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Dragons--always bad?

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posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 01:37 PM
This is a new area for me, so please bear with me.

Only recently have my researches led me into areas of reptilian/draconian invasion/takeover plots, etc. Now I'm a bit worried: I myself have always liked dragons, a la Pernese variety, felt they were misunderstood and have seen them as a symbol of our own inner power that has been maligned and can be reclaimed. Perhaps this, too, was some form of mind-twist, but that's how I've felt . . . and now I have a 9-yr-old son who has been interested, as many children today are, in dinosaurs since he was one, and later took a fancy to the dragons I've always had a fondness for as well.

Is this a bad thing? Are we being manipulated in some way? Have we been mind-controlled, or are we being subtly urged in that direction so as to see the Draconians in a more favorable light?

This will come as a crushing blow to my son if it's true, as he is very interested in dragonlore. He is an excellent artist and draws dragons (among other things) and sometimes writes stories about them. I myself have a completed dragon novel awaiting edit and possible publication. Yet I should add here that I am a champion for peace, believing that war is not the answer and violence breeds violence, and I am raising my son with these spiritual principles. His school also promotes peace and is focused on the whole child (holistic approach), which reinforces what I am trying to teach him.

All of this is quite confusing, as the more one digs into these mysteries the more convoluted everything becomes. Just when I think I've come upon a reasonable alternative explanation or view, further research reveals someone else saying that the first view is in reality a "fake" espoused by the very ones who started the original false story in the first place....!


posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 02:48 PM
You might have thought I would post here, it's in the name...

That is a fine point. I'd love to read your book. You sound like a very knowledgable man.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 03:06 PM
Ah, well, thank you.

Except that I'm a wo-man.

p.s. "Coincidentally" (!), the dragon novel I wrote three years ago that I mentioned above takes place on an alternative Earth after Earth was destroyed by humankind's self-destruction. Only those able to travel inter-dimensionally were saved...unfortunately, not all had the highest intentions and thus the "evil" everyone hoped to leave behind followed...which did *not* include the dragon. She used to be a beautiful woman, until a sorcerer cursed her when she refused him....

[edit on 15-3-2007 by Pararesearchwriter]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 03:57 PM
Teh embarassing...anyways kudos to your novel.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 04:00 PM
Hehe, s'ok Zac---actually, it might be considered a compliment.

At least you didn't think I was some kind of airheaded girly-girl who was filing her nails the day they gave out brains.

Now, to finally get around to editing that novel.....

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 04:30 PM
Personally I went to see Eragon before even thinking about the books, and now since the movie came out so bad I can't be arsed to read it

On topic, I'm not sure what it is you're asking?
Are you saying that the positive tales of dragons were made by those who wield their power in order to subdue us in the future?

My own beliefs regarding dragons stem from the asiatic myths, that different dragons was important to man for different reasons, one for earth, one for water and so on. That they were helpful and kind to man...
I prefer to keep that point of view regardless ^^^

When is the book due? And can you disclose a title yet?

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 07:06 PM
I'd be interested to hear more about your book. Could you U2U me with some details?

As for dragons...

I believe they are animals. And as such they cannot be good or bad. Animals are natural, they behave as they wish to behave. They aren't motivated by greed or jealousy or any of the things that make us such turds.

Would you call a starving lion that kills a child evil? No. A horrible experience, but not an evil one. Its the lion's nature to hunt meat, and it was only fulfilling that nature.

If dragons are animals they do not behave in an evil way or a good way. They behave according to their natures and according to their environments. If they lived near people who thought it was a god and cared for it and fed it, any of that dragons children would happily walk with people and accept food.
If a dragon lived where it was hunted, its children would be raised to avoid humans or failing that to kill them.

If, however, they are sentient its a different story. Like us I believe there would be good dragons and bad dragons. Saying they are 'all bad' is like saying all humans are bad.


posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 09:53 PM

He is an excellent artist and draws dragons (among other things) and sometimes writes stories about them.

Interesting that you say that, I know a girl who can draw awesome dragons, but that is all she can draw. She has said that it just came to her about 6 years ago, like something just clicked in her mind to love and draw dragons. She believes they are good, and divine. It's quite interesting that most who believe in dragons are similar in being artistic and believing they are good.

