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how does ATS feel about Cathy O'Brien

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posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 02:17 PM
I read the book Transformation of America, and if even 20 percent of that book is true then these politiians are so corupt its unimaginable. According to Cathy see was under CIA mind control since she was a little girl. She was repeatedly raped by Dick Cheney and George Bush Sr. Hilly Clinton raped her, She couried drugs to Bill CLinton who was a HUGE coke-head and more sexually interested in men then woman. George Sr. shapeshifted into a Reptile in front of her, and told her that he was from another planet, and his species hijacked the human race..... and so much more crazy stuff happened in this book.'Brien

MOST DANGEROUS GAME (Dick Cheney used to hunt her in an enclosed area)

Short Bio

Brief Synopsis

posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 02:29 PM
Oh she also said Dick Cheney had an enormous penis, and he would brutally rape her.

Check out this pic

It looks like hes got a cucumber in his pants!

posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 02:39 PM
All cucumbers aside, I...ummmm....I am absolutley speechless.

Is she under the care a doctor?

She probably should be if she believes even 20% of what is printed in that book!


posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 12:06 AM
Wow, I am watching the "Transformation of America" lecture. I don't know what to think. I have started cross referencing some of the information and it is checking out but there is alot of info. Here is a summary of the book.

An integral part of MK-Ultra is Project Monarch perhaps the most damning episode in the history of mind control, whereby the minds of women and children are brutally taken over in order to provide paedophiles, politicians, criminals and practising Satanists with willing sex slaves who could also double as covert operatives by having their personalities and memories switched on and off at will. (See also Further Examples of Manipulation ? Satanists)

- snip! -

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[edit on 3/20/2007 by Gools]

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 12:58 AM
get the book, read the book. Do your own research. I dont mean to be obsene but i believe that picture of dick cheney is some proof that what Cathy was saying is true. If you havent read the book, then dont post on this thread saying she is crazy. I will qoute David Icke once again, i may be a few words off. "There are those who think they know me, by reading articles about me. And there are those who know me, who have read my books."

Its the same with everything, until you have spent hundreds of hours on research on a subject, dont come on here preaching that you know the truth. The sad reality is that none of us know everything! But we can try our hardest to research to the best of our ability. Maybe i am preaching right now, but for those who come out and tell us you KNOW whays going on, experience it yourself and then maybe you will have the justification to tell us your opinion. Until then..... just admit your opinion is just a theory!

[edit on 12-3-2007 by hikix]

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by hikix
I read the book Transformation of America, and if even 20 percent of that book is true then these politiians are so corupt its unimaginable. According to Cathy see was under CIA mind control since she was a little girl. She was repeatedly raped by Dick Cheney and George Bush Sr. Hilly Clinton raped her, She couried drugs to Bill CLinton who was a HUGE coke-head and more sexually interested in men then woman. George Sr. shapeshifted into a Reptile in front of her, and told her that he was from another planet, and his species hijacked the human race..... and so much more crazy stuff happened in this book.


Id rather not waste 100's of hours researching this bs.

morphing into reptiles?

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 06:58 PM
I can't believe that some people are in doubt of Cathy's story. Give me a break. They are the ones that I really want to hear what their response is to the question, "If you had all the power in the world and no one authority above you to fear, what kind of perverse act would you indulge in?"

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 04:19 PM
Mark Phillips, former CIA agent, rescued Cathy O Brien, his story is worth listening to.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

Originally posted by hikix
I read the book Transformation of America, and if even 20 percent of that book is true then these politiians are so corupt its unimaginable. According to Cathy see was under CIA mind control since she was a little girl. She was repeatedly raped by Dick Cheney and George Bush Sr. Hilly Clinton raped her, She couried drugs to Bill CLinton who was a HUGE coke-head and more sexually interested in men then woman. George Sr. shapeshifted into a Reptile in front of her, and told her that he was from another planet, and his species hijacked the human race..... and so much more crazy stuff happened in this book.


Id rather not waste 100's of hours researching this bs.

morphing into reptiles?

she believed that the people who changed into reptiles activated a hologram...
this is way b4 david icke touched the subject. David linked it up with her book saying that it actually wasnt a hologram at all.... tru? i dont know, entertaining? hell yah

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 07:22 PM
David Icke has been trying to warn us of this stuff for over a decade and everyone kept calling him crazy.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 07:37 PM
You can't be serious???

Every time I think I have read it all on ATS...once again I am proven wrong....
Anyone with even 1 micron of common sense would dismiss this, as I am leaving this thread...good gawd.

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by hikix
I read Cathy's book several years ago and have been researching her data, so far from what I can tell she's telling the truth, her information checks out as pretty accurate.

David Icke's new book, Global Conspiracy, has several sections on mind control that is really interesting and worth every penny of it's $35.00 price. Because of it's cost, I've been reading bits and pieces here and there and deciding to buy or not, glad I did, very good book thus far.

Now, Cathy O'Brien and Susan Ford/Brice Taylor (Thanks For The Memories) are saying the exact same thing and with all the names, no one is taking them to court why? Well that might give what they're saying credit and might entail an investigation and might open up a whole can of worms that "the elite" don't want examined.

I'm telling you, I started reading David Icke years ago, put his two books aside for several years, because they were "so far out there" but then recently picked them back up and it became clear somethings up and possibly it's all interconnected. My gut tells me David Icke is onto something.

David's lastest book, Global Conspiracy is a fasinating and scary read We make the "borg" look like boy scouts at a church picnic (The Rat Brain Piolet page 11).

[edit on 21-9-2008 by ofhumandescent]

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