posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 11:32 AM
yep TV detector van,
or we used to use similar vans to triangulate signals from cellphones to within 40 metres when i worked in Mobile Fraud.
An example of one would be: someone sets up a fraudualant company, takes out x ammount of company mobiles / cellphones.. At the same time they setup a
premium rate mobile service i.e a chatline or similar.
They then get the mobiles / cellphones to auto redial the premium number constantly.. Believe me ive seen some excellent home made devices which press
the talk button, speed dial, then hang up the cellphone, and keep looping it..
We catch on to this usually withing 24hrs of the first bank of calls, we then get the update on the cellsite the calls are coming from, then its out
on the Van to catch them..
We could cut them off instantly, but youve then got a debt with no claimant due to the fraud setup initially.. Catching them is a lot more fun