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Freemasons stars.

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posted on Nov, 25 2002 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Byrd

FM can correct me here, but I *thought* that at one time Catholics were not allowed in the FreeMasons.

It depends. But FM and Catholic Church are not exactely the best friends.

I just know that for the FM, Christianity must be downed for ever. But I don't know why.

posted on Nov, 25 2002 @ 04:34 PM
UP, Freemasons ARE Christians.

In fact, there was a time when you couldn't get into the organization unless you were a professing Christian. There's all sorts of positive Christian references on the lodge websites.

Read some of their websites!

Making statements about Masons without being familiar with what they say about themselves on their site is like... like my writing a travel guide to the lifestyles and beliefs of the farmers in Belgium (I've never been to Belgium and haven't been to Europe for at least 30 years.)

Check the lodge websites for the truth.

The other people haven't been to any Masonic lodges, were never involved with it, and never met or knew anyone in the lodge.

posted on Nov, 25 2002 @ 05:01 PM
Freemasons ARE NOT Christians, nor have they limited their members solely amongst the Christian community, now, or in times past. Reading their about reading their literature! Furthermore, attending a Christian church doesn't make one a Christian. Christianity implies a belief in the Deity of Adonai, Jahweh, Jehovah, what have you, and that the Christ, Yahoshewah ben Joseph, Jesus, was his messenger, one with Him, his Son, what have you, and that overall, those beings offer spiritual salvation APART from inate qualities of imperfect man, implying that good works alone, and the human ability to REASON, is not enough. This is where Christianity differs from Freemasonry. As mentioned in Freemasons posts, some individuals left Freemasonry due to an inability to reconcile it with their faith, but doesn't mention the specific conflict ASIDE from the Hiram Abiff line. Many Christians have left Freemasonry on the ground of recognition of the Gnostic elements. I'm not a Christian, but I know the Bible, and most of the peripheral works as well. Suffice it to say that most of the Christian population claims belief, faith, etc., attend Church regularily, pray, sing, etc. but in reality aren't even close to, and aren't concerned with, living the Christian ideal that the Christ himself taught about. In short, with that in mind, how difficult would it be for anyone to do 'lip service' to those ideals and live, or subscribe to, completely contradictory philosophies and/or lifestyle? You of all people should know that, you're Wiccan aren't you?

posted on Nov, 26 2002 @ 12:18 AM
Heh...I am not a Christian, in fact my religion isn't a religion yet, I'm the only member, it's MY belief

I can't say if Christian Freemasons are or aren't Christians, the Church seems to be able to say, but when you think about it, since when does the Church have the right to tell who is Christian and who isn't? Wouldn't that make them a human organization? And not ordained by god?

Granted they all share a belief, but many Christian Freemasons share that belief, and unlike those some that leave, dont' feel that Freemasonry hinders their beliefs, so where does the Church get the right to tell who is christian and who isn't?

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posted on Nov, 26 2002 @ 12:25 AM
I'm going to dig up the research I've done on Freemasonry and the Papacy with regards to Benny and Pius. It's a mitt full so give me a bit of time.

posted on Nov, 26 2002 @ 12:29 AM
Ok Ma-Ha-Bone, you've done a LOT of Research, I think if you take what "Masonry" stands for, and what "Christianity" stands for as taught by Jesus, you'll see they are VERY similar. The only diference?

Masons live up to their obligations, and as you said, Christians don't (well not many anyways)

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posted on Nov, 26 2002 @ 12:40 AM
and, as you have also admitted, some Freemasons don't live up to their obligations either. May I refer you to your comment on wishing to sue blabbermouth Masons?
It begs another question; To whom, or what, is the Freemason obligated to?

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 08:52 PM
The FM is only obligated to himself and his family, to God, and to his fellow man or worthy that order.


posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 09:12 PM
A bump of about six years, what is that, a record? SO I wander what happened tot the digging that was supposed to have been done by some of these folks.

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