posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 06:51 PM
I remeber watching the news a few months into the Iraq war and the president slipped up thanking the Canadian JTF2 forces for rescuing some allied
hostages from inside Iraq. Now most Canadians do not agree with the war on Iraq and were surpirsed to hear that there were canadian forces inside
Here is a link from a Canadian News Network
Basically type into google "ctv news jtf2" and there are many stories...
As far as the Canadian Forces not being strong in numbers is very true. But the population size of U.S. is ten times the amount of Canada and
therfore have more people to serve in the military.
Now Canadian miltary equipment (at least on tanks) is far more advanced then the average American. I was watching a program on the Discover Channel
about how the Canadian and U.S. tank divisions come together to compete in a friendly tank exersize course every year. I remember them talking about
how the Canadian tanks had more up to date technology as far as thermal targeting systems est... But again, because we have less tanks then the
Americans we have more money to spend on each tank.