posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by NWOWILLFALL
It's not really the point.... would you like somebody coming to your house and then complaining about everything while they were there?
Telling you what to do and moaning about everything?
I don't agree with the way ATS does many things but I accept it.... because it's their site, not ours.
Believe me... over the 2 years or so I've been here there have been many arguments and many battles about different issues relating to the site....
and on every single one, ATS wins.... our view is irrelevant.
I'm not saying that to try and slate ATS...That's just the way it is.
It's their way or the highway, either deal with it or find somewhere else to post and read stuff.
I don't mean to be harsh and not saying this to annoy you, just telling it like it is man....You and I are just guests here, that's all.