I agree with JackofBlades, they are natural animals, and act like any other, assuming they exist.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 12:42 AM
I don't think dragons are real, actually, I mean, were would they be living?

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by MAD Hatt3r
I don't think dragons are real, actually, I mean, were would they be living?

You should have just stopped at the first half of that sentence.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by flice
On topic, I'm not sure what it is you're asking?
Are you saying that the positive tales of dragons were made by those who wield their power in order to subdue us in the future?

No, Flice, I'm just wondering if there's any connection between these so-called Reptilians/Draconians that are set to take over the world and the "good" dragons such as those portrayed in the Pern books, etc.

Okay, even that sounds unclear---I do NOT mean that Anne McCaffrey or others who've written about "good" dragons (i.e., working in concert with humans rather than flaming them to death, etc.) are intentionally or even unintentionally trying to promote the Reptilians/Draconians, help their cause, etc. My question relates more to the question of whether or not it's "bad" to like dragons, dragonlore, etc., in case it might be a subtle way the R/Ds are trying to influence us. In other words, if they can get us to like or welcome dragons through books like Eragon and whatnot, making us think "dragons are our friends" when really the R/Ds are behind it all, ready to pounce, then we're unknowingly readying ourselves for takeover/manipulation.

Not sure if this is clear even still...if not, let me know.

(BTW, IF any of the "good dragon" stories were R/D influenced, I would think it would be unconscious on the part of the authors. JUST A GUESS.)

My own beliefs regarding dragons stem from the asiatic myths, that different dragons was important to man for different reasons, one for earth, one for water and so on. That they were helpful and kind to man...
I prefer to keep that point of view regardless ^^^

Yes, my point exactly! I see dragons in a positive light, as representing our innate power that can be wielded for good or ill.

But maybe that helps clarify my original question: the symbols used throughout history are said, by some, to be symbols of evil or control rather than what we think them to be---like the dragon. Dragons are said to be related to reptiles (snakes), which are being claimed as manipulative creatures using human beings for their own uses. So if we have a fondness for dragons, which are related to snakes/the serpent in the Garden of Eden, etc., then we are, in effect, "siding with the Devil."

Note that I am looking at the mythological side of things here; no religious statements should be inferred.

Somewhat like someone who wears swastikas might be considered a Nazi supporter....

Which brings up another point: what of all the recent fashions bearing skulls and bones? Hmmm......

When is the book due? And can you disclose a title yet?

Goodness! Who'da thunk a small mention would generate so much interest?

Actually, I still have to go back and edit the book, as---well, it's a bit of a long story, but basically it's still in first draft form. I've been working on other projects so I haven't gotten back to it, mainly because I would not dare call myself a sci-fi writer and, not knowing the sci-fi conventions that I'm well aware avid sci-fi readers demand, I'm a little feared of being inviscerated.

Tempting to get into the how-it-all-came-about, but as it's not relevant here, if anyone wants to know more u2u me and I'll be happy to share.

btw, the title is "Dralàcri (Tears of the Dragon)"

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by JackofBlades
I'd be interested to hear more about your book. Could you U2U me with some details?

Sure---but not too many, of course.

If dragons are animals they do not behave in an evil way or a good way. They behave according to their natures and according to their environments. If they lived near people who thought it was a god and cared for it and fed it, any of that dragons children would happily walk with people and accept food.
If a dragon lived where it was hunted, its children would be raised to avoid humans or failing that to kill them.

If, however, they are sentient its a different story. Like us I believe there would be good dragons and bad dragons. Saying they are 'all bad' is like saying all humans are bad.

I agree. Of course, there is much debate as to whether dragons ever really existed (not counting Komodo dragons), but my question relates more to the symbolism of dragons and whether they're related to these so-called Draconians/Reptilians that are said to be posed for world takeover. (See my comments to Flice about swastikas.)

Who knew this could prove such a convoluted question?

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by MAD Hatt3r
I don't think dragons are real, actually, I mean, were would they be living?

In another dimension, perhaps?

And in truth, the issue raised by my question could go either way; i.e., you can view dragons as real creatures or purely symbolic.


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