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Abduction or OBE?

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posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 12:05 PM
You know, this is funny because I just got finished replying to the "would you report an ET contact" thread (I said I wouldn't) when it jogged a memory I haven't thought about in a long time.
When I was 18 I took off for 6 mos. alone and with hardly any money to the middle east. My dad's from Lebanon and I figured I'd try to make my way to Beruit to see extended family (there were travel restrictions to Lebanon 10 yrs. ago so I couldn't just fly there) anyway, to have a place to sleep for a few weeks before going to Egypt, I volunteered on a Kibbutz in the Negev in Israel neer Be'er Sheba - Kibbutz Kremim.
One night I suddenly woke up completely paralyzed with a loud buzzing in my ears and my heart racing. I wasn't afraid at first, my immediate thought was that I had just had an OBE.
The weird thing was the faucets though. All of them were running when I was able to move and the buzzing went away. I was in a large room with about 4 bunk beds (I was on a single cot). There were like 6 or so other volunteers and all of them were asleep, but in the kitchen area, and both bathrooms, both faucets were turned on. There was also something wonky with the lights outside the window above my cot, but I can't remember what it was, just remember being afraid suddenly when I looked out the window after turning off the faucets and getting back into bed.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 08:19 PM
Abduction or OBE?


Hi angst18

Maybe just old plumbing and bad wiring, but 'pranks' are not an uncommon occurance in relation to visitations...neither are OBE's.

You may want to run your experience past sleeper sometime.

Peace &
Good Fortune


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