posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:01 AM
Most of us are convinced that 911 was an inside job, the evidence is just to over whelming to ignore. But Let’s face it, government officials
aren’t stupid. they are well aware that skyscrapers don’t just collapse due to fire. There was probably a thousand ways to bring down the wtc 1 ,2
and 7 without the use of a commercial airliners- And it would have achieved the same level of fear. instead they chose to go with the hijacking
Scenario, which has government finger prints all over it.
we are left to conclude that the government doesn’t’t care if the truth is leaked. Or there is a greater conspiracy into play which 911 is used as
a decoy , created to mislead us).
My question is, could 911 conspiracies be just another conspiracy by itself. Created by the government to mislead us from the master plan/conspiracy
think about it