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BBC and Google? Uh-oh.

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posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by sardion2000

Doesn't matter if the clip was copyrighted. It is a clip of a Historical event of Major Importance so thusly falls under Fair use.

Here is an interactive copyright map.

The BBC follows British, not US, law
And youtube is an entertainment site, so you can't even argue educational use.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 06:20 AM
In my mind there are way too many anomalies for this to be anything other than a true conspiracy.

Firstly we have the obvious the video evidence.

The fact that the report was shown to break up conveniently just prior to WTC7 collaps.

Secondly we have the way that the video has been censored to such a degree that only a small percentage of people get to view the video.

Thirdly, BBC clames to have lost archive footage of this event???? However, the orriginal footage was downloaded directly from the BBC archive database...

And lastly... We have actual footage of WTC 7 going down....

I am not a structural architect but I do know when something looks natural or is man made. Natural events always have a knack of being uneven. One side bigger / faster / darker than the other etc etc…

When WTC7 Fell it was straight down... I mean straight as in Omni directional... A Professional demolition company could not have done a better job.

The real questions we should all be asking is why WTC7... What was in that building!!!!!

Does anyone have a clue what that building was mostly used for?

Anyway.... Whatever you believe caused the events of 911 one thing is evident... There is without a doubt some form of cover-up going on.

All the best,

NeoN HaZe.

[edit on 2-3-2007 by Neon Haze]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 06:58 AM
I read your post. Can you find a link to the BBC website where they do say they have the footage from the BBC News 24 "but it doesn't clear the issue".

I would like to see a link directly to the BBC site. I sent the story to some twit who said it was all faked, I would like to send him a reply directly from the BBC confirming the story.

Also, I thought they said they lost all their tapes? So if they lost their tapes and can't give a proper answer then how can they say they have the BBC News 24 tapes but they don't clear the issue.

I saw the BBC news 24 clip and the time is shown on the screen. There are deluded people who want to believe the time has been faked so I would appreciate a link to the statement from the BBC site. I have visited the BBC site and it is almost impossible to navigate, and obviously they won't want people to find this story anyway

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 06:58 AM
Happy reading;

BBC and Google close relationship:

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 08:15 AM
Great post neon haze~

I mean i just like logical summaries like that...
People are saying this video doesn't prove anything, and they're nitpicking over things, but nothing changes those points you've summarised.

You've gotta look at them all and just think a little bit at least??

And those points are just the tip of the iceberg anyway.

The google censoring is insane..the thought has popped into my mind a few times that...okay this video isnt' a smoking gun so what are they afraid of? Is there something ELSE they are afraid we may discover from this particular video?


posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 08:58 AM
Also - One thing is - The police and other people with radio contact.

Was told the buildings was to be pulled.

I remember it from TV - We where told it was going to collapse - At the moment I didn't think about it. But in back of my mind in those days - It was kinda weird.

Down went the last one - great illusion.

Good to see your still on NEON Haze -

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 09:47 AM
The Mainstream WTC7 cover-up Story So Far

To anyone missing any part of the story, heres a few choice links, mainly video clips. How come they're all staying up now it's well known about? If they're copyright and get removed quickly shouldn't that be consistent? Funny how they dissapear when the stories emerging but they stop trying to protect their precious 'copyright' when the dam breaks on the story. Just a thought.


Emergency workers and CNN saying WTC7 about to 'blow up' (Youtube video)

BBC World reporting on WTC7 'collapse' over 20 minutes prior to the event (Youtube video)

BBC News 24 also reports the 'collapse' 20 minutes early (Youtube video)


Clear sounds of explosions at ground zero caught on HBO video and later edited out (Google video)


BBC stating reason for twin towers collapse within hours (External walls took all the weight?!?!?!?) (divx video site)

Googlevideo/Youtube initially repeatedly remove the BBC WTC7 reporting videos (above) from their site, yet give up once the story is more widely known. Difficult to provide a link which proves a temporary abscence of something! But widely discussed and obseerved at the time .

BBC wetly claims 'tapes lost' in institutional 'cock-up', that reporter 'can't remember' the events and that 'even if they did say that it was going to collapse before it did' (they did) then it only shows error not foreknowledge (From BBC Website)

and then just three days later
BBC and Google/Youtube strike a deal (BBC)

If you haven't seen all them, please make the effort to, not more than half an hour in total. And then tell me you dont think something's a bit fishy!

[edit on 2-3-2007 by Giordano Bruno]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 04:40 PM
More from BBC regarding 9/11 WTC7 collapse "prediction"

[edit on 3/2/2007 by Mechanic 32]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by sardion2000

Doesn't matter if the clip was copyrighted. It is a clip of a Historical event of Major Importance so thusly falls under Fair use.

Here is an interactive copyright map.

The BBC follows British, not US, law
And youtube is an entertainment site, so you can't even argue educational use.

On the first point, you may be correct, but I'm not sure. I thought Fair Use was part of International IP Law.

You second point is flawed as copyright law doesn't make a distinction in the format/media it's in, it's all about intent.

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