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Where are the dinosaurs???????

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posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
saint, don't give this a way above for logic, it lacks that

if the bible was written in australia, that would make sense. now, there have been fossils found in the middle east. according to the biblical timeframe, dinosaurs coexisted with humans. therefore, the middle east had dinosaurs and humans at the same time. people would have seen them and written about them. maruspials never existed in the area. jellyfish, i'm not sure about.
but things as massive as dinosaurs would make it in, especially if UNICORNS get in to the book

saint, do unicorns exist?

Pardon, but isn't the Bible about mankind's relationship with God? There wasn't ANY academic taxonomy books until a french scientist decided to make it so in the 1700's, Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778). What religious text requires animal nomenclature and identification of species?

I'm not familiar with any unicorns in neither science nor the Bible. But, I suspect you already know that. Go ahead with your tangent, no need to ask self-answering questions.

By the way, if you think all marsupials live in Australia, you've got a very limited scope of biology. Most of the time you find them lying in the streets of North America because they're not the fastest of critters compared to cars. At night, they're in the woods foraging or hanging-upside down.

For those into this kind of Bible trivia, you may be interested to know that our domesticated feline friends are not mentioned there either. Surely cats do not exist...

[edit on 17-3-2007 by saint4God]

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:04 PM
well, i used australia because it is more well known, and that still doesn't have any bearing on marsupials in the mid-east.

but i'm just arguing against the yec viewpoint here, not the other ones

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
behemoth is not a dinosaur, a dinosaur he's not...

... has anyone here even seen a cedar tree? they don't look like tails of dinosaurs one bit

Yes, I have seen a cedar tree and they could be comparable to the tail of a dinosaur. Especially, the best contender for the behemoth, the brontosaurus. Here's a comparison that I photoshopped for ya.

Personally, I believe that the best match for the Behemoth is the Brontosaurus or Sauropod. They are the only two animals that match the description.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 08:01 PM
Furthermore, here's an old post of mine that clarifies my point:

Let's take an objective look at exactly what Job 40 actually says.
Beginning with Job 40:15 :

"Look now at the behemoth, which I made along with you; He eats grass like an ox."
- Ok, so he eats grass. It could be any herbivorous grazer.

Job 40:16 :
"See now, his strength is in his hips, And his power is in his stomach muscles."
- So this grazing herbivore must be quite large in order to fit the profile of strong hips and powerful stomach muscles, it could be any type of cattle, excluding small ones like sheep and such.

Job 40:17 :
"He moves his tale like a cedar; The sinews of this thighs are tightly knit."
- Well, his tail is like a cedar tree which he moves very slowly. This rules out large herbivores such as hippos, elephants, horses, cattle, and a variety of other animals with small tails.

Job 40:19 :
"He is the first of the ways of God; Only He who made him can bring near His sword."
- So this mysterious, large, herbivorous, thick tailed creature was an early creation of God. Also, he must be mighty large and strong if the only entity that can tame it is God.

Job 40:21 :
"He lies under the lotus trees, In a covert of reeds and marsh."
- So now the habitat of this mystery creature is revealed. Lotus trees, reeds, marshes... Sounds like it would need to be very warm, humid, and damp to support this type of habitat.

Job 40:23 :
"Indeed the river may rage, Yet he is not disturbed..."
- And the final piece of this puzzle is that this creature dwells in or around a river.

After this objective look at the text of Job, I finally have a conclusion. The mysterious creature described is very large, it is an herbivore and a grazer, its tail is like a cedar tree, it is very powerful and claims that it can only be tamed by God, it is one of God’s early creations, and its habitat is in or around a river large enough to support him. This leaves me with the only two candidates on Earth that fit this description...

TADA! The Sauropod and Brontosaurus!

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 09:52 PM
wait are dinosaurs reptiles if they are maybe then reptiles are dinosaurs like lizards

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 10:01 PM
Well according to the bible humans were created some 10k years ago... so humans would have never even have seen dinosaurs, considering they went extinct tens of millions of years ago. The only dinosaurs they would have seen would be the reptile humanoids that went underground and evolved into an intelligent species after the asteriod hit, and i say this in possible jest.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 10:41 PM
"This leaves me with the only two candidates on Earth that fit this description... "

I think you should probably find out what a lotus tree actualy is before trying ro explain anyhing that rascal Job has to say.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by Starvald
"This leaves me with the only two candidates on Earth that fit this description... "

I think you should probably find out what a lotus tree actualy is before trying ro explain anyhing that rascal Job has to say.

