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So You Hate Cops

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posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 12:50 PM
So you mistrust ALL cops, because of the actions of 7...

Lets see, that is .ooo1% Of all cops.....

What are the odds there are that many crooked carpenters? Lawyers, politicians.....

There are currently over 700,000 sworn officers....

Pretty good record I would say...


Not so much a bad day, as just tired of some people calling us names when all they are doing is sitting on their ever fattening duff, doing nothing to contribute to society or their country except complain...

And by the way....

I could NEVER do your job!!! You have possibly the most difficult job in our profession and I salute you for it!!!!


posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 12:53 PM
the reason that you guys get such a bad rap is due to a few bad apples. You know the ones I'm talking about. The powertrippers who would run amok, weither they were cops or not. Power corrupts. I think the hardest thing in the world would have to be working against the drug trade. Your work your
off, you are surrounded by $$ and you can't afford to get your kids teeth fixed. That's the kind of situation where cops go bad. This will never change unless we start paying the police, firemen, and teachers the money they deserve.

There are plenty of hot cops too, maybe its the uniform. I don't know. But I do know one who's smoken hot in San Antonio. She's known from France and her nickname is "Snow White", she used to be the snow white character at DisneyWorld in France. She's smoken hot.

I don't hate cops, I hate getting caught at my worst moment. I've known plenty of officers who were cool, and were only worried about doing the right thing. Although it does
me off that there are plenty in squad cars making sure I'm only doing 70, when a hundred yards away some
is stuffing children in a bag and dumping them under a abandoned house. I know you aren't mind readers, and don't have access to the "Medium" who can tell you just where to go and when.

original Kens 5 SA
Police pulled two bags from beneath a South Side triplex Tuesday night that contained the bodies of two children — a 1-year-old girl and a 5-month-old boy, according to relatives and authorities.


I know you guys have no control over this, but it frustrates us. You are in position of authority and those you bare the brunt of our frustration. Its a no win situation, and the life of a cop is not like the 80's movies we all grew up on. Those movies might have done more harm than you can believe.

[edit on 7-3-2007 by Royal76]

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 12:58 PM

You must understand that it's not easy to differentiate the "bad apples" when every boy in blue shows the same attitude, anger, and flat out racism towards a populous. While living in Philadelphia, I can honestly say that I never knew a cop to be anything but aggressive and violent toward me or my neighbors. I'm sure things are different in small towns in Ohio, but in cities, they tend to be aggressive to the point that the average person in a black neighborhood wouldn't trust them in an emergency.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 01:07 PM
My comment was pointed at cops being pissed at people for being distrustfull of them.

I understand full well how it feels to be vised by all cops.

Also, imho, the cops that come out with the kind of mentality described by you guys (rude, powertripping, etc) are all bad apples.

The reason why I think people are right to distrust all cops when they ran into the bad apples before is because all cops carry guns, mace, knightsticks, etc etc, all of them can potentialy end your life or beat you up real bad without having much reprecusions from it.

Police officers are civil servants, not cattle herders lining up cattle for the butcher..

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
So you mistrust ALL cops, because of the actions of 7...
Lets see, that is .ooo1% Of all cops.....

If those 7 have been caught...then how many more go unpunished for their abuse of power??

What are the odds there are that many crooked carpenters? Lawyers, politicians.....

Of course there are crooked everything......but thats not the point.....its what you said about hating cops....

There are currently over 700,000 sworn officers....

And I bet that on every dept in every city there are at least 2 powertrippers on them.

Pretty good record I would say...

Not bad but it could be better.......

Not so much a bad day, as just tired of some people calling us names when all they are doing is sitting on their ever fattening duff, doing nothing to contribute to society or their country except complain...

Some people are just that way......and it will not change......people tend to complain when they are helpless to the power over them.

Some police (not all...but some do...) know the power they wield and use fear, threats and intimidation to get what they want out of someone knowing full well that the average joe does NOT know law and has no leg to stand on.

If you are a good and honest cop........then you have nothing to worry about at all (including the name calling...who cares what some drunk says)

but if you have abused your power...even once......then its time to consider a new career.

[edit on 7-3-2007 by Alpha Grey]

[edit on 7-3-2007 by Alpha Grey]

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420

You must understand that it's not easy to differentiate the "bad apples" when every boy in blue shows the same attitude, anger, and flat out racism towards a populous. While living in Philadelphia, I can honestly say that I never knew a cop to be anything but aggressive and violent toward me or my neighbors. I'm sure things are different in small towns in Ohio, but in cities, they tend to be aggressive to the point that the average person in a black neighborhood wouldn't trust them in an emergency.

