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Alex Jones disinformation

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posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by jprophet420
However to say that it is not suspicious or an anomaly is equally ludacris.

Sure, it certainly was an anomaly, but the BBC gave a good explanation, and with a bit of research it's easy to find that firefighters were saying the building was likely to collapse for a long time before the report was broadcast.

I'm aware we probably still disagree on various things, but we seem to have had some crossed wires in this thread so lets allow it to die.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 11:31 AM
link it just me, who finds this whole irony hilarious and insightful?

Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't this a case of someone mindlessly jumping the gun in reporting about the mindless jumping of the gun, CNN report... and attempting to discredit alex in the process but instead reconfirming alex's credibility and strength of character?

I also find alex to be very angry and paranoid... but after double checking the details on many of his core claims i can see why. In terms of distance down the rabbit hole, this man is way a head of us all... and i think doing a stellar job of leading the way. Sure i find some of his suspicions and guests questionable but make a comparison to what is covered by the mass media and you can see he is doing their job... so i cut alex some slack on some of the sketcher dots he attempts to connect. Independent investigative reporting is no easy task, especially when you are going up against some of the biggest embraced lies on the most pressing issues of our day.

[edit on 26-9-2008 by The All Seeing I]

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 11:38 PM
Who wants to live in some "Rabbit Hole?"

Who wants to live in some rabbit Hole with Alex Jones?

What would be the point?

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 06:54 AM
Well... for one thing... that's where all the roots are.
The work might be dirty but the carrots are yummy and good for you.

Metaphorically speaking, you have to dig (or for some digg) to get to the truth... to get to the source of all that we see and take for granted on the surface. This is really the only efficient way to debug/deweed such a garden. I suppose the alternative is to create a new garden from scratch... start your own country or level the garden and replant everything... start a revolution.

As for going on these tours of duty with alex... there are many others who are diligently excavating the subterrain that can assist you with a map... there is a lot of ground that needs to be covered... the more people we have sifting through the dirt/details... the more we learn about the true nature of things.

As the saying goes... "The devil is in the details".

... to answer your question "What would be the point? "

... this is the point.

[edit on 27-9-2008 by The All Seeing I]

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 07:02 AM
Come on, Alex Jones lies on his radio show every day and you pick this to tear him apart with? If you want to prove Alex is a disinfo agent you should stick to things he says like "They (speaking of the US government) take millions of children every year and lock them up in cages and feed them a hot dog every once in a while until they starve to death. Folks, this is admitted!"

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 08:01 AM
"...Folks, this is admitted!" god i love that... that's signature alex

As for the million kids feed hotdogs... i must have missed that show.

Though when he gets on a zealot roll, i could image him saying such bizarre things, cracks me up when he has his full blown rants and meltdowns.

But no matter how far-fetched some of his claims get...
i always take note. He was one of the first to report the government's involvement in the sex trade, and i remember at the time thinking he might be nuts.

[edit on 27-9-2008 by The All Seeing I]

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by The All Seeing I

That is my problem. He cracks me up too. He entertains the heck out of me. So, I cannot really believe anything he says. The best is when he has a "great catch" on the show and they denounce everything he hoped they would promote.

Alex "Of course there is the one thing about that stuff right?"

Guest "Well, no that is not true."

Alex "And you guys have admitted to the uh something stuff and things."

Guest "Uh, no that is not correct at all."

and on and on. That stuff is awesome. But it makes me sad when I think of the good he could be doing if he were not such a liar.

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 12:49 AM
All i can say in his defense, is that i know how hard it is to do your own thing from scratch... having to wear many different hats, it's nearly impossible to be 100%, 100% of the time... to run such an operation. I'm sure he has more help then when he first started out, but still has no where near the money and resources CNN has... and yet somehow he manages to kick their ass when it comes to covering front page worthy news.

I think he deserves a little more slack and support...
then labeling him "Liar" when he's the most prolific hunter and exposer of Liars we have.

[edit on 28-9-2008 by The All Seeing I]

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by The All Seeing I

There really seems to be a huge disconnect between working hard and being honest here. I could care less how hard he has to work, or how hard he tries. I can go work twice as hard and put in twice as much time and effort. If I am 100% wrong all the time, does my hard work and dedication change the validity of my errors? NO! The dude peppers his shows with more hyperbole and outright lies than he does anything truly revealing. If you have to sift through the crap to find the facts, there is too much crap.

Working hard and doing it alone do not an honest man make. By his own accouts he has more than enough resources to either report the facts or keep his mouth shut. It seems that you could do that for free but I will humor this idea. If he buys half the gold he claims to "make sure you have some of those coins on hold for me because I am getting more..." when he has his gold shilling guests on, then he has millions in just gold sitting around. So he could either use this money to find the truth, or he can sit on it and stop reporting things that are not true.

