us. Everything came. It rained debris forever.

So it turns out it was the sound and the pressure from the towers falling. he even recnats within his statement. They are all describing the noise of the collaspe, and waht else could you compare it too, a collaspe of that magnitude?

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 10:01 PM
Good music.

Where are the explosions everyone is hearing in this video?

Or maybe when people referred to explosions they meant the collapse occuring, like the reporter did?

Or maybe you had to be in the lobby to hear them?

Which do you think?

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 10:01 PM
sure its obvious you are totally right sorry for the stupid video.
BTW you setup a new world record... you have watched the full length video, watched all of the testimonies, quoted me provided external link (so researched the subject), wrote a few more lines of text all in 7 minutes, which is exactly the length of the video.
You are so right!!!!
Maybe give the slide show a little more time before taking out only one testimony...
Take them all out and take the time to debunk them or your script is already written...

[edit on 19-3-2007 by piacenza]

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 10:23 PM
Did you also know that NYPD,FDNY,PA and eyewtinesses heard something else they at first thought were explosions, but it was actually bodies from those who were jumping.

I am pointing out simply that these little films are nothing more than propoganda that helps our country in absolutely no way.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 10:27 PM
So what is the way to help your country?

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 10:44 PM
Where are the sounds of explosives here?

All I hear is the rumble from the collapse. How do you know that most of those claims of explosives were not referring to the collapse?

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
external link

Nice slide show. it is taking thefirefighters out of context, and I think you should see that.

How about this testimony...

We were walking into darkness. As we walked through those revolving doors, that's when we felt the rumble. I felt the rumbling, and then I felt the force coming at me. I was like, what the hell is that? In my mind it was a bomb going off. The pressure got so great, I stepped back behind the columns separating the revolving doors. Then the force just blew past me. It blew past me it seemed for a long time. In my mind I was saying what the hell is this and when is it going to stop? Then it finally stopped, that pressure which I thought was a concussion of an explosion. It turns out it was the down pressure wind of the floors collapsing on top of each other. At that point everything went black, and then the collapse came. It just rained on top of us. Everything came. It rained debris forever.

So it turns out it was the sound and the pressure from the towers falling. he even recnats within his statement. They are all describing the noise of the collaspe, and waht else could you compare it too, a collaspe of that magnitude?

Way to go!!!! You managed to quote someone without identifying who they were. You didn't mention your source. And you used a quote that none of it was used in my video. Pathetic attempt at debunking is an understatement.

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
So what is the way to help your country?

Watch FAUX News and send your children to die in the Middle East for whatever reason the liars make up next?

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 04:24 PM
When someone reports an experience and then says "we were later told" or "it later turned out that" or anything like that, just means that they were positively influenced to think something that never actually occurred to them at that time, at a later instant, that may or may not have been what was actually heard/seen/whatever.

Let's say you're working at the Ford Theater when you hear what sounds like a gunshot, then a confusing swelling of noises, and then a gentlemen, Mr. Booth, comes limping out of a door and down your corridor. And you say, "What was that?" and he says, "Oh, I just fell off a balcony and broke my ankle, snapped very gruesomely" (which actually did happen, regardless of the noise it made), as he makes his way awkwardly out the door to his horse. You would probably think that's what actually happened until someone could come along even after that to explain to you (influence you yet again) how it was a gunshot that you had heard.

The point is, someone could have told these firefighters anything. That doesn't mean what they're saying is true, just because they were also the ones to experience these explosions. It just means they've bought an explanation they were told and went with it. A fireball traveling down 1000+ feet of a sheet-rock shaft to cause a massive lobby explosion does not make sense scientifically. It doesn't matter who said what, it just doesn't make sense.

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by esdad71

I am pointing out simply that these little films are nothing more than propoganda that helps our country in absolutely no way.

why bother saying # like that.

fair enough bring your arguments but don't start with that unpatriotic nonsense

we don't fall for that crap round here

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 07:27 PM
Because it divides the coutnry. ti is not uniting us. it is not making people feel good about the coutry they live is showing that they lie, and it is using quotes that are taken out of context.

if you were in a building, and there was a loud rumble,what would be your first impression? Explosion? OK, I ca buy that.But, what if it was a palne crashing, or a semi overturning, or an earthquake, or a metoer hitting the earth. Do you see waht i mean.? Initial observation and reaction is sometimes proven false after further investigation and examination. This is the case with 9/11. There were plenty of wild snippets that can be found, but all have been proven false. It is a way to divide our country, not unite it.

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 07:56 PM
A perfect example of this is the widely recognized testimony of one Willy Rodriguez. Ya know the guy in the basement when he heard explosions, and witnessed a co-worker with burns.

If he was in the basement..How would he know that one sound was an explosion and another sound was a plane hitting the building.

What? Had he heard the sound of a plane hitting the WTC before? Could he actually see that it was in fact a Jet crashing into the tower? From the basement?

This works both ways-- If people didn't see the planes hit, due to them NOT looking up at that precise time, OR being inside a building, OR their view was obscured..Then what exactly would their testimony be?

You got it -- An EXPLOSION

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
Because it divides the coutnry. ti is not uniting us. it is not making people feel good about the coutry they live is showing that they lie, and it is using quotes that are taken out of context.






posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by GwionX
A perfect example of this is the widely recognized testimony of one Willy Rodriguez. Ya know the guy in the basement when he heard explosions, and witnessed a co-worker with burns.

If he was in the basement..How would he know that one sound was an explosion and another sound was a plane hitting the building.

What? Had he heard the sound of a plane hitting the WTC before? Could he actually see that it was in fact a Jet crashing into the tower? From the basement?

This works both ways-- If people didn't see the planes hit, due to them NOT looking up at that precise time, OR being inside a building, OR their view was obscured..Then what exactly would their testimony be?

You got it -- An EXPLOSION

How can a plane hitting the top of the building burn flesh off the bones of people in the sublevels but miss everyone in between?

This forum is crap. No one here is a 9/11 researcher. None of you seem to know anything or you're just shilling...........

Prove me wrong.

I gave you names and the source.


posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 12:59 PM
It is becauae there are service elevators that went from the basement to the upper levels. Most of the elelvators did not do this, and they have sky lobbies that split the towers. HOwever, many occupants of the elevators were also burnt on the upper floors.

So, do not come into the forum and think that you can attempt to discredit people. Take the time and contact all of the witnesses today, in your video, and see if they say the same thing and state the same description of what happened that day.

I challenge you to come up with a unique idea and tell us why YOU think it is an inside job in your words. I will refrain from any sarcasm on your state of mind and need of medication till after you psot another response terrorcell. ball is in your court sir.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Terrorcell
This forum is crap. No one here is a 9/11 researcher. None of you seem to know anything or you're just shilling...........

The solution is simple:

Guaranteed to make all you pain disappear...

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