I live in Philly myself, and I think the cops are pretty cool. At least the ones I've run into anyway. I'm not black, I'm so white that Albinos laugh at me, so I can't really put myself in your shoes.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 01:16 PM
I cannot begin to tell you my experiences with cops. My kid brother was robbed and murdered by two crackheads just a couple of days before Christmas 1994 and the only reason *I* didn't end up in jail was because of one compassionate, understanding cop. That's only one experience, but it was the worst.

Give them respect, they will treat you with respect. Want a quick ride in the back of a Black&White? Act like an a-hole.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Alpha Grey
I think "hate" is the wrong word here.......

It's "mistrust"

It comes from incidents of:

State trooper arrested for soliciting a Minor for sex Link

cop arrested for murder link

cop arrested on drug charges link

cop arrested for pot link

cop arrested for domestic assault link

cop arrested for DUI link

cop arrested for arson link

See my point ?

No, I don't. Every example you give begins with the phrase "cop arrested", which means they were held accountable for their misdeeds. Had they been let off the hook because of their badge, I might understand your mistrust.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 01:42 PM
That just shows that cops are filled with real people too.

You run the risk of sterotyping with that.

Are all black guys rapist, white guys serial killer, etc.

There is alot of mistrust in the inner cites. Philly is famous for its cops that were out of control and on the take in the 70's, and 80's. Just like LA is the cop mecca for beating black people on the side of the road. That's something they will have to work on and will take generations to overcome.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
No, I don't. Every example you give begins with the phrase "cop arrested", which means they were held accountable for their misdeeds. Had they been let off the hook because of their badge, I might understand your mistrust.

So how many times has a cop done something only to be let off?? Dont tell me its an insignificant amount either........look at the Rodney King affair.....they got off when there was film of them beating him !! And if they had film of them and still got off how many other cops got off on charges when there was NO film of them breaking the law !

Yes there are good cops...and yes there are bad cops......and when dealing with a do you tell ?? and if you cannot tell a good cop from a bad cop then MISTRUST is formed.

One of my freinds yesterday got pulled over for a rejected inspection sticker....(which is right by the trooper) but then the trooper LIED and said that on a saftey rejection has cannot drive the car at all, NOWHERE PERIOD !...which in Mass is a lie because you have 7 days (by law) to get a safety rejection fixed!! he lied so he could impound the car and arrest my friend...and he would have had my freind not called his lawyer and the Registy to confirm the 7 days for a failed safety inspection. The trooper was pissed he had to let him go...and if my freind did not know the law...he would have been arrested......yea good state trooper there huh ?

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 02:00 PM
I don't hate police officers. Every time I ran afoul of the law was because I was either drunk or stupid and frequently both. It's nobody's fault but mine.

And to address what have I done for society...

I proudly served in the USAF
I take care of my mother and her two friends that suffer from altzheimers
I sing and play the blues in beerjoints and bars and hopefully bring a little
joy and entertainment to those poor people that work 9 to 5 everyday, including cops, art therapists, legal secretaries, bricklayers, everybody. I realize this is not some noble, crusading, world shaking enterprise; hey, I'm just a guy trying to make a living. But there might be a little honor in that too.

I also don't try and guilt trip anyone either.

[edit on 7-3-2007 by whaaa]

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Why is it blacks by far more then any other race cry race when they get arrested?

Why is it that people who don't believe that cops who beat on black people and call them 'n-word's are white guys from Ohio?

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Alpha Grey

One of my freinds yesterday got pulled over for a rejected inspection sticker....(which is right by the trooper) but then the trooper LIED and said that on a saftey rejection has cannot drive the car at all, NOWHERE PERIOD !...which in Mass is a lie because you have 7 days (by law) to get a safety rejection fixed!! he lied so he could impound the car and arrest my friend...and he would have had my freind not called his lawyer and the Registy to confirm the 7 days for a failed safety inspection. The trooper was pissed he had to let him go...and if my freind did not know the law...he would have been arrested......yea good state trooper there huh ?

Well, I don't believe your story for a minute. Here is the official answer from the Massachusetts website:

What if my vehicle fails?
If your vehicle fails the emissions test, you have 60 days from your initial inspection to make the necessary repairs and pass a re-test. Otherwise, you may be issued a citation or your registration may be suspended. If you have a model year 1996 or newer vehicle, your OBD system may need at least one week of combined highway and city driving to collect enough data for a re-test following repairs.

