posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 05:46 PM
Here's a refresher :-
BBC Link
People from the UK may remember the various deaths of young soldiers that had happened over time at the Princess Royal Barracks, Deepcut or commonly
known as 'Deepcut Barracks' in Surrey, England. There has been four deaths in total dating from 1995 to 2002.
I found this article which sheds more light on the situation :-
Scotland on Sunday
In all the deaths the Army stated that they were all suicides even though the coroner had recorded an open verdict in at least two of the deaths. Plus
there seems to be conflicting evidence; such as one instance involving a ballistic test which showed one soldier had been fired at from a distance
numerous times and once at close range. Another where the soldier had two gunshot wounds to the head, yet the Army still said it was a suicide?! With
the soldier just mentioned (Geoff Gray), his uniform along with his body had been incinerated. His log book of some sort had pages missing when it was
returned to his family. Also there may have been important forensic evidence on the badge of his beret, which could have another person's blood and
hence conclusively rule out suicide.
Watching 'Psychic Private Eyes' on the 'Zone Reality' channel came up with some interesting information. Even though I have an open mind
concerning psychics and mediums I am not claiming what they said is proof. But going along with the assumption that what they 'received' was genuine
and not made up then it is frightening what went on. Including stories of some secret odd ritual/rite being performed by certain members of the Army.
A psychotic and seemingly deranged sergeant or senior officer (served in the Falklands) who was overly heavy handed, viewed 'fear' as an intolerable
weakness and seemed to have a low opinion of women in the army, hence the alleged reported sexual abuse. In the programme they tried to uncover the
mysterious death of Geoff Gray who received two bullet wounds. The psychics claimed that he stood up for a fellow female soldier who was being bullied
and preyed upon. That he didn't like the way she was treated and tried to stand up to the 'oppressors', hence a possible motive for killing him.
Again I do stress that while I'm inclined to believe the psychics, I do not claim what they say is fact. Although with the numerous stories coming
out about going ons at Deepcut plus the ceasing of strange deaths there (indicative of a reaction by the Army), it seems that it is very plausible
what the psychics described. Not to mention that in this case it is much easier for the Army to cover up an incident and get away with things when in
other instiutions/organisations this would not be the case.
Does anyone have an opinion on the matter?
Perhaps there are forum members who served in the Army and have had bad experiences at Deepcut? Maybe you know someone who did?
Any contribution is welcome.
P.s Here's a link to a website ran by the parents of Geoff Gray who are still campaigning for what they believe is the unjust killing of their
In case someone can contact them with information.
[edit on 26/2/07 by Flyboy211]