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The BBC footage - What can we do?

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posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by justyc

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
It was LIVE...

the footage CLAIMS it is live and what i suggested is the difference in PROVING it was live.

someone else would have been filming the area at the same time and if that footage is compared to the background of the bbc report and the smoke matches then it WAS live and therefore they had advance knowledge that wtc7 was coming down. if the smoke doesn't match then they lied that it was live. if they say it was a bluescreen footage behind then they still have to explain how they reported the building had collapsed before it did. comparing the footage with any other taken at the time will PROVE which it was.

there are too many holes to pick in this story and any excuse they come up with makes them look bad. however, there is no proof YET that it WAS broadcast live

understand the difference?

However this goes, it would cause any sane person to doubt the accuracy and integrity of their recent 9/11 Conspiracy Files programme.
They either mock up their reporters in front of green screens, dont authenticate their stories,tell outright lies or are a puppet broadcaster. Which is it do you think?

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
They "no longer have" the footage? That really helps their case, don't it?

Just before I read about this and watched the clip last night, I watched a clip of a Firefighter being interviewed around the same time. He was being told to clear the area because that building was going to come down or be taken down due to the damage. They probably picked up on that over the radio and misunderstood and misreported it. To expect them to have gotten everything right in the middle of that chaos is ridiculous.

How many of you have thought about what you are proposing? Are you saying the BBC was in on a conspiracy to blow up these buildings and murder all these people. Are you also saying that they approve of it and have all remained silent about it because they were part of it? This is what you are saying is it not? What would be their motivation? Why would a bunch of reporters, camera persons, producers and directors be willing to participate in such a huge crime of mass murder? I'm surprised they even bothered to respond to the allegation.

Youve missed the point mate. It doesnt even matter if the bbc didnt even know the building. They put the story out 23 minutes before the building fell. It doesnt implicate any BBC employee. Not in the slightest.
Theyre either incompetent, unknowing puppets or liars.
Which is why their recnt hit piece should be flushed down the loo.

Find the Feeder.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by kuhl
Break this stort to reporters who are open to this kind of thing.....Do it now

Don't get side tracked or ATS is toothless.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 05:46 PM
man, This IS an interesting story. We keep getting these...
I note in the BBCexplanation:
"We no longer have the original tapes of our 9/11 coverage (for reasons of cock-up, not conspiracy). So if someone has got a recording of our output, I'd love to get hold of it." (??? THE BBC, for God's sake, lost all its footage of the most pivotal day in recent history???)
"In the chaos and confusion of the day, I'm quite sure we said things which turned out to be untrue or inaccurate - but at the time were based on the best information we had." So what was this best info? a report that the building was weakened and about to collapse? That'd my guess, but no. "We didn't get told in advance that buildings were going to fall down. We didn't receive press releases or scripts in advance of events happening." So her best guess based on "wire reports" and such, with no warning of collapse, was that the building standing behind her HAD collapsed, when it actually would do so twenty minutes later? Man that's some serious chaos that seems to have caused a time warp and allowed them to rreport news from the future. tml

How can an ordinary Joe like me actually SEE this video? The download links provided don't work either. Who's pulling all this instead of letting it speak for itself? It seems they're in on some conspiracy, whether the original 9/11 one or the disinfo one.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 05:49 PM
Sorry. So what can we do? Remain calm, do not leap to conclusions, demand the BBC sort its own sh%t out. Don't expect them to however. So then I guess we analyze and compile a list of possibilities this represents and educate people while working to rule out possibilities and zero in on the truth.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 05:59 PM
New member here but have been lurking for a couple months.

I just wanted to thank all the 9/11 truthseekers. Because of your and others hard work and diligence, my eyes have been opened to the truth.

I, for one, was blinded by the Government lies and propaganda spread by the media to cover up this crime.

The truth hurts and I am scared to death of the implications of all of this. However, I refuse to bury my head in the sand. Ignoring this might be less painful in the short term, but you all already know how dangerous of an answer to the problem that is.

Just wanted to let you guys know that all of your hard work is not being and the others have opened my eyes (stupidity wasn't my problem, ignorance and disinformation about the truth was).

I want to thank you. It's brave people like you who are my hero's these days and give me hope for the future.

I will do my part and spread the word and provide links to the materials available. I'm ready to rumble

Again, thank you.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 06:04 PM
I think this is big - very important - not just a mistake like they claim.

They are on the defensive - if nothing else we are making them uncomfortable.

It's nice to see them squirm a little for once.

"It wasn't until I was on my way back in New
Zealand that I read of the President's murder.
That was 2 in the afternoon the next day New
Zealand time, but already the papers had the
entire history of an unknown 24-year-old man,
Oswald - a studio picture, detailed biographical
data, Russian information - and were pretty sure
of the fact he'd killed the President alone,
although it took them four more hours to charge
him with the murder in Texas. It felt as if,
well, a cover story was being put out like we
would in a black op."

"Mr. X" - JFK

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by PatriotOne
New member here but have been lurking for a couple months.

I just wanted to thank all the 9/11 truthseekers. Because of your and others hard work and diligence, my eyes have been opened to the truth. and the others have opened my eyes (stupidity wasn't my problem, ignorance and disinformation about the truth was).

I want to thank you. It's brave people like you who are my hero's these days and give me hope for the future.

Again, thank you.

It's off-subject, but you're my hero! Seriously - for whatever reason I can handle the truth, alays was - day one, minute one, I knew "no way our defenses all fail like that on accident. whoever's behind this just watch... war... police state... I see who benefits." So it's like automatic for me. But you, despite the difficulty, have mad the leap. My hat's off. and thanks for the ENCOURAGEMENT!

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 08:06 PM
Existing discussion on this topic here...

Please contribute to the existing discussion.

Thread closed.

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