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Something very odd about tonight. Just a super odd feeling

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posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 02:39 AM
Good day,

I don't know if there was any UFO activity in Alberta on the evening of 26 Feb 07 but I want to share this. I've tried to google some info on UFO activity tonight but to no avail. If anyone has any info that would be great.

If not then I'm just having an off night.

My girlfriend and I decied to take a short walk down the local corner store and help our little dog who has cabin fever burn off some energy.

As we were walking down the sidewalk I had this eiry feeling that there was just something not right. Like something was there, or someone was following us.

Our little cirtter decied it was pee time so we both took a break and I noticed the wind went to a dead calm. Something I've noticed now is that the area around us was also very , very quiet. Considering we live in a major city in a large residential area that's not the norm.

As we start on our way again all of a sudden our timid and happy go lucky lap dog goes berserk

I mean freakin coo-coo.

I have never heard her bark in such a distressed manner in my life. It was a shrill "get the $%@! out of here right now because my animal senses are freaked out".

One thing I did notice was there was a smell on the air. Now granted this is a city and it has smells and it is a residential area too. The smell that caught me was it was like the smell of a combination of a camp fire , or a smoke from house hold fire place but it had a sweet scent to it.

Our little family lap dog was still growleing and barking and being a total nut bar so in case she was having a medical incident we went right back home.

Once we arrived back home she was patroling the house, going from front door to back , barking and snorting, please keep in mind she's a "sit in your lap 14lb pug" then she hopped up on the sofa and had a "1000 yard" stare out the bay window on to the street.

So once again if anyone knows of any UFO activiy in the Alberta area I'll feel a little better , mainly because we dont' need to take our dog to the vet.


posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 02:49 AM
What really caught me was how you noticed a distinct smell. This is usually the case from former abductee reports of smelling a similar almost unidentifiable scent. Unfortunetely, I do not know any UFO centers in Alberta to reassure you that it probably was an activity or not.


posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 02:58 AM

Thanks for the reply. I'm confident I've never been abducted but I did notice that scent. I guess it may have something to do with some of my field training because I am a fomer soldier, you know pay attention to your enviornment be mindful of your surroundings.

I wouldn't even have given the scent on the air any thought if our phsyco-pug hadn't gone bonkers.

Thanks for the note and thanks or looking into any activity over AB. I"m still to new to the UFO world to know where to look in depth.


posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 03:05 AM
Well perhaps I can answere some of your UFO/EBE questions, I'd be happy to inform you. As for the possible UFO activity in your vacinity, can you recall checking the time before and after this happened? Usually when someone experiences an anomoly of this sort, they lose time. Typically, around ten minutes.


posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 06:58 AM
Not only check ufo reports but also earthquakes. Animals usually pick up vibrations before they happen. Lately there have been earthquakes in areas that usually don't have them. I would pay attention to your pup for a few days.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by Arcticnull
Good day,

I don't know if there was any UFO activity in Alberta on the evening of 26 Feb 07 but I want to share this. I've tried to google some info on UFO activity tonight but to no avail. If anyone has any info that would be great.

If not then I'm just having an off night.

I read through this prior to responding. Don't count on it... the "off night". It's NOT you.

My girlfriend and I decied to take a short walk down the local corner store and help our little dog who has cabin fever burn off some energy.

As we were walking down the sidewalk I had this eiry feeling that there was just something not right. Like something was there, or someone was following us.

About what time did this occur?

Our little cirtter decied it was pee time so we both took a break and I noticed the wind went to a dead calm. Something I've noticed now is that the area around us was also very , very quiet. Considering we live in a major city in a large residential area that's not the norm.

As we start on our way again all of a sudden our timid and happy go lucky lap dog goes berserk

I mean freakin coo-coo.

I have never heard her bark in such a distressed manner in my life. It was a shrill "get the $%@! out of here right now because my animal senses are freaked out".


This is not unlike my rottweiler, Rocky. He would sprint at the livingroom window... a 3/4" think 8' x 4' piece of glass... BOOM!!! He'd go crashing into it. It scared us at first... He would do it on "those nights".

One time, driving through Wyoming in the middle of the state in the middle of the night (running claims out of Denver office), I saw pink/purple phosphorescence/lights... then the dog FREAKED! Tried to go through the windshield of my jeep. Jeep felt like it was flying. I snapped to in the next "instant" and was 50 miles removed from where I was supposed to be and the dog was OUT COLD on the backseat.

