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When the president says NEW PLAN, what he really means.

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posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 05:35 PM
Quite literally: More Terror.

SOME WELCOMED WORDS OF ADVICE for Mr. Bush and the “War on Terror” coupled with death of former Soviet Spy followed bytraces of radioactive material found on two different planes simultaneously existing within the context of an all out search for the terrorists harboring the “Weapons of Mass Destructiveness”. Is this a textbook cold war killing, or is this possibly a fore-warning of a certain imminent future befallen our divisive nature instrumented carefully and at precisely the right moment by the targets of The President’s self-permissive “War on Terror”? Have the terrorists undermined ‘The American Congruence of Freedom,’ ONCE AGAIN even after the president’s thoughtful liberation of Iraq? Did The President act justly in line with the credo of his Christ’s “Turn the other cheek” with his response to the TERRORIST ATTACKS upon the WORLD TRADE CENTER and PENTAGON? Does the argument for the command hold any congruence towards an attempt to conceal something redeemable? Certainly, but for whom and what exactly, you are not sure. Is it “The Kingdom”? Maybe, but maybe exactly not what you thought it was going to be. More clearly: Is this an actual commandment from heaven or a very clever institution of keenly misdirected judicial order deftly implanted into our societal building blocks for the cause of the ultimate subversion between man and his environment through manipulation and usury not to mention scornfully harsh punishment of normal to mild misconduct for the sake of capitulating an indirect submission to an unseen oppressor?

[edit on 2-3-2007 by eidison]


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