The B-2 bomber came from Northrup's old Hawthorne/Pico Rivera area
It was on Lakewood Blvd. Not far from my house
Description: The B-2 is an intercontinental bomber that employs low observable technology to achieve
its mission. The bomber is an all-wing, two-place aircraft with twin weapon bays. Four General Electric
F-118-GE100 aircraft engines power the B-2. The F-118 engine is a derivative of the F-100 engine,
currently used in the F-16 fighter and is in the 19000 lb thrust class. Northrop-Grumman Corporation,
Pico Rivera, CA is the prime contractor for the B-2; the engines are manufactured by General Electric,
Evendale, OH. The FY 1999 budget request includes funding to continue development and for various
production support costs.
Mission: The primary mission of the B-2 is to enable any theater commander to hold at risk and, if
necessary, attack an enemy's war-making potential, especially those time critical targets which, if not
destroyed in the first hours or days of a conflict, would allow unacceptable damage to be inflicted on the
friendly side. The B-2 will also retain its potential as a nuclear bomber, reinforcing the deterrence of nuclear conflict.
here is the external source
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