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ABC Live footage - Carbomb exploded State Department

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posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 01:44 AM

Not sure about the google one they are still "processing" it, the youtube
one should be working already.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 05:07 AM
I believe they never did decide who called that in.

FWIW, Sec Powell (non-PNAC) was outta town, in Peru, and Dep, Sec Armitage (PNAC) was in charge. With Bush (non-PNAC) outta town and Cheney (PNAC) in charge in his stead, that put PNAC people in charge at Pentagon, WH, and State. And someone there calls this in, shouting carbomb in an already panicked theater. No effect but a little extra panic at an already vulnerable time. Not terribly relevant if a PNAC conspiracy.

Another "confused" report? Was it a backfire and jumpy cell phone wielding people?

Just interesting how half the team rotated out of town for the day *tho Bush was actually expected back later in the day, to fly by helicopter for what I guess was to be the Pentagon's 60th birthday celebration (groundbreaking: 9/11/41), already had SS agents at the heliport there when Flgiht 77 crashed not 50 feet away.

I hate video links BTW. Damn teletubbie generation CT kids.
Nothing personal.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 03:32 PM
You also never hear about the police report of a missile being fired at the towers from the Woolworth builidng.


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