And I think you should explain to me what is wrong with my theory before making some vague excuse to disclaim it. But, I'm still not exactly sure if the Behemoth is a sauropod. I mean, its definitely plausible but then again it could be in the same category of the Leviathan and the Ziz.

The behemoth, leviathan, and the ziz are the dominant guardians of land, sea, and air respectively. So the behemoth may be a special, solitary beast created by God, instead of an entire race of them like the sauropods. I'll have to do some further studying to reach any definitive conclusion.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by Certifyquality
Where are the dinosaurs???????

In your gas tank.

They aren't in the bible because the men who wrote the bible came looooong after the dinosaurs were destroyed. They didn't go digging for them and the biblical writers weren't exactly master scientists. The bible wasn't intended to be a historical document about human history, but rather a historical document about God and mankind interacting, etc.

Originally posted by hikix
Well according to the bible humans were created some 10k years ago...

I thought it was more like 7K.

[edit on 3/18/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 08:40 PM
If Darwin's theory of evolution is correct, then Earth was created some 4 billion years ago, and man evolved from bacteria.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by hikix
Well according to the bible humans were created some 10k years ago...

What chapter was that? I always find it interesting having read it a few times to miss these important details.

Originally posted by hikix
The only dinosaurs they would have seen would be the reptile humanoids that went underground and evolved into an intelligent species after the asteriod hit, and i say this in possible jest.

Uh...yeah. I'm glad you say this in jest

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Certifyquality
Where are the dinosaurs???????

Originally posted by FlyersFan
In your gas tank.

I laughed so hard I almost cried.

[edit on 18-3-2007 by saint4God]

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by The_Coo
If Darwin's theory of evolution is correct, then Earth was created some 4 billion years ago, and man evolved from bacteria.

really?!?!? I didn't know that, thanks for the heads up.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by TheB1ueSoldier

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
behemoth is not a dinosaur, a dinosaur he's not...

... has anyone here even seen a cedar tree? they don't look like tails of dinosaurs one bit

Yes, I have seen a cedar tree and they could be comparable to the tail of a dinosaur. Especially, the best contender for the behemoth, the brontosaurus. Here's a comparison that I photoshopped for ya.

Personally, I believe that the best match for the Behemoth is the Brontosaurus or Sauropod. They are the only two animals that match the description.

SWAYS LIKE a cedar tree. the trunk of a cedar tree doesn't SWAY, it stays still, the top sways.

now, if it said: his tail is like a cedar tree.
that would be different.

behemoth could be an elephant, its tail does sway like the top of a cedar tree (well, inverted)

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I thought it was more like 7K.

well, it all depends by which calculation you go by. i've heard anywhere from 6k to 15k

[edit on 3/18/07 by madnessinmysoul]

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by The_Coo
If Darwin's theory of evolution is correct, then Earth was created some 4 billion years ago, and man evolved from bacteria.

I dont think darwin said the earth was 4 billion years old, geology of the earth is looked at by umm...geologists. Darwins theories are only that, but very plausible, natural selection was the main theory. ie adaptations phyically and behaviours which helped flora and fauna survive and reproduce led to a process of evolution, it did not happen over 10k but does continue to happen.

and man evolved from bacteria.........everything living evolved from single celled organisms similar to bacteria. The fact of the matter is bacteria are the single most successful design for life....not the most intelligent, they don't have a nine to five or use msn messenger, but why would they ever need to?

[edit on 18-3-2007 by mcktj]

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
SWAYS LIKE a cedar tree. the trunk of a cedar tree doesn't SWAY, it stays still, the top sways.

Wow, aren't we the master of semantics. Not only is English semantics difficult to be meticulous about, but I'm sure Hebrew semantics is even more challenging. Right madness?

I'm sure cedar trees don't start out young and sway either, right?

