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its going to explode... will be removed very shortly

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posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 01:59 AM
I don't find anything wrong with this information or the thread.

I see hundreds of people running, and they look like they are running from SEVEN and someone is saying its about to blow up.

The implication is obvious.

Since we have heard Emergency Personnel talking about it exploding, since we heard the early report on CNN. The word probably got out to many people.

Isn't that what you would want though if you were to demolish the buidling? Get everyone away since with this building it might be more obvious as to what is happening if too many people are left close to it?

[edit on 8-3-2007 by talisman]

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 02:25 AM
exactly, talisman.
exactly what i was thinking. (and why i say it screams 'foreknowledge')
some people were warned, advertently, or inadvertently.
it is amazing how information spreads through a crowd. like flocks of hundreds of birds all changing direction at the same time, or schools of fish, humans have the ability to act as a unit when they are in 'herds'.
a rumour can spread like wildfire through such an adrenaline pumped mob.
where did the rumour start?
surely, i for one, cannot accept that people just GUESSED right. it is NOT a natural assumption, as the illuminati will try and preach to you.
people would say, it COULD blow up, or it MIGHT fall, but not it WILL. not without a rumour spreading like wildfire.
those people didn't all just decide, 'now is the time to run like we're in a godxilla movie'. they had motivation to start moving quickly.
anyone know what time this video was shot?

[edit on 8-3-2007 by billybob]

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 02:28 AM
I don't see how this is a 'smoking gun'. It's just a couple of over-dramatic New Yorkers thinking they're in a movie where it's going to explode and they're going to come flying out of it unhurt, with the heroine in their arms, etc, etc

I doubt they actually knew that it was going to fall.

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 05:40 AM
I think you guys missed the point the twin tower are still standing....
Its not wtc7

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 08:09 AM
Lex tell me your not really that anal. I dont see how the poster was misleading. All those people running for there lives would suggest knowledge of some impending disaster.

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 08:31 AM
Only 2 people said it....but 100 or so also seemed to have the same kind of info......why would they be running ??.....


posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 12:19 PM
There are many reports of bomb blasts (and recorded audio) that day at the WTC buildings, so the people running could have heard such sounds. Remember the blown out WTC lobby and the news reports about 9/11 that a bomb car could have hit the base..

Originally posted by billybob
if you have any dot connecting skills, and have taken the time to plot out 911 dots, you will know that this is another smoking gun, and you will stop with petty semantical bickering, and focus on the crux of the information.

rather than assassinate the purveyor of this info, why not simply add it to the LIST of all things 911 that scream FOREKNOWLEDGE.
from there, you may take the next shaky baby step into, "who, how, why, wtf".

This is the reason why i dont participate in 9/11 topics, if a sceptic of the 9/11 conspiracy theory would do there own research (yes it will take some time to research all the facts) and connect the dots they would all come to the very same conclusion, 9/11 was a inside job. I got to this final conclusion after hours and hours of research to get an as clear and objective view as possible.
But there are people who are to lazy to do this, or are not interested in the truth (only debunking as a hobby) or cant believe that anyone inside the U.S. goverment would be able to commit such a crime. So go and research for yourself if you really want to know the truth and connect the dots.. Respect to all you truth spreaders, i know its a hard job

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by thirty3
Only 2 people said it....but 100 or so also seemed to have the same kind of info......why would they be running ??.....

Because some panicky woman thought she was in a film and it was 'gonna blow'. Then everyone got the same idea.

That's why they were all running. And tbh that was a damn big building, did you expect them to be running toward it?

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 02:23 PM
it's called common sense people . it's the people who stood rubber-necking
around the shadow of the wtc's who died . just more non-evidence . some guy on the street talking crap. "it's gonna explode " . and as anyone who has good eyes and a gram of common sense would get away from there.
please , 2 planes had already hit the towers , why wait for a 3rd or 4th as
some news people said . more planes on their way .
you 911 folks will twist and turn everyones words to suit you . go google
how many police , firemen and others so called "quotes " were taken out of context by dylan avery , the loose change , no sense guy . no one in his video was quoted right . it's all about making money off 911 . and they should be sent to iraq . avery , the "in plane site " guy and that eric huffschmit too , their all about the money . and none of them have any common sense .
you know , everyday since the 1st wtc bombing , there were DAILY
reports that someone was going to get the wtc , the only crime is that the one day it was true , no one listened . how could they , if someone had told you every single day that someone was gonna get you today , you'd stop listening too . plain and simple. but hey , just m2c .

