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You Need To Believe Some Things You Hear!

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posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 09:59 PM
Hi everyone,
I sure wish I'd written the following article, it's what I and many others have been trying to share with folks here in America. Even in this forum, I've shared things about the NWO and the coming 'police state', only to have some people in here laugh about it, saying 'oh that can't happen, not here in America! Nobody is gonna take my guns from me, let em try!'.. Yes well... I don't know how to convince people that they need to open their eyes and look around them, SEE what the gov't is doing right under our noses. Here's an article that says exactly what I've been saying, I agree with it wholeheartedly. I hope that everyone in ATS will read this article, wish it was mandatory reading for all, just because of the very nature of it, it's something we all who live in America need to know and think about for ourselves!

PLEASE READ the article at the link provided below!! Send it to all your friends and family! Here are a few quotes from the article:

"Folks, I could go on for hours. The things I have just shared with you are FACTS, not conspiracy theories. You can't just blindly brush it all away. You can't just say "You can't believe everything you read." I beg you as your fellow American CITIZEN to at least investigate the FACTS and be honest in your heart. I am disgusted at the excuses I hear from people all the time. I recently told a man about Congressman Ron Paul and the HUNDREDS of articles which Dr. Paul has written exposing the coming police state and violations of our constitutional rights. The man simply invalidated Ron Paul by saying that all politicians are liars. Do you see what I mean? People who have never spent even ten minutes investigating the truth will just arrogantly and foolishly explain it all away with some ridiculous copout statement."

"You need to believe some of the things you read my friend, because we are in a pot of water that is headed for the boiling point. By the time the blinded, complacent, careless, irresponsible, immoral, and arrogant American people realize what is really happening...they will be slaves to the New World Order."


[edit on 2/25/2007 by NotOnMyWatch]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 12:27 AM
Kava Kava dude, Kava Kava. You have done your part. You have put the info out there. Its up to the sheeple now. If they believe, great, if not then its thier choice. I'm with you here but you know what? I hope to santa we are wrong. You cant make people accept anything. All you can do is what you have already done.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 01:45 AM
I'm one that agrees with you on this one 100%. We've all tried to get the info out there but it's like projectionist stated, people have to make their own choice. I can't see how alot of people can be so blind to what is going on around them. Look at the US as an example. Since the inception of the Patriot Act we've been steadily moving toward a police state. Alot of people don't see this because it's happening under the guise of national security, protecting us from the terrorists, etc.
Protection is a good thing but I like many others am not too keen on the idea of sacrificing our freedoms to be safe. People need to wake up and realize that risk is an inherant part of life and no ammount of "security" is going to change that fact. The surveillance cameras, wire tapping, etc. isn't going to stop people that are intent on commiting a terrorist act. The media and mass hysteria are well documented tools that terrorists rely on. I really don't think we need more eyes and ears on everything because of the simple fact that it will work in favor of terrorist agendas. They would love to have a suicide bomber or other act caught on camera so the ignorant masses can see and be drug even further down the spiral by fear mongerers. All this accomplishes is more government control over peoples lives.
If people don't watch out they'll end up signing away all of their rights and the NWO will take root completely. The sheeple we all refer to will be our undoing in this regard. In short, don't stop trying to get the message out there, for only through education will the ignorant masses come to see what many have already seen for themselves. Only then can we have any hope of combating the NWO because when they take over in full force it will already be too late, and we won't have a prayer.


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