So pay attention to the dog. THAT is your "early warning radar". If you note the dog "passed out" and can't be awoken... RUN! That means the dog has been "nuked"... don't worry... he's just sleepin'. They "nuke" cats, dogs, and people that are not "scheduled for pickup" that night. VERY weird indeed.


One thing I did notice was there was a smell on the air. Now granted this is a city and it has smells and it is a residential area too. The smell that caught me was it was like the smell of a combination of a camp fire , or a smoke from house hold fire place but it had a sweet scent to it.

Would you say this scent resembled "burnt matches" "soggy cardboard" "moldy leather" or "sulfur"?

Again, another common reporting among abductees that are completely unrelated.

Our little family lap dog was still growleing and barking and being a total nut bar so in case she was having a medical incident we went right back home.

Good choice. No need to upset the little buggah!

Once we arrived back home she was patroling the house, going from front door to back , barking and snorting, please keep in mind she's a "sit in your lap 14lb pug" then she hopped up on the sofa and had a "1000 yard" stare out the bay window on to the street.

Uht... see that? You're EWR (Early Warning Radar) is WORKING! GOOD JOB, PUP!!

Check out those abductee ID questions in "How you can tell if you are a victim of abduction."

So once again if anyone knows of any UFO activiy in the Alberta area I'll feel a little better , mainly because we dont' need to take our dog to the vet.

If you think there is ANY chance that there's a health risk for your pet, I'd take him to the vet just to be certain, make sure the pup is good to go, give yourself piece of mind, and eliminate that from your list of "possible explanations".


[edit on 27/202/07 by Southpaw11]

[edit on 27/202/07 by Southpaw11]

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by 7Ayreon
What really caught me was how you noticed a distinct smell. This is usually the case from former abductee reports of smelling a similar almost unidentifiable scent. Unfortunetely, I do not know any UFO centers in Alberta to reassure you that it probably was an activity or not.


Or someone was just burning a scented log in the fireplace. What freaked your dog could have been anything. He might have caught scent of a rabit, squirrel, or anything to make him go a little haywire. Until we can start reading dog's minds, I guess we will never know why they do the things they do.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 09:26 AM
That reminds me, what kind of setup would you need to listen for and record sounds outside a persons normal range of hearing, say within the range of hearing for a dog or cat?

I would say these craft are operating outside our normal range of sight and sound perception. To escape most normal visual detection, they may just use sheer speed, and maybe moving at these extreme speeds they are producing sounds within a dogs range of hearing.

Think about it, they only need to hide from us and not the dogs or other animals.

I'm trying to get hold of some camera equipment to monitor the sky where I live that can capture frames of up to 250 FPS. Hopefully, that will be fast enough to catch something. I would like some sound detection equipment to go along with it.

The area I live in has a huge cylinder flitting about during the day sometimes. Also I have chemtrail looking things overhead all the time.
I'm now beginning to think that these trails of smoke are the resulting wake of these craft as their energy envelope warps the dirty air around them as they move and condenses all the nasty air particles and aerosols, not normally visible to the naked eye, into a smoke like cloud in the form of a trail. And if this were the case, all these guys on here reporting chemtrails all the time, may actually be observing the wakes of these crafts, long after they are gone of course. However if common to your area, a high speed camera setup may catch them in action the next time they come by. Sound detection, possibly, may let you know they're coming.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 05:48 PM
I would check out ufo activity at MUFON first! It's a somewhat "conservative" agency but its a great start.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 10:01 PM
Interesting how people who claim abductions often report a distinct smell. Keep in mind too that dogs have far greater noses than humans at picking up smells and differentiating smells.

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 08:34 PM
I want to take a moment and say thanks to those who gave their insight into what happened the other evening.

I want to state that I do not belive that I have ever been abducted.

I don't think I can make that clear enough.

Some of the possibilities that were mentioned in the post were things I didn't think of rationally at first, earth tremors, another animal close by and our little dog go spooked. Those are all valid reason and my logical thought process is I can not rule them out. Regardless of how "coo-coo" our little dog went.

To respeond to some some of the questions:

The incident occured at about 8pm mst.

The scent on the air didn't remind me of anything but it was a combination something like smoke from a woodfire and a very sweet smell on the air.

So far nothing has happened since and our little dog is back to her regular playful self. WE're going to go for another walk tonight to see if she still out to lunch.

Back to the main topic of post. I have still not been able to find any info if there was any UFO activity in the Edmonton Alberta region on 26 Feb 07


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