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 03:46 PM
five israelis had an elaborate filming set up across the river. they danced. they were arrested. they were deported.

bombs and explosions are repeatedly reported in mainstream live broadcasts on 9/11. secondary explosions. "if there is a third explosions, it may bring down the towers".

believe what you want(as everyone will), but don't think that people can't see through purposeful "blinding" of the facts.

put options, oil wars, failing economies(due to the end of the cold war), LIES and MANIPULATION of public opinion through TERROR and DISINFO(the air was safe to breathe), ANTHRAX from fort derrick....

ignore it at your own peril. our 'leaders' are evil, and the free world is not free. it is an orwellian, totalitarian mess.

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 04:57 PM
Johnny Bravo ( love the name, btw ),
Actually, when someone says 100 people are screaming it's going to blow,
and the reality is, only 1 person said it, I don't consider pointing out the
obvious to be anal.

It WAS misleading, which makes it against T&C.

I guess I was just a bit more direct at approaching the subject, than the
poster after me that used quite a bit more tact than I can generally

Hope that explains my position, somewhat.


posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
Johnny Bravo ( love the name, btw ),
Actually, when someone says 100 people are screaming it's going to blow,
and the reality is, only 1 person said it, I don't consider pointing out the
obvious to be anal.

It WAS misleading, which makes it against T&C.

Hope that explains my position, somewhat.


i really don't think the SPIRIT of the T&C have been violated.
i mean, c'mon, how many thread titles have the word "PROOF" in them, when there is nothing close to proof in the thread?
i'm really glad you're not a mod.

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 06:24 PM
If someone drives 68 in a 65, are they breaking the law, or the "SPIRIT"
of the law ?


posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
If someone drives 68 in a 65, are they breaking the law, or the "SPIRIT"
of the law ?


i don't see any mods shutting down this thread.
i don't see cops pulling people over for going 68 in a 65.

i'm glad you're not a cop(and so is the guy who has to process paperwork).

why don't you lay back and enjoy the MEAT of the video(and thread), and relax on the impotence of the nutritious value of the trimmings.

one guy in a stampede of panicked humans saying it's going to blow up is enough to indicate there was a warning.

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 06:49 PM
Originally posted by billybob

one guy in a stampede of panicked humans saying it's going to blow up is enough to indicate there was a warning.

Not for me it isn't. Sorry.


posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
Originally posted by billybob

one guy in a stampede of panicked humans saying it's going to blow up is enough to indicate there was a warning.

Not for me it isn't. Sorry.

no need to apologise. you're allowed to have an opinion, as WE ALL ARE.

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 07:45 PM
In a crowd that has extreme panic during an event like 9/11, if one person says its gonna fall or explode, i think it would be contagious.

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 02:01 AM
you are right of course, mass panic etc. however its just one more bit of the MOUNTAIN of evidence of explosives.

('That we all heard and felt' is a particularly good one...)

Nicely edited collection of 'explosion' news coverage on 9/11

And in bits and pieces (that are annoyingly dissapearing down the memory hole thanks to youtube/google) I've seen at least twice that. From the various news agencies and people on the ground's prior knowledge about WTC2 and WTC7 coming down, to the recorded boom on 911 eyewitness, the double explosion HBO caught and later edited out and so on and so on and so on.

I like to sit on the fence as long as possible on stuff like this to make sure I'm not following a crowd blindly, and my instincts tell me not to listen too closely to tangential superpatriotic preacher ranters like Al Jones, but I'd say the evidence is there to confidently state demolition as the only sensible explanation.

As David Ray Griffin's recent ICH article states, if you believe that two planes caused those two volcanic destructions of the twins, and the more conventional WTC7 demolition, then you believe in MAGIC.

The Twin Towers came straight down, which means that each building’s 287 steel columns all had to fail simultaneously; to believe this could happen without explosives is to believe in magic.

At the onset of each tower’s collapse, steel beams were ejected out as far as 600 feet; to believe that these horizontal ejections could be explained by gravitational energy, which is vertical, is to believe in magic.

Virtually all of the concrete in the towers was pulverized into extremely fine dust particles; to believe that fire plus gravity could have done this is to believe in magic.

WTC 7 and the towers came down at virtually free-fall speed, meaning that the lower floors, with all their steel and concrete, provided no resistance to the upper floors; to believe this could happen without explosives is to believe in magic.

Pools of molten metal were found under each building. Because steel does not begin to melt until it reaches about 1,540°C and yet the fires could not have gotten over 1000°C, to accept the fire theory is to believe in magic.

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Giordano Bruno
its just one more bit of the MOUNTAIN of evidence of explosives.

Maybe there is some interesting evidence out there but tbh this is just scraping the barrel a bit. One over-dramatic New Yorker feels that they'll be a bit of a movie star and shout that it's gonna blow. That's hardly evidence.

And even if there were explosives in there, why would the government plant someone at street level to tell everyone? And if the government didn't put them there then how would they have known that there was explosives?

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