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Explosions / Witnesses / Thermite / Watch These

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posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 11:54 AM
Media & Witness Reports of Explosions Within the WTC

2 minutes 30 into the video theres a guy on the phone just down the alley having this footage taken, there 2 massive explosions and the fireman starts cleariing the area warning theres a bomb in the building. The FBI have even said there may have been a vehicle packed with explosives beneath the building.

And watch this on THERMITE. Aluminum powder and iron oxide, which creates ''super heated molten iron that EVAPORATES steel'' They say ''Ground Zero remained at 1,500 degrees F for 6 months afterwards!

And this poor guy being pulled away by FBI from whoever was filming him explaining what happend to him as he was going down into the BASEMENT.

Ok so whats your thoughts?

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 18/3/2007 by Mirthful Me]

[edit on 18-3-2007 by Sekhemet]

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 06:12 PM
First video:
Many people explaining they heard explosions. Some firefighters say there is a bomb in the building. The firefighter could have gotten a report of such a claim and was then relaying it to those around him. Most of the accounts say they heard a loud explosion and then there is the stated claim from the man on the stretcher saying he heard many small pops "pop pop pop pop" and then a boom. Who else corraborated his claim?

These are somethings I ask myself when I see this. I know it must have been a chaotic mess down there with all kinds of assumptions being made as to what is going on. But to look at this and comeback with no other idea of what it was but stick your mind to the idea that it was a bomb, then I guess that's you... but it's not going to be me.

Second video, the issue about thermite producing white smoke. True. But the video at 4:58 is showing white smoke coming from the base of the tower and the collapse is occuring from the impact area. Do you not see the problem with that? There should be white smoke pooring out of the impact areas as well. All I seen from the impact area is orange liquid like substance pooring out of a corner which instantly gets referenced to being no other possible explanation but thermite. Judging so quickly is not a good quality to have.

Also there were things burning on the streets after the impact of the planes. Stuff on fire was ejected out of WTC2 on impact. This flaming stuff could explain the smoke indicated at the base of the towers. I'm not saying that it is definately the source of the smoke but I try not to have blinders on and only look for the answer that I want. I also don't instantly assume that smoke at the base of the towers must equal bombs that went off or thermite. If there was more consistent and reliable evidence of this I would be convinced, but that is not the case. The evidence for these claims is weak by my standards, for others it's damning proof.

Third video, the FBI pulls the guy away. You're right it does seem suspicious, but the man is bleeding from his head maybe they want to get him medical attention? Is that not also a reasonable assumption? If the FBI was conspicuous and put their hand on his mouth to keep him from talking, well then that'd be more concerning.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 06:43 PM

You posted some very interesting stuff. Especially the video on Thermit. The guy at the last clip, it could be the FBI wanted to move the injured out of the area, cause I don't think everyone was 'in on this', there are a lot of good people who work for the FBI and different agencies.

Its more the criminal elements and the black ops that I worry about.

I really liked the vid on Thermite though. It was thought provoking.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 02:00 AM
Hi Talisman
Maybe but i dont know ;-) the FBI have themselves said there may have been a truck load of explosives parked inside the building, and maybe they had to say that because theres already guys like this leaking info about 'basement' mayhem?

Hi DoomX

Many people explaining they heard explosions. Some firefighters say there is a bomb in the building. The firefighter could have gotten a report of such a claim and was then relaying it to those around him. Most of the accounts say they heard a loud explosion and then there is the stated claim from the man on the stretcher saying he heard many small pops "pop pop pop pop" and then a boom. Who else corraborated his claim?

So those 2 huge crystal clear explosions, did YOU hear those? what caused them? The Firefighter MAY have got a report of some sort, yeah, but its more than likely he came to his own conclusion after hearing those 2 explosions, dont you think? Seeing as he is a professional, and also knows full well the plane is way up in the top of the building not behind him round the corner.

The guy on the stretcher had just been in quite a serious trauma. He says he heard 'bop bop bop bop'.. .. doesnt seem too important how many bops, maybe he did hear a few i wasnt there, i heard 2 LOUD bangs tho! noone can mistake that on the vid.

Just because someone else hasnt been heard saying the exact same thing doesnt make it BS yet. lol. There are quite a few people saying they heard explosions, from citizens to fire crew, this is good enough? those we see who say they heard AN explosion do not confuse things because all we have heard is the part of their interview that was aired.

By who ? ABC CNN etc.. oh yeh CNN with the can we trust them fully anyway for our sources of credibility. All the media networks are controlled arent they.

But to look at this and comeback with no other idea of what it was but stick your mind to the idea that it was a bomb, then I guess that's you... but it's not going to be me.

The FBI said maybe bombs. If you dont think bombs were involved, what do you think those TWO explosions were?

the issue about thermite producing white smoke. True. But the video at 4:58 is showing white smoke coming from the base of the tower and the collapse is occuring from the impact area. Do you not see the problem with that? There should be white smoke pooring out of the impact areas as well. All I seen from the impact area is orange liquid like substance pooring out of a corner which instantly gets referenced to being no other possible explanation but thermite. Judging so quickly is not a good quality to have.

I just want to know and i dont, things are clearly suspect, everyones doing their bit and each new day brings new revelations.

All i see is this, steel beams cut at 45 degree angles at the base of the tower, hard molten iron, glowing hot molten iron and theres physicists telling me about thermite now and what it does, showing me the similarities in WTC... and it sure does look like similar sparkly stuff pouring out those holes.

It all adds up to me, doest matter to me what color the smoke was or what method they used, things went KABOOM, and it wasnt no plane in the basement or car backfiring. lol

Seems obvious. The beams were weakend at the base and a truck or whatever / explosives was setup in the basement.

The top half of the building had power downs and service men in prior to 911 (installing stuff no doubt) that had never happend in the history of the WTC. (il find the video)

Theres BOOMS in the ground level and smoke comming up from the floor. All that smoke isnt from stuff flown out the windows surely? Then the collapse. Too coincidental for me.

The planes were probably remote controlled and a 'terrorist scape goat'. A computer could fly those planes into any building accurately.

[edit on 19-3-2007 by Sekhemet]

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 02:06 AM

You're right it does seem suspicious, but the man is bleeding from his head maybe they want to get him medical attention? Is that not also a reasonable assumption?

Reasonable maybe, likely? who knows

If the FBI was conspicuous and put their hand on his mouth to keep him from talking, well then that'd be more concerning

That would be plain stupid also on their part wouldnt it.
Besides, who cares about the FBI part? its what hes talking about thats the issue.

[edit on 19-3-2007 by Sekhemet]

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 08:51 PM
You have your own conclusions, so be it.

One thing you may like to note is the top photo of the steel, cut at an angle has been debunked. It was cut by a torch.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 08:57 PM

One thing you may like to note is the top photo of the steel, cut at an angle has been debunked. It was cut by a torch.

Where? If it was here on ATS, I totally missed it!

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 09:50 PM
Yeah show it to an expert that cuts them. Just ask what made this? You'd be surprised the answer you get.

Not like this will make you change your mind, you will continue to believe what you want to

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 11:39 PM
Ive been all over the place reading and hear lots of things like the beams were cut by fireman but i dont know that? wheres all the reports from firemen saying yeah we cut them? i dont know, and i have no set belief i just want to know like most people, and the more i find out the less i know
anyway im not watching this post now, i know someone other than those being blamed done it, thats all i need to know, not interested in how anymore.

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