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Why a Face on Mars

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posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 10:05 PM

i know this has been brought up many times discussing the actual pictures

but why on earth would they make a big face!?

just curiosity tbh im just wondering why an alien civilisation would build a giant head
and again why if everything else has been destroyed why that would still exist

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 10:57 PM
I think it justs looks like a face. We as humans identify with a face more than anything else in our lifes. When we were born we saw our mothers face and then on and on we meet faces. I see faces in the clouds all the time. I see the face or " man in the moon" I wonder what our earth would look like without water on the surface and looking at it from mars. I bet there would be something that would look like a face on this earth. When viewing the face on mars close up, it doesn't even look like a face anymore. Just my opinion.

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by popek

i know this has been brought up many times discussing the actual pictures

but why on earth would they make a big face!?

just curiosity tbh im just wondering why an alien civilisation would build a giant head
and again why if everything else has been destroyed why that would still exist

I don't believe there is a face on Mars, but in general I think the "why" questions have to wait until we have some handle on "what" and "how."

Trying to understand motivations is a very slippery business, even just for humans in another culture, or even another subculture. Hell, all this time, and I stilll don't get rap!


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