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Florida Water Use Restrictions

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posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:39 AM

City inspectors, armed with citation books, will cruise the streets ready to pounce if they find a sprinkler operating illegally. Neighbors will be encouraged to rat each other out for watering on the wrong day. Helicopters will hover above farms and golf courses, taking satellite coordinates of pumps operating in violation of water-shortage orders.

It appears that some neo-Nazi's have finally achieved some power.

During its meeting Thursday, the governing board drew fire from environmentalists for approving a water-use permit that will allow a new golf course to draw 31 million gallons a month for irrigation.

That's nice, make exceptions for the privileged few but the common folk face fines and possible jail time.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:42 AM
Mate, that's all been happening down here in Australia for some time. The police have the right to enter our houses if they suspect we've been in the shower too long, and if houses go over a certain cap of water usage, the water is cut off to a trickle.
And they have been encouraging neighbors to rat on each other for ages as well. We have water police and everything. The whole shebang.

Pfft. Doesn't stop me from taking 1/2 hour showers.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:43 AM
So you would rather tap the reservoirs dry then? Go ahead!


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