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sep 11th media research project idea

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posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 12:00 PM
i was wondering what the chances of members pulling together to see if they can recreate the whole days events minute by minute from all of the media clips they have between them.

perhaps in the research forum, a separate thread for each tv channel that broadcast live that day can be made so that people can link any footage they can lay their hands on and determine the correct timeline of each broadcast as much as possible.

if all the recently discovered 'live' footage is disappearing from the net so quickly then its going to be the only way to recreate the timeline as near as live as possible. you can bet there are other people searching their archives now to delete whatever may have also been held but not discovered

it would be a massive task to do but its not impossible.

anyone interested?

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 05:37 PM
Before you try re-inventing the wheel, check out the Center for Cooperative Research. they've been doing just that since 2002 i think. They got lots of websites, timelines, and the book "The Terror Timeline" (2004).

But otherwise I'm down. got a few choise articles that I know are hard to find.

[edit on 1-3-2007 by Caustic Logic]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
Before you try re-inventing the wheel, check out the Center for Cooperative Research. they've been doing just that since 2002 i think. They got lots of websites, timelines, and the book "The Terror Timeline" (2004).

hi caustic logic. i am aware of the absolutely amazing 911 timeline already (as you know
) but thanks for the heads up on the cfcr site

what i was actually getting at though is JUST a video recreation for each tv station from any archived footage that people have or can find, which i looked for but couldn't find on their site.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 04:49 AM
Ah! Well, honestly that sounds pretty boring. I think this whole BBC WTC7 thing has rubbed me the wrong way. I have no videos to share, but CBS News tho has "What We Saw" DVD that was good, which has long chunks of the day at least, including some of the bits certain CTers drool over... (Rather on demolitions, 2nd explosions, etc. but NOT the Tom Kenney one).

A really well-researched assemblage tho, with with an insightful enough analysis on general patterns could prove of some interesting re: sculpting of the pop. psyche. I'd be curious what Mika Brzezinski's reportage from Gound Zero was like as the "direct external threat" her Dad prophesized in '97 came true and unleashed "imperial mobilization."

Wait, wasn't Mika working FOR CBS? I bet she was on that DVD but I missed it...


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