posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 04:56 PM
It's hard to figure out and filter through what is exactly happenning, with long research I have discovered what is really going on here in the
It's hard to learn about these things because it's supressed in mainstream media, but it you listen very carefully you will pick up bits and pieces
of information on topices which I feel have been hiding. It's all about your education, what you know, where you get your information, and how you
formulate your own opinions, so in doing that, you have to be well rounded and read a lot or should I say study all the angels and perspectives. The
normal eveyday person has not even heard of Trotsky. Who was he were was he from, what were his ideas? It's important to know these facts and to be
knowledgable about such things because infact, in my view it has now been learned (By myself) that the U.S. govenment has been taken over by these
Neo-Cons, which are infact the "New Conservatives / Neo-Cons" which are not what we think they are.
These people are 'WOLVES IS SHEEPS CLOTHING" THEY ARE RUSSIAN TROTSKYISTS and are in controll of our government, their plans if I'm not mistaking
is to destroy all people in the U.S. who are against them. I have now put it all together, in my view this is most frightening. Some of you may laugh,
and say we knew this for a long time? Well I guess my excuse is I would of never dreamed this could be happening. It Is and it did.
I have a link here explaning what Trotskyist are and what they stand for since this is a new topic which I'm barely informed about, I would
appreciate any comments or other information regarding this topic.
Trotskyist Link :
Another Link explaning what it is.
Link :
Here's another good article.
Link :
Enjoy finding out about this and be happy that you now know
Once you have learned what it is all about, you then can be angry.