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Alien Bigfoot?

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posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 08:42 PM
I was wondering if one of the Bigfoot 'buffs' on here could help me with a question. A while back my friend had been reading a book on cryptozoology and in it, it had various types of bigfoot in it and one type scared the **** out of me. She said that they had been seen through 1st floor windows, just staring at people with large eyes. I'd never heard of this before, and I can't seem to find anything on google about it so if anyone on here can give me any info on how true this is that would be great

It sounded to me kind of like the mothman? But she didn't give me any info about where they had been spotted.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 02:50 PM
OK, how this has anything to do with an alien, I'll never know, FudgeStix.
But I believe that Bigfoot is just a big hoax, to tell you the truth. But I am beggining to believe that there is something like that out there.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Dragonoligist Zac
OK, how this has anything to do with an alien, I'll never know, FudgeStix.

Sorry, I should have explained that in my post some more. She said that in the story it had "big eyes like greys". I'd never heard of this kind of bigfoot, all the stories/pictures i'd seen and heard all described just a large ape man - nothing weird about the eyes.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 07:18 PM
are you talking about things like this?

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 07:29 PM
I've read accounts of people seeing bigfoots and aliens.

One such account was from two friends who found a small, silver object on the floor which was making a low hum. They were about to pick it up, but then thought better of it.
As they stepped back to look at it again, two human-looking blonde aliens that were quite short appeared behind them and one said "Its good that you didn't touch that."
After he said that a Bigfoot came out of some trees and examined the box, seemingly unaware there was anyone nearby, before dropping backwards. The aliens turned and smiled at the people, then pointed to their spaceship... at which point the people ran off.

Another had a group of people camping when they saw a saucer shaped craft fly over head and land in a valley. They went and looked from the top of a hill and saw several large, hairy figures walking towards the ship.
Then they had the feeling they were being watched and turned around to see one of the hairy figures behind them. It wasn't menacing or anything, just watching them with large red eyes. But it was enough to make them run.

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by FudgeStix

Originally posted by Dragonoligist Zac
OK, how this has anything to do with an alien, I'll never know, FudgeStix.

Sorry, I should have explained that in my post some more. She said that in the story it had "big eyes like greys". I'd never heard of this kind of bigfoot, all the stories/pictures i'd seen and heard all described just a large ape man - nothing weird about the eyes.

Thanx. Now I get it.

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by JackofBlades
I've read accounts of people seeing bigfoots and aliens.

One such account was from two friends who found a small, silver object on the floor which was making a low hum. They were about to pick it up, but then thought better of it.
As they stepped back to look at it again, two human-looking blonde aliens that were quite short appeared behind them and one said "Its good that you didn't touch that."
After he said that a Bigfoot came out of some trees and examined the box, seemingly unaware there was anyone nearby, before dropping backwards. The aliens turned and smiled at the people, then pointed to their spaceship... at which point the people ran off.

Another had a group of people camping when they saw a saucer shaped craft fly over head and land in a valley. They went and looked from the top of a hill and saw several large, hairy figures walking towards the ship.
Then they had the feeling they were being watched and turned around to see one of the hairy figures behind them. It wasn't menacing or anything, just watching them with large red eyes. But it was enough to make them run.

Though I'm a little bit skeptical about cryptos, one story that has nearly 100% veracity with me is the one by Autumn Williams, of "Mysterious Encounters" which used to be on OLN.

Her site is Oregon Bigfoot com. (not posting a direct link to preclude a bias)

She is one of the most credible researchers and experiences. I try to support her by buying her videos and get her newsletter. (not affiliated)

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 10:36 PM
Seems likely, maybe Bigfoot and other crypto's are all part of an alien biological
experiment, they could be trying to replicate some of Earths animals to spy on us, or monitoring our reactions to the unknown, or maybe aliens created humans and Earth and all cryto's are animals gone wrong!
You've got me thinking Fudgestix, excellent thread!


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