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 09:31 PM
I think I would like to chime in on this one.
As a student of theology and of natural sciences, I would like to offer an opinion. For starters here is the main question, taken from the movie, Inherit the Wind. How long is a day to God? In the bible it states that God created the world and everything on it and in it in 6 days time frame and took the 7th day off. So it is feasible that by the time Adam was created, the age of the dinosaurs was over fully.
The ancient Greeks, well they did find the bones of prehistoric animals, but did not recognize them as something from a prior age, but instead looked at them as part of their mythos, the cylops, the dragon, roc and other mythical creatures. Evolution came along much later during the later part of the age of Reason. But it is safe to say 99% of the dinos are gone, died, as the current climate will not support them. Sides who is to say that it was not an experiment of Gods during that 6 day time frame to determine what would work and what would not work as far as ecological systems.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 09:52 PM
If God wanted us to have the whole of exsistance in a book edited by religious politics, debated by morons and passed into cyberspace as BS...then God would have done everything the way it is.

Fact of the matter is everyone will try to make the evidence fit their own beliefs/agenda.

What i enjoy the most about these types of discussions is the fact that humans in the past, are never accredited with any intelligence. What everyone also needs to remember is that the spoken word came before the written word, stories that where handed down through generations may have been recorded when the bible was written, but the time span of the actual events maybe much longer. The creatures of the bible may have exsisted, and to promote than ALMIGHTLY GOD to the non believers,well why would you not tell people of the mighty beasts that God controls.

religion is an organisation of like-minded-individuals, they are in contension with what they believe because god did give them intelligence, so when things dont add up for course they are going to turn to the rest of the world and say"no your wrong cause God told a guy 2000+, but no more than 10,000 yrs ago that thats the way it is"

if anyone would like to answer these questions i have please feels free.

Q: Why do "these" people have such a narrow view of exsistance when they are happy to believe in an eternal after life?

Q: When does a book become more important than the communication between people, are we not children of God, can God not work though us now? Is what was said in the past more important than what is being said now?

Q: If i asked you yesterday what will happen tomorrow would it matter?

By the way just to talk about dinosaurs.

They are not lizards - dinosaur means terrible lizard - coined when they where first discovered, they do not walk like lizards as their legs are directly below their bodies, lizards have a sprawaled stance.

They where warm blooded recent disection of bone samples showed signs of large blood vessels - that of a warm blooded animal.

dinosaurs did not go extinct we eat them all the time in the form of birds... and most importantly non of this is in contension with the bible if the world according to the bible started 10k ago then there is a prehistory and god started over, obviously! (joke with a get out clause for bible believers).

PS this following statement is a personal view

If the bible was written today it would be called the "Idots guide to everything: and how to look it up on the internet"

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by sdcigarpig
So it is feasible that by the time Adam was created, the age of the dinosaurs was over fully.

How you figure? Why would the LORD create em and several hours later kill em? These are 24 hour days. True a day to GOD is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day. Earth however and everything crawling on it is bound by the laws set in place when it was formed.

Stick a house plant in a closet for a couple weeks and see what happens to it. From the third to the fourth day, they would have had a thousand years in the dark to wait for the sun and moon to be created for them, to give them day and night. They'd have been dead.

Light and darkness had been separated beforehand but there were no lights anywhere.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by WiseSheep

Originally posted by sdcigarpig
So it is feasible that by the time Adam was created, the age of the dinosaurs was over fully.

How you figure? Why would the LORD create em and several hours later kill em? These are 24 hour days. True a day to GOD is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day. Earth however and everything crawling on it is bound by the laws set in place when it was formed.

Stick a house plant in a closet for a couple weeks and see what happens to it. From the third to the fourth day, they would have had a thousand years in the dark to wait for the sun and moon to be created for them, to give them day and night. They'd have been dead.

Light and darkness had been separated beforehand but there were no lights anywhere.

I have to say that there is a deep problem with the logic you are using, you are asking for us to explain why an Omnipotent being< even maybe exsistance itself would do something? You are trying to tie the "laws" of your reality, the one givien to you by God, to the reality of an all powerful god? how is a day on pluto? heres a clue its not 24 hours, how do you know what a day is to a being out of your level of comprehension?

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