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CNN Broadcast Cheap 2-D Animation

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posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 01:05 PM
Why and how would any one fake this? Do you know how long it takes to create 2-d animation? How could they do it in one day? Why would they do it in one day? What would be the point? You do know that there were more then just one or two witnesses to the event in question? Really I want you to tell exactly why someone would go through the effort of faking this video.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by AwakeAndAllSeeing

But for the bodies. That's not a hard thing to pull off. Pointless? Yes, hard to do? No. Doesn't matter where you kill someone if you got a cover story.

That of course requires one to believe that folks who up until that point had been ordinary citizens, albeit a governor, former SECDEF, etc.. in a 8 month period decided- hey lets fly some planes into the WTC and Pentagon, but first take the passengers off(but make sure to have them fake phone calls to their families, and messages to the ATC), and execute them, put demo charges in the WTC(as the planes crashing into the building is just a diversion)create a phony terrorist group to blame, so they could start 2 wars, have approval ratings in the 20-30% rating, have the deaths of thousands of their countrymen on their consciences, etc..
Not to mention have a lot of military, and civilians in on the cover up.

That to me is just a little bit implausible. There's just too many loose ends, that stock dividends in oil companies won't explain.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 02:17 PM
Im sorry, I guess I am missing something. Is the OP saying that NO planes crashed into the towers and it was all done in CGI?
That kinda reminds me of the "hologram" theory that i read about some time ago.. All this does is give the Govt more of a reason to lable us as "nuts" lmao
In other words, it just hurts our cause.. I have no doubt that planes hit the towers, now the pentagon is another story but the towers, it was planes..

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:32 PM
Video is fine.

If the zoom on the camera, or the focus had changed then you would have a case, but theres nothing wrong with the footage from a technical point of view.

What bothers me more is that a seasoned camera operator for CNN can't get a decent framed shot when something like that happens. From a professional point of view, He/She had plently of time to react to the situation and get the shot..... which i find a little strange.

The actual footage is fine, take it from someone that works with broadcast camera equipment on a daily basis.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 05:31 PM
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that film clip. It is perfectly legitimate and comparing it to a cartoon is ludicrous.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 05:51 PM
This thread is a perfect example of something out of nothing, just to cause a riot.

The camera was PANNED, not MOVED. I suggest you find out the difference and the effect on the placement on things in the shot.

Don't assume the tree is close BTW just because it appears large; there is a phenomena with photographs and video called FLATTENED PERSPECTIVE and STRETCHED PERSPECTIVE. I suggest you go do a little research on the subject so you can critique with a little more knowledge than you have presently.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by mirageofdeceit
This thread is a perfect example of something out of nothing, just to cause a riot.

The camera was PANNED, not MOVED. I suggest you find out the difference and the effect on the placement on things in the shot.

Don't assume the tree is close BTW just because it appears large; there is a phenomena with photographs and video called FLATTENED PERSPECTIVE and STRETCHED PERSPECTIVE. I suggest you go do a little research on the subject so you can critique with a little more knowledge than you have presently.

Yayyy! Even the Miragester! I think CB is Nico Haupt or a dedicated disciple of same. Mr. Holograms, no planes. We are all plane huggers for not acknowledging the "truth." We should be ashamed.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by mirageofdeceit
This thread is a perfect example of something out of nothing, just to cause a riot.

The camera was PANNED, not MOVED. I suggest you find out the difference and the effect on the placement on things in the shot.

Don't assume the tree is close BTW just because it appears large; there is a phenomena with photographs and video called FLATTENED PERSPECTIVE and STRETCHED PERSPECTIVE. I suggest you go do a little research on the subject so you can critique with a little more knowledge than you have presently.

Those trees where right next to the Whitehall Building, which is about 1/2 mile (I think) from Ground Zero. Analysis was already performed on this:

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 07:57 PM
Or was that Holmgren who's obsessed with cartoons? Haupt, Holmgren, I always get them mixed up. and Hufschmid and Honegger too. Honegger I remember becuase she's a lady, but Holmgren's got prettier hair than her. Hufschmid's got no hair, and I don't know what Haupt's hair looks like. You can see how confused I am by all this. and I still didn't even play the video.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 08:22 PM
I think this video is more disturbing:

Check the explosion how smooth and nice...

But the smoke oh God forgot to update a few frames while the explosion goes on...

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 09:53 AM
i think this guy is a hoaxer

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by piacenza
I think this video is more disturbing:

Check the explosion how smooth and nice...

But the smoke oh God forgot to update a few frames while the explosion goes on...

This is just plain stupid. Again why would someone bother faking a video of something filmed by hundreds if not thousands of cameras?
I could not find any thing wrong with the video you posted. But just for giggles are you insinuating that the entire 9/11 attacks were faked? And that somehow someone convinced the population of New York to go along with the lie? Really you’ve gone to far.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Mr Mxyztplk

Originally posted by piacenza
I think this video is more disturbing:

Check the explosion how smooth and nice...

But the smoke oh God forgot to update a few frames while the explosion goes on...

This is just plain stupid. Again why would someone bother faking a video of something filmed by hundreds if not thousands of cameras?
I could not find any thing wrong with the video you posted. But just for giggles are you insinuating that the entire 9/11 attacks were faked? And that somehow someone convinced the population of New York to go along with the lie? Really you’ve gone to far.

Everything the government/media reported about 9/11 was a lie, from beginning to end.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 01:58 AM
Exactly! It was not even Tuesday! It was Wednesday afternoon! Don't you sheep remember? Wake up from the Matrix thing! Brainwash ... media ... thing!

Originally posted by Mr Mxyztplk
Why and how would any one fake this? Do you know how long it takes to create 2-d animation? How could they do it in one day? Why would they do it in one day? What would be the point? You do know that there were more then just one or two witnesses to the event in question? Really I want you to tell exactly why someone would go through the effort of faking this video.

You're missing the point! most of the footage we've seen was live dummy. They did this in real time, which you would understand if youve studied hypnosis and ummm... mind control... and WAKE UP SHEEP!! LIES in big letters LIES! sheep

[edit on 18-3-2007 by Caustic Logic]

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 01:51 AM
If you did not notice I was pointing out that very problem with there theory, although I suspect that you did and they did not.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by 2ciewan
Video is fine.

If the zoom on the camera, or the focus had changed then you would have a case, but theres nothing wrong with the footage from a technical point of view.

What bothers me more is that a seasoned camera operator for CNN can't get a decent framed shot when something like that happens. From a professional point of view, He/She had plently of time to react to the situation and get the shot..... which i find a little strange.

The actual footage is fine, take it from someone that works with broadcast camera equipment on a daily basis.

Actually, if I remember correctly from that day, this was footage that was shot by a "regular" person down on the street and CNN broadcast it.

What bothers me is that no one seems to understand anything about perspective, and is using a CARTOON as part of their evidence.

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