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New Aaron Russo Interview

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posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by deessell

Originally posted by CameronFox
I loved Trading Places!!! Thats all this Hollywood hippocrite blow hole is places...oh and booking Led Zeppelin!

Isn't he a Jew? We are constantly seeing the jews beat up in here.

Ahh, yet again we see the true character of Mr. Cameron Fox reveal itself.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. The message is the important reason for this thread.

DESTROY THE CENTRALISED BANKING SYSTEM. I would like to buy a copy but I don't have a creditcard.

** takes a bow **

Thank you for your support.... Langley will be proud!

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
I loved Trading Places!!! Thats all this Hollywood hippocrite blow hole is worth...

Have you ever even heard of this guy before this thread was posted? I'm curious as to what makes you so hateful towards him so quickly. Is it because you think he's just trying to make money here? That was the first attempt to discredit him on this thread and it seems like you jumped right along with it automatically. Maybe I'm just missing something though.

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by ViewFromTheStars
Hey Chicago,

Thanks for posting this. I had posted a snippet of this in another forum but didn't really get alot of press. I think alot of Aaron Russo and he really puts a genuine, credible face on the truth movement. The most amazing thing about him for me is his FIRST hand close relationship with Nick Rockefeller.

Wake up and smell the coffee America.

I had the chance to meet Aaron first hand at the screening he had here in Chicago last year
let me tell you he is as gracious and accommodating as he seems on the tube. You can feel his genuine concern, and I highly doubt this is ploy to make a quick buck. He also let Mayor Chicago hopeful Doc Walls introduce himself after the screening. Too bad Doc never had a chance against Mobster Daley, the bull# blows hard here in Chicago!

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 02:42 PM
Why is it EVERYTIME someone talks AGAINST the Government...they are praised in here? I am a Bush HATER. Yes I HATE the man. I count the days until he is out of office. That does not mean that I believe our country is heading toward a policed state, NWO... blah blah blah.

Aaron Russo is a joke! Take 5 minutes to read some facts about his movie that he released "From Freedom to Fascism,”

Lets look at him personally though, he has more than $2 million of tax liens filed against him by the Internal Revenue Service, California and New York for unpaid federal and state taxes.

Lets look at some facts of his latest film:
his film claims that every president since Woodrow Wilson and every member of Congress has created a hoax to tax people’s wages and issue them dubious currency. All of the federal income tax revenue, he says, goes to these bankers to pay interest on the national debt, even though by the broadest measure the federal government’s interest payments are less than 40 percent of the individual income taxes, according to an examination of every federal budget since 1995.

The documentary includes interviews with a bunch of people who are presented as experts, scholars and whistle-blowers. All deny the legitimacy of the income-tax laws, including Irwin Schiff, now serving his third prison term for tax crimes.

Irwin Schiff Sued Again

Author of 'Voluntary' Income Tax Theories Sued for Millions

By Jason Pierce Staff Writer
May 29, 2002

( - Former Libertarian presidential candidate Irwin Schiff, who maintains the federal income tax is optional, is being sued by a New Hampshire man who says he lost his business after following Schiff's tax advice.

Aaron also stated that :“Congress has no authority to tax people’s labor.”

This is a lie as seen in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution that begins with the phrase “The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes.”

The film also has a brief interview with Sheldon Cohen, who was I.R.S. commissioner in the Johnson administration. Mr. Cohen said Aaron Russo used editing that “ twists my views” to create a false impression. Mr. Russo said he considered the assertion laughable.

Anyway, I decided to post these FACTS in response for showing my "True colors" when I called him a blow hole. Do some research on the guy. He's no Robin Hood !

edit ... i should use spell check.

[edit on 9-3-2007 by CameronFox]

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 08:37 PM
He is a politician.

Not a very successful one.

Interesting thing to note: He makes it *sound* like his "Freedom to Facism" Documentary was debuted at the world famous "Cannes Film festival."

It actually debuted on an inflatable screen on a beach in front of about 15 passers-by. Far from the "real" film festival.

Just not real you would expect from a politician.

posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox
Why is it EVERYTIME someone talks AGAINST the Government...they are praised in here? I am a Bush HATER. Yes I HATE the man. I count the days until he is out of office. That does not mean that I believe our country is heading toward a policed state, NWO... blah blah blah.

[edit on 9-3-2007 by CameronFox]

And why is it everytime someone talks against the government, they are attacked and called idiots?

Originally posted by CameronFox

Aaron also stated that :“Congress has no authority to tax people’s labor.”

This is a lie as seen in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution that begins with the phrase “The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes"

You contradicted yourself. It says collect taxes, but it doesn't say from people's labour, which is what the whole thing is about.

Do you honestly thinking that it's a good idea to have a private bank as the Federal Reserve?

And I'm also sure that Russo is making millions off his movie right now as he's offering it for free.

[edit on 10-3-2007 by NegativeBeef]

posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 02:01 AM
Go back to a gold backed currency? Think about it.

It was easy to have a gold backed currency when there were only 50 million people in the US.

Simply put, we out grew the fesiblity, and worth of gold. Our economy dwarfs gold.

Actually it was the foresight of the organizers of the Federal Reserve that made it possible you have the means to view this message. It is the evolution of commerce, the desire to devolve back 100 years in time is just...about as likely as people going back to horse and buggies cause they don't like the tax on gas.

posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox
Aaron also stated that :“Congress has no authority to tax people’s labor.”