Come on, to say "this is admitted folks" and "this has all been declassified" over and over again means that either he never checks to see if that is true, or he does not mind lying about it often. So either he does a piss poor job of fact checking or he is a liar. You pick.

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by MorningStar8741
Come on, to say "this is admitted folks" and "this has all been declassified" over and over again means that either he never checks to see if that is true, or he does not mind lying about it often. So either he does a piss poor job of fact checking or he is a liar. You pick.

I'm just going to interject here to say that I don't have any respect for Alex Jones, but I suspect more that he has some more serious issues than being a liar. I don't think he's doing it intentionally, I just think he's probably been through a few traumatic experiences which has resulted in him being, lets say 'unbalanced'.

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by exponent

I'm just going to interject here to say that I don't have any respect for Alex Jones, but I suspect more that he has some more serious issues than being a liar. I don't think he's doing it intentionally, I just think he's probably been through a few traumatic experiences which has resulted in him being, lets say 'unbalanced'.

You know what, I will take that. He certainly does seem to believe what he says. I just wish I was there for a day so that every time he said something was admitted or declassified, I could call him on it. Maybe then he would wake up to his own delusions. Either way, he is intentionally putting out information that turns out to be false and I cannot believe how many people blindly stick up for that because he told the truth once or twice in the past.

[edit on 9/28/08 by MorningStar8741]

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by MorningStar8741
You know what, I will take that. He certainly does seem to believe what he says. I just wish I was there for a day so that every time he said something was admitted or declassified, I could call him on it. Maybe then he would wake up to his own delusions. Either way, he is intentionally putting out information that turns out to be false and I cannot believe how many people blindly stick up for that because he told the truth once or twice in the past.
[edit on 9/28/08 by MorningStar8741]

ATS is relatively free of Alex's sheep, although they do exist and interject their confused/distorted points of view now and then if the discussion is regarding one of the topics he beats like a dead horse.

He's never actually held accountable for anything he says, his flock just takes his word about the "secret documents" and "admitted declassified reports". Jones throws in the obligatory "Google *meaningless noun*", as if search terms representing 100s of millions of possible results, counts as some sort of bibliography. Or if he can't pull any more obvious search terms from his ass, he can always start shouting the names of various newspapers; a frequently employed favorite.

[edit on 28-9-2008 by ANoNyMiKE]

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 04:46 AM
First thing worth noting is that the OP posted this one and only thread and has not been involved in anything else on ATS since. Must have been scared off by something.

As for the crazy stories, I think that Alex is a victim of his own fate. He is so consumed with bringing what he believes to be the truth to the people that in some cases his (correct) paranoia about what is going on in the world goes into overdrive. Alex knows that the American government is controlled and have done some extremely suspicous things and I suppose his willingness to believe they are responsible for everything leaves him open to believing people who have not done the proper research and also dis-info agents ( yes i said it

Alex is not a dis-info agent, he seems to be a good guy, he has been correct alot of times and I think its more about him trying to get people to wake up to the possiblities that all is not as it seems.

[edit on 28-9-2008 by kcfusion]

[edit on 28-9-2008 by kcfusion]

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by kcfusion
First thing worth noting is that the OP posted this one and only thread and has not been involved in anything else on ATS since. Must have been scared off by something.

As for the crazy stories, I think that Alex is a victim of his own fate. He is so consumed with bringing what he believes to be the truth to the people that in some cases his (correct) paranoia about what is going on in the world goes into overdrive. Alex knows that the American government is controlled and have done some extremely suspicous things and I suppose his willingness to believe they are responsible for everything leaves him open to believing people who have not done the proper research and also dis-info agents ( yes i said it

Alex is not a dis-info agent, he seems to be a good guy, he has been correct alot of times and I think its more about him trying to get people to wake up to the possiblities that all is not as it seems.

[edit on 28-9-2008 by kcfusion]

[edit on 28-9-2008 by kcfusion]

Yeah, I just do not get this whole idea of admitting he "get's carried away" and how he can exaggerate or sometimes stretch the truth but he is an ok guy doing good work and blah blah blah. The man goes on the air 6 days a week spouting off information that is either wrong, lies, or both. I am sorry but a serial killer that raises money for charities is not an ok guy. Neither is a liar, or really faulty researcher with a big mic, who gets something right once in a while.

I have to assume that what scared the OP off is the way alex's few rabid fans on ATS opperate. Most Alex Jones is a liar threads live less than 10 pages for a reason. His fans are mean nasty people that would rather destroy you for pointing out Alex being wrong that actually learn the truth.

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 05:44 AM
Just a note but this topic has been brought up many times in the past. Here is one example that shows some of his pretty fans and their tactics but much nicer than the U2Us

what is the deal with Alex Jones

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