posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 12:52 PM
I just poured over all the old news breifs on talks with Iran.
It appears Mrs. Rice is the only one in her administration who avidly voices the idea that the US should hold talks with Iran. Bush and the rest of
them seem to flat out deny any such talks will ever occur, that is, unless Tehran dismantle its enrichment program.
Now here's the catch.
Mr. Ahmedinejad stated very clearly, that it wants to hold immediate talks with the US regarding the deteriorating situation in Iraq, so that they can
work together on bringing the Iraqi region back to peace. However, he states that Tehran will not dismantle it's enrichment program just so they can
start talks with a country.
Essentially, Iran knows that if they dismantle their Enrichment program just so they can talk to the US, this opens the floodgates for anything else
the US can tell them to do, just so they can talk to them a second time.
Mr. Ahmedinejad also stated that the possibility of dismantling their enrichment program was absurd... however, he would do it on ONE occasion... if
the United States dismantled theirs. lol. I'm starting to really like this guy. Good sense of humor.
Either way, it's clear that the Whitehouse hasn't made up it's mind on what it really wants with regards to Iran... however Iran does make it clear
that they want to work together with the US to solve the problems in Iraq.
Mr. Bush will be doing the world a favor if he would just drop the Enrichment crap, and engage in talks with them. There's alot Iran can help with in
Iraq... alot they want to help with. I say it's time for the US Administration to stop acting like a spoilt child and grow the **** up.