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Our newly elected President and Vice President team will be awarded their own dedicated forum on (and "Politics" menu item on the ATS content archive) where they will become the site's official political commentators on the events leading up to the actual election in 2008 and more. The team will be the only two able to start new threads in the forum (though anyone can reply), publish articles to the main site archive, and share advertising revenue from their own Google adsense ads.
Originally posted by Rockpuck
True that Whatukno, however I will also put new cheaper vending machines near all forums!!
Commentating and the like is all I thought the job entitled, he said "and more though" so maybe theres something else??
Candidate Whatukno
Could be and if so I will be able to rise to the challenge.
Candidate Neformore
comparison of our policies that got us elected with those of with the main runners in the real thing
Originally posted by Nygdan
Do you feel that once the US election is over that the ATS Presidency is defunct?
Originally posted by Nygdan
Candidate Whatukno
Could be and if so I will be able to rise to the challenge.
How? What will you do?
Originally posted by Nygdan
I mean, an ATS president doesn't have any actual 'powers' or 'reponsibilities', so what do any of you see the role of ATS President being?
Will it be something like a 'shadow government', that is, a parallel to the actual American government, that makes statements on what it would've been doing, thus serving to critique the administration in power?
Will it be a mixture of both, and if so, which do you see as the dominant aspect?
Originally posted by Nygdan
Will it be something like a 'shadow government', that is, a parallel to the actual American government, that makes statements on what it would've been doing, thus serving to critique the administration in power?