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Mind Control and cyborgs.

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posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 10:41 AM
I have watched a show on the discovery channel and they showed a mouse with a small box on its head and the people on the computer were controling it. The show also showed some guy with a device in his head who can move the mouse on the screen in front of him using his mind. Also, there are special "eyes" that let the user see everything in slow motion.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 10:48 AM
There was an article in Time a few months ago about prostetic limbs being developed which are patched directly into the mind and and be controlled by thought. They were talking about how they put neuroimplants into some monkeys, and then it took a couple of weeks to train them to manipulate the arm with their minds. It was neat. We're learning more and more about the brain every day!

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 11:26 AM
Wow, very interesting! It would help out the crippled a lot! However, I feel sorry for the poor mouse.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 11:43 AM
I watched a show where they had a guy that had limbs he was controlling and could move like normal. It was amazing!

And just think, it only cost six-million dollars.

ps) On a personal note. I would like to see more than get conjecture like "I saw a show".

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 11:56 AM
Is the NWO already using mind control techniques? When I speak to a lot of Americans, they our fixated with Bush. They act like zombies, and repeat whatever they heard on Fox News. When I went to Cancun, me and my friends were discussing the NWO and the American Government. Some Texan comes out of nowhere and wants to kill me for talking about the American Government. Its like they are programmed to hate liberals. Has anybody else noticed these type of individuals?

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by Killuminati
Is the NWO already using mind control techniques? When I speak to a lot of Americans, they our fixated with Bush. They act like zombies, and repeat whatever they heard on Fox News. When I went to Cancun, me and my friends were discussing the NWO and the American Government. Some Texan comes out of nowhere and wants to kill me for talking about the American Government. Its like they are programmed to hate liberals. Has anybody else noticed these type of individuals?

HAHAHA You haven't really gotten a cross section of American culture, then! Most of my friends range from middle of the road to extreamly liberal, I'm the conservative one in the group. LOL I've started to think to opposite, unless my mind is so weak, among my friends, I was the only one who could be controled...

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by junglejake

Originally posted by Stress
Mind Control? Ahhhh you mean religion right? Heh Heh

Isn't delusion fun! Anything you don't understand, ATTACK! YEAH!

Who says I dont understand? People go day in day out following their religion and making sure they dont go against their "God" so that when they die they will move on into the after life. I'm not attacking anything, I'm just stating the obvious from an open minded point of view. You live ya whole life to die in the end. One of the biggest fears is of dying, but religion "defies" that and says its just another step to "wherever". Bottom line is people need to believe their is something after death, and thats where religion steps in. If there was nothing to believe in after you die, peoples minds would be alot different then they are today. So if you think "everything will be alright" when you die as long as you obey your "God" then you will act accordinglly in society,,,,sounds like mind control to me.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 12:07 PM
We've got links for this in the forum library (hint, hint, hint) if you wanted to do more research.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 03:13 PM

That's my little ramble on cybernetics. I consider myself a little bit of an expert on cyber and bioware, and limited knowldge of nanotech. Any questions, please ask.

As for mind control, it's not hard. Electromagnetics can do bad, bad things to a human mind, like warp adn twist it. That's not including things like putting the 'mouse' device into a lobotmized human for dangerous work.




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