If your vehicle fails the safety test, it may not be driven until repairs have been made. After it is repaired, you are entitled to a free re-inspection within 60 days of the original test at the original inspection station.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky

Well, I don't believe your story for a minute. Here is the official answer from the Massachusetts website:

What if my vehicle fails?
If your vehicle fails the emissions test, you have 60 days from your initial inspection to make the necessary repairs and pass a re-test. Otherwise, you may be issued a citation or your registration may be suspended. If you have a model year 1996 or newer vehicle, your OBD system may need at least one week of combined highway and city driving to collect enough data for a re-test following repairs.

If your vehicle fails the safety test, it may not be driven until repairs have been made.After it is repaired, you are entitled to a free re-inspection within 60 days of the original test at the original inspection station.

Thats fine...the "story" happened just like I said so I care not if you believe me for a second........obviously the lawyer and the registry said something to the trooper to let my freind go......state troopers never let anyone go unless they have a damn good reason.

ok the law...... they obviously changed the law and told no one here in Mass.......I always knew it to be 7 days but now it's no days......fine I was wrong about sweat off my back.....that will make for some chaos here in Mass for sure but we are getting off topic......

[edit on 7-3-2007 by Alpha Grey]

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 02:39 PM
Hey Semper, old Buddy!

Shows how much attention I pay ... I didn't know you were a cop. At any rate, I certainly don't hate the cops. They're good people for the most part, but people with all the quirks and foibles. I have a friend who is a cop, who I would put my life on the line for. I also am "friends" with a county sheriff, who doesn't have sense enough to pound crap in a rathole. You take 'em where you find them.

As you may remember, I teach Kenpo, and have been doing so for more years than many posters have been alive here. Point is, when I had a commercial school, police officers and their families never paid for lessons.

Sometimes the niceness pays off. I was running late to the local church where I now teach a community class for self defense, and like that. I was tagged by a county mountie for doing 71 in a 55 (wasn't paying attention, only going fast), got pulled and righteously deserved the bust. The officer asked where I was going in such a hurry. I explained, gave him my license and proof of insurance, and he looked it over, called me in, then let me go witha warning.

As a result of that I will simply attempt to remember to leave earlier, drive more moderately (hard to do in a Corvette) ...
And continue to respect and support my local police.

One more BTW... I am now gainfully employed after a rather lengthy, enforced hiatus. It's not "THE" job, but it is a job and will due until, like love, the right one comes along.

And ... If you ever find that you are going to be in Missouri for any reason, drop me a u2u, and Dinner and drinks will be on me.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Alpha Grey
he lied so he could impound the car and arrest my friend...and he would have had my freind not called his lawyer and the Registy to confirm the 7 days for a failed safety inspection. The trooper was pissed he had to let him go...and if my freind did not know the law...he would have been arrested......yea good state trooper there huh ?

This is another BS... are you telling me that a MASS. Smokey is gonna stand there while your friend calls the registry and his lawyer? Riiight...

Peddle your BS somewhere else, Alpha Grey.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 02:54 PM

You have voted semperfortis for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

Keep up the good work semperfortis!

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis

Not enough, I'm sure. The best I can do these days is volunteer at the school and donate $$. My digging in and breaking a sweat days are looooooooong gone by.

Semper .. thank you for your service to the community and this country. I don't hate you. I thank God for people like you who are willing to serve.

When we go to mass in the morning we will light an extra candle just for you.

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
While living in Philadelphia, I can honestly say that I never knew a cop to be anything but aggressive and violent ....

Hey Ras .. that's EVERYONE in Philly!
We are the most obnoxious people in the country. Ever go to a Flyers game? Even us Philly fans are BRUTAL! It's a hard city Ras ... everyone is tough.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 03:15 PM
Simply put, I don't trust anyone who carries a gun, and other implements of destruction, especially when they've been shown to not be able to handle that responsibility properly.

There have been too many instances where I've been more afraid of police than I have of drug dealers on the corner. It seems like the most dangerous gang out there wear blue and a badge.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
You have voted semperfortis for the Way Above Top Secret award.
You have two more votes this month.

Same here -

You have voted semperfortis for the Way Above Top Secret award.
You have one more vote left for this month.

Thanks for all you do. I KNOW I couldn't deal with what you have to deal with and still stay sane. Thanks and God Bless ya'.

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