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Jesus Based on Zeus

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posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Eleleth

Originally posted by Byrd
I can see a vague argument for the portrayal of Jehovah crossing over with that of Jove. But the early portraits of Jesus have nothing in common with Jove (which would have been a contemporary deity) -- for one thing, in the earliest portraits, Jesus has reasonably short hair... and is beardless. The Callixtus catacomb has one such representation:

Yeah, there is perhaps a case to be made for Jehovah and Jove having a common origin. I should note a weird passage in Justin's Hortatory Address to the Greeks where he asks, "from what other source, if not from his reading the writings of the prophets, could Plato have derived the information he gives us, that Jupiter drives a winged chariot in heaven?"

The earliest depictions of Jesus often portray him as young shepherd or a solar deity, which has provided a good deal of fodder for the Christ-Mythers.

[edit on 5-10-2008 by Eleleth]

I think that is a great point. But also, take into account, the greco-romans would be the only ones to dare create any images of Jesus Christ. The jewish christians who were once headed by James the Just at the Jerusalem Church would never dare make any images of Jesus Christ because of the then and today standing commandment against idolatry. Only the greco-romans who did not fear the commandment on idolatry and deny it today would be responsible for any mixing of christianity and greek mythos

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