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codename grillfire

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posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 03:44 PM
timothy mcniven. patriot.

bush senior planned 911 in 1976

man, this guy could use some help. talk about david and goliath.

this ranks right up there with the franklin coverup.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 04:45 PM
Billy Bob..

On the surface..this looks like some pretty good stuff. I am going to look into it a little further. It does have hoax written all over it. ( it could be legit ! )

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 05:08 PM
i didn't see hoax written all over it. can you give me a link to this writing?

i personally have met one of the people on the 'politicians' list. i will ask, if i get the chance.
i don't expect an answer. the 'monolithic' cabal is that powerful. people daren't speak in louder than a whisper about it if they don't want a bunch of oswalds in their book depositories.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 10:14 PM
nothing to say about this? the biggest potential smoking gun of all? bigger than the freefall of tower7? bigger than put options? bigger than bin laden's family being the only beings on the planet blessed enough to fly over america when not even the police or military were allowed? bigger than a cop saying "it's about to BLOW UP"?

maybe my title wasn't sexy enough. you've GOT to have a sexy title.

i'm going to keep adding(bumping) to this thread until someone wakes up. some help would be nice.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 10:35 PM
it looks like a mole

that's right. mariani's own lawyer booby trapped her case. it's stuff like this that makes me realise there is virtually no hope for a just world.

Mrs. Ellen Mariani, a 911 widow, has filed a RICO suit against George W. Bush et al. to discover the truth about 911. But her lawyer, Philip J. Berg, has written a complaint that protects the real culprits. It is littered with gross errors and malpractice. Berg is a suicide bus driver taking Ellen Mariani's quest for truth on a one-way trip to oblivion.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
Billy Bob..

On the surface..this looks like some pretty good stuff. I am going to look into it a little further. It does have hoax written all over it. ( it could be legit ! )

I am looking over the polygraph and DD214. Will get back to you.

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 07:25 PM
This is really an interesting coincidence. The grillfire story parallels the thread I just started on the FAA whistleblower, Bogdan Dzakovic, who testified to the 9/11 Commission *exactly* the same type of allegations about the FAA ignoring giant security holes.

Why didn't the 9/11 C even mention Dzakovic's testimony? I don't know if this story is real or not, but it shouldn't be discounted out of hand.


posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 07:37 PM
This threads that add more info to the whole 9/11 tragedy, are really scary because more and more, you can see how the dots are connected, how little by little, the info comes out, I guess an operation such as 9/11 requires a lot of "cells" or teams who are not "in the know" of other cells doings. Then the whole project is started and even more (and different) cells are used to carry out such projects.

I have been reading the info and if the info and the data were bogus or simply a hoax, why to obstruct justice?, Why bring down videos from You tube? why missing tapes of networks? why missing tapes (well not missing, withdrawn) tapes on the pentagon?

Why does C Fox appears within minutes of any 9/11 thread on ATS to see "fake all over it"...

You get my point...the inertia of the "facts" is destroying little by little the "official" the question is....what or who or how many will rally to kick out those NECONS of the gov.?

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 05:25 PM
I'm with Cameron Fox. looks interesting, almost too interesting. Thanks for the link.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 05:25 PM
I'm with Cameron Fox. looks interesting, almost too interesting. Thanks for the link.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 04:16 PM
the press conference for the most earth-shattering news ever to not be aired

When you present documented charges of official treachery behind the greatest national security disaster in modern history and the press doesn't show, doesn't listen, doesn't write - just what in fact is really being communicated? That despite all the deaths, lies, wars, and bizarre official actions that flowed from 9/11 there's actually nothing there to be investigated at all? That addressing desperate victim families' still unanswered cries for truth is not a legitimate journalistic concern? That news will now be what the corporate media say it will be, so drink your infotainment Kool-Aid and kindly shut up?

kool-aid good, caustic and cameron?

what is 'too interesting'? it's either complete bunk, and therfore not interesting at all, or it is the truth, and the most interesting thing to happen since groundhog day started, nov. 22 1963.


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