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Newly Unearthed Footage Exposes 9/11 Media Scripting

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posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 05:29 PM

(PrisonPlanet)-Yet more archive news footage unearthed from broadcasts on 9/11 offers further evidence that the media were being fed a script in which a cover story was quickly groomed to offset questions about the highly suspicious collapse of the twin towers.

Yet more archive news footage unearthed from broadcasts on 9/11 offers further evidence that the media were being fed a script in which a cover story was quickly groomed to offset questions about the highly suspicious collapse of the twin towers.

Two weeks ago we highlighted BBC World footage from September 11 in which a correspondent reports the collapse of Building 7 as it remains standing in the live shot behind her head. New footage unearthed from Britain's Channel 5 news coverage provokes more questions about 9/11 scripting in a similar vein.

The suspicious rapidity of the instant press release aside, why did the World Trade Center's website carry such a blatantly fallacious explanation for the collapse of the first tower? Even the layman knows that any modern building is anchored by core columns, not "outside cladding," and the twin towers were no different. To rest a building's integrity on its "outside cladding" is a reversal of all commonly accepted architectural knowledge. Why was the World Trade Center website peddling this nonsense in contradiction with the words of the twin tower's own designers?

Why were senior State Department officials telling the media that there had been a bombing without even conducting a basic appraisal of the building's perimeter? Can this all be put down to "confusion" or were some elements of the 9/11 script changed according to how events were unfolding on the day?

Full story and videos here

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 05:33 PM

The suspicious rapidity of the instant press release aside, why did the World Trade Center's website carry such a blatantly fallacious explanation for the collapse of the first tower? Even the layman knows that any modern building is anchored by core columns, not "outside cladding," and the twin towers were no different. To rest a building's integrity on its "outside cladding" is a reversal of all commonly accepted architectural knowledge. Why was the World Trade Center website peddling this nonsense in contradiction with the words of the twin tower's own designers?

This is wrong..the WTC towers did use the outside structre as the main "anchor" and load bearer...that's a well known fact that prison planet is trying to make look unbelievable. Aparently they decided not to do any research.

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 05:35 PM
You have been registered here for over a year, right?

You amassed a nice sum of points, from posting quality work I assume, right?

Than why on gods green earth would you post ANYTHING from that dirty rag wannabe prison planet?

I think you would be better served to quote something form the national enquirer.

Just my MidWest take on the situation!


[edit on 12-3-2007 by Midwest Agenda]

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Midwest Agenda
You have been registered here for over a year, right?

You amassed a nice sum of points, from posting quality work I assume, right?

Than why on gods green earth would you post ANYTHING from that dirty rag wannabe prison planet?

I think you would be better served to quote something form the national enquirer.

Just my MidWest take on the situation!


[edit on 12-3-2007 by Midwest Agenda]

Hey i just report,you get to decide.
Stop trying to shoot the messenger.
Thank you.

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox
Hey i just report,you get to decide.
Stop trying to shoot the messenger.
Thank you.

You are right. From this point forward I will no longer shoot messengers, no matter how much I want to. I will send my dog after them, I will sue them for trespassing, I will throw 3 day old bagels at them and yell PULL, but I will no longer shoot another.

This should save on my legal bills!

Now...where did I put last weeks enquirer?

Just my MidWest take on the situation!


posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by sensfan
This is wrong..the WTC towers did use the outside structre as the main "anchor" and load bearer...that's a well known fact that prison planet is trying to make look unbelievable. Aparently they decided not to do any research.

What? The central core was the main anchor, taking most of the the vertical load. The outside columns, which only started above the seventh floor, took the lateral loads, and some of the vertical.

The outside columns were certainly not the main anchor for the towers.

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 06:59 PM
Even all official reports state that the core was the main gravity load-bearing structure of both towers, and WTC7's core structure was similarly its main load-bearing structure.

There wasn't as much "open" space on each floor as a lot of people think, either.

Btw, the core columns are all the box columns you see sticking up in the air, some already with lateral bracing attached. The structures in the corners of the core are related to the construction. There were 47 core columns in each tower, including the most massive columns used in the buildings.

[edit on 12-3-2007 by bsbray11]

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 09:03 PM
I love the part in the vid where they say, "A high ranking US law enforcement official has confirmed to the AP that car bombs have gone off in front of the state department and in numerous shopping centers around the country."


Heres another vid from ABC

Google Video Link

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by sensfan

The suspicious rapidity of the instant press release aside, why did the World Trade Center's website carry such a blatantly fallacious explanation for the collapse of the first tower? Even the layman knows that any modern building is anchored by core columns, not "outside cladding," and the twin towers were no different. To rest a building's integrity on its "outside cladding" is a reversal of all commonly accepted architectural knowledge. Why was the World Trade Center website peddling this nonsense in contradiction with the words of the twin tower's own designers?

This is wrong..the WTC towers did use the outside structre as the main "anchor" and load bearer...that's a well known fact that prison planet is trying to make look unbelievable. Aparently they decided not to do any research.

Another person who doesn't have his facts straight.


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