posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 07:41 AM
I dont think the discussion of UFO's is a taboo subject these days. Sure back in the 70's and early 80's it certaintly was. But not so much now. I
openly discuss my thoughts on the subject. the trick is not to be overtly passionate about it casue then people really will beleive that there is
somethiong wrong with you!. I usually kick off the subject by discussing Roswell and move on from there. I also add that there is a lot of bull out
there regarding UFO's and that yes there are those out there who are out to make a fast buck, attention seeking, delusional or just plain insane and
need locking up. However i also argue that there is a very good solid case for the existance of UFO's. By taking this tack people will be more
receptive and not instantly roll up their eyes in despair !!!.
Besides i think that the release of many sci fi blockbusters such as War of The Worlds, Independence Day, Ailen, Star Trek , Star Wars, Close
Encounters etc has helped people to open up alot more. Persoanlly i suspect this is a deliberate policy of conditioning people for the realities of
what is happening above us ! Timothy Good in his book Alien Lisaon alluded to a project called Cosmic Journey, in which he makes this very point and
goes further by saying we very nearly did have disclosure but was canclled at the last moment.
My final thought on the subject...i was on holiday to London and i ran into an anti nuclear protest. However they were going about it in the
wrong way by lying down in the road and generally behaving like pillocks. Simmilar tactics could be used by the UFO community. But surely a far better
way is to go on to tv shows, get involved in politics both regionally and nationally and "come out of the closet" so to speak. The Gay Community has
a Comming Out thing. Perhaps the UFO Community should too !!!