This is a lie as seen in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution that begins with the phrase “The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes.”

I'm not much an expert on tax laws but I know you are oversimplifying this out the ass. Congress cannot go to town with taxes as they please. There has been lots of debate on the 16th amendment since its passage, and there ARE limits in the Constitution as to how Congress is allowed to tax. This is something a lot of republicans are hot about even though they stereotypically don't go much for "conspiracy theories" (though this isn't really a conspiracy theory -- more like just getting jacked by Uncle Sam and not being able to do crap about it, just like Aaron says).

I also wasn't asking for a rant, I was asking why you are so hateful towards Aaron so readily, and you didn't really satisfy my curiosity. Still not sure if you'd even heard of this dude before going off on him in this thread. I've lost interest though man, do what you will, good luck in the next 10 years.

[edit on 10-3-2007 by bsbray11]

posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 07:26 AM

I am a big fan of Led Zeppelin... I am a movie buff... I am somewhat interested in Third Party Candidates...Yes I knew who he was. I simply stated a FEW reasons why I dislike and distrust the man. So...that being said...I take what he says with a grain of salt. I read up on reviews (in regards to the authenticity of some of his claims)of his movie from several different sources.

As far as taxes go, I am FAR from an expert on them. And history shows, neither are the people that think they do NOT have to pay them.Only three limitations are placed on the power of the 16th Amendment, none of which bars a tax on wages. One limitation, however, was a requirement that taxes be “apportioned among the several states.”

The 16th Amendment repealed apportionment, good ol Aaron said in his film that the 16th Amendment was never properly ratified. So, he claims the tax on wages is "unconstitutional". This claim has been made by thousands of tax protesters since 1913, and so far their net claims have resulted in a whoppping $0.00.

May I suggest that anyone that want's some facts about this typical politician, e-mail James C. Fox who is a federal distric judge who claims that Aaron used his words out of context and made Aoaron draw a conclusion that was opposite of that was stated.

All the luck to you Brian in your next ten years!


[edit on 10-3-2007 by CameronFox]

posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 10:59 PM

the 16th Amendment conferred no new power of taxation

End of argument, the decision wasn't over turned. Russo in the film offers 8 Supreme Court Decisions.

The Court so ruled due to the fact one part of the Constitution couldn't contradict another.

In the Documentary Russo confronts the person who wrote the TAX CODE (SHELDON COHEN) someone who knows a thing or two about this stuff, he was the former Tax Commisioner

You can see for yourself what happens here..

Give RUSSO credit, he offers the other side to speak on his docu, and you can see just how many don't show up. Because they know.

How many documentary's bother to talk to the other side so openly?

It is important to note that the courts had defined income as from corporate 'gains, where as LABOUR was defined as 'property' or 'private property', you watch the Documentary and see that for yourselves.

The above point is important.

Furthermore, PEOPLE WHO DENY THIS wake up! The Canadian Income Tax came in just after the American one, the excuse in Canada was that it would help fund the WAR, it was a lie from the beginning, they brought it in and said it would only be for a few years, meanwhile the Central Banks had already made their plan.

It is too much of a coincidence to say the Canadian and Americans just happened to HIT THE INCOME TAX idea at the same time.

[edit on 10-3-2007 by talisman]

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by GwionX
Go back to a gold backed currency? Think about it.

It was easy to have a gold backed currency when there were only 50 million people in the US.

Simply put, we out grew the fesiblity, and worth of gold. Our economy dwarfs gold.

Yeah man, inflation dwarfs gold any day.
We all love inflation don't we!!!

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 07:33 PM
Advice for Negative beef: Dump this conspiracy hobby and learn to be financially literate.

Just trying to help: Take it or leave it.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
All of the federal income tax revenue, he says, goes to these bankers to pay interest on the national debt, even though by the broadest measure the federal government’s interest payments are less than 40 percent of the individual income taxes, according to an examination of every federal budget since 1995.

That means about forty cents of every tax dollar you pay goes to a banker.

But what you aren't saying (using that 11 year average--it's much higher now) is that debt is no longer rising geometrically but exponentially (picture a bell curve--debt is accumulating on the steeply rising part right now) and we will be like Wiemar Germany in a little over a decade.

So I'd invest in wheelbarrow and applecart manufacturers' stock.

[edit on 12-3-2007 by gottago]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 11:10 AM
I am sorry this topic seems to be under scrutiny, but call me slow, I have just stumbled upon the interview last night and was amazed and a bit validated by his outlook on the state of our situation in the NWO.
I am a deeply feeling type person and can tell alot about a person by just observation.
The only red flag that went up for me was the fact that he tweeks his nose when he talks about having paid taxes on his gold and silver back in the 80's and again when he discusses the business deals that Rockefeller turned him on to for profit. I am not implying anything and do not claim to know body language but just noticed.
I liked what he had to say about the terror threat being hype, but you know I have had dreams that tell me otherwise.
The terror we face can be when a family like mine goes to the store to purchase healthy food, and decent clothes. And to keep my pets healthy and drive a vehicle that is not a hoop ride and keep it insured and legal. That terrorises me.
I also would decline the offer of the NWO if offered though.
America he states was never meant to be a democracy, well that's interesting and against all I ever thought. But if you think about it, what we are doing in the middle east attempting to democratize , that is not my idea of democracy, to hold shady elections.

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