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Different Spin on WTC7 Leak

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posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 07:19 PM
What if there was not supposed to be any memo to the press about the collapse of WTC7?

What is to say that it wasn't a leak by someone on the inside who wanted to demonstrate it was set up but couldn't come forward and say so out-right?

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 07:22 PM
Well if that were the case,he could have done plenty more over the last 6 years to help out 9/11 truth.

Im not sure who leaked it,but I highly doubt that news was suppose to be reported prematurely.

Just a fortunate break for those searching for the truth.

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 08:00 PM
I tell you what bugs me the most about 911;
At some point in the future its going to become painfully obvious to the majority of the American people that we have been had.
Kids in the future will go to write a report on 911 for school, they will type 911 in google, and they will stumble onto the truth.

Our children will look at us and ask us why, in the face of all the evidence of duplicity, why did we let the crooks get away with it.

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 09:33 PM
Good thing the IntraWeB wasn't around when Orson Wells was on the air....or else we would be asking our grandparents why they didn't tell us about the Martian attacks.

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by 11Bravo
I tell you what bugs me the most about 911;
At some point in the future its going to become painfully obvious to the majority of the American people that we have been had.
Kids in the future will go to write a report on 911 for school, they will type 911 in google, and they will stumble onto the truth.

Our children will look at us and ask us why, in the face of all the evidence of duplicity, why did we let the crooks get away with it.

well, atleast if you prepare for what may come, and u are ready to face whatever in the future, everyone will know you were telling the truth , mabe then they will listen and you can knock some sense into them

[edit on 1-3-2007 by EPPELIN7]


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