posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 11:00 PM
Dream or reality?
Today I was walking back from work, fixated on the sidewalk I began to notice that I felt more like I was coasting than walking. I was staring at the
mud puddles twigs on the sidewalk as they passed by. I felt like I was on a scooter just rolling by. I looked up at the clouds and they seemed much
more alive than usual. Everything seemed to be moving individually, as if they were vibrating. It almost felt as if I were watching a movie, and yet I
was still in control of my body. My eyes couldn't stop wandering, like a new born staring at it's hands with great concentration. Things started to
slow down, but it still felt weird. Cars were wizzing by, and the wind was blowing strong. Everything just seemed like a dream, it didn't seem real.
I finally arrived at the intersection, pressed the walk button and waited like a dog. I lit up a smoke and continued to look aorund, it was beautiful.
The walk sign signaled, so I began my journey once again. When suddenly this white car ignores the walk signal and floors it in my direction. I looked
in it's general direction, but not at the car, passed it. I was looking at a stream of water, as ripples ran across it like the ocean. I looked back
at the passing car without a care in the world. I noticed people who were stopped at the intersection look in my direction with worry. I stopped for a
brief second and stared at the white car that almost hit me, I took a drag of my smoke and continued walking. Why did this seem like a calm before the
storm? Has anyone else felt at ease like this before? It was pretty soothing, in a sense that everything seemed so lively. I was somewhat nervous
about this occurance at first, then I realized it was pretty pleasant. Does anyone have any feedback as to what I may have been experiencing? It's
just something that has been bothering me for the last 12 hours or so. I'm not really concerned, just a little weirded out.
This is actually something I posted a few days ago, on the 'Chit Chat' forum.. But yea, it feel it was out of place, so I reposted it here.. Maybe
i'll have a better chance of getting a few replys here.