posted on May, 16 2007 @ 02:00 PM
Good show
I liked it. But then again. Lost is the first show I really liked that didn't get canceled.
Not that I'm compairing the two. Donnellys was the best show in its slot, its not the height of tv but pretty good watching.Generally if I like a
show it get's canceled over the years. Anything that cool, and not a stupid reality show, or singing show gets canceled.
I like Jericho much more, I also like Veronica Mars, Close to Home, etc.
Jericho coulld have been a great show, without the hiatus. I've never seen anyone pull this
except fox during the playoffs many years ago.
This is also the worst year in television history with everybody and their mom taking a hiatus in the middle of the year. I hate American Idol, they
destroyed TV this year because everyone was affraid of them.
ABC rules
NBC ok
FOX ok, except for the evil idol
CBS, sucks.
[edit on 16-5-2007 by Royal76]