Oblate Spheroid
I wouldn’t be too sure about dismissing the science and truth of What The Bleep. Did you know the man who set up the organisation that partly
brought this Docu together was an American Astronaut, really not a fool or uneducated man. The research group can be found here:
Institute of Noetic Science
Good point about the train thing however this is more about the idea than that, superhuman powers that truly is for a comic book not reality life as
we experience it..
Iagree to a certain degree with SuperBandit though I feel that others arnt just projections of our own personality or pysche...but we attract the
events situations and people who are reflecting those type of expections and beliefs and them the same.
However at a very logical deep appraisal as Schrödinger and others have shown, you cannot prove to me that the train is out there separate from your
consciousness observing it , or creating it. More than you can prove to me where your mind (consciousness here) is.... all we can prove at a
fundamental, deep level, all that seems to be real is that the universe is made up of lots of potentials or electrical charge popping in and out of
existence, holding lots of space that is nothing (thin Zen here and emptiness!) just empty space, into some type of structure and form, that is then
perceived in a very limited way governed by the limitations and parameters of our senses, that is then perceived by a consciousness (or experience)
that is unfindable or not fixed, has no "stuff to it" after first appraising the data on past experiences and reacting emotionally to it due to
prior experiences. Oh yes and also whatever we perceive in that consciousness has taken some time to come to our awareness so we are all living in the
past to a certain degree to!
There is a good thread here with lots of debate sparked by this documentary on ATS
ATS Thread Huge -- Its Time To Practise Quantum Theory Everyone
There really is something to all this and the two slits with a Photon or wave packet lol whatever you call it is a very profound repeatable
experiment. A scientific fact. However this truly is just a very small amount of the supporting proven experiments in this area. Consciousness and
thoughts mind, expectations do seem to have an effect on reality.
You really need to look at Scrodinger to understand all this as the tip of the iceberg.
This also is not a new concept, from the earliest philosophers also religious masters of all the faiths from across history and the whole earth have
taught this. In a modern sense it first became popular with the Works of Jung and synchronicity. To modern science proving and I say again this is NOT
THEORY, proving that something is going on between the Mind/Consciousness/Observer and outcomes in the material world if only to a slight degree.
However if its only affecting matter slightly, well you really really need to think about that quite deeply, before you have faith in things as they
seem and appear.
Carl Jung Pyschologist
Look at the below, enjoy, infact try out the experiment yourself a little bit….try the creating your days bit of What the Bleep…. However im sure
if you look you will see evidence already in your life. I mean im sure you have had a friend/relative/person you haven’t thought about seen or
interacted with in a long time…and then you think of them and hey presto they ring o you bump into them….maybe mind might not be actually creating
the building blocks of the structure of matter but its certainly influencing the behaviour of such matter.
The Man and Genius - Father of most things Quantum Schrodinger
And His Famous Cat - Experiment
The Lazy Man's Guide to Quantum Physics
Also as a last point honestly one of the contributors on What the Bleep is probably the most intelligent man alive on the planet, and his speciality
is actually the quantum realm.. this is not far out hippy new age stuff its real.
Njoy all