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Candidate Declaration: whatukno, Reform

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posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 02:01 PM

whatukno for President

I, whatukno, hereby declare that I am running for the office of President of The United States and are running for the Reform party.

In short, my platform is simple:
Our society as a whole needs, deserves and wants a chainge. We have forgotten the message given to us by our founding fathers. We have given up too many liberties and freedoms for the sake of Security. I plan to help the members of ATS to change.

To expand:
I am What U KNO your Reform party candidate for President of the United States of America. I am glad to be your candidate for this election.

When this country was founded over 200 years ago it was founded on the principals of liberty and justice. A civil war, two world wars and a myriad of armed conflicts latter we have slowly seen these principals deteriorate from us. No longer are the doors to congress open for all. No longer are our representatives that are elected by the people to represent the interests of the people willing to listen to the people. We have lost sight of the American dream. We have lost site of what it truly means to live in a democratic republic, a true land of the free.

I say we no longer stand for this injustice and tyranny it is time for us to take back what was stolen from us. It is time for us to reform our government and ourselves to what we know to be right and true in this great nation of ours. The path to freedom is a long and perilous journey, fraught with dangers on all sides. But we the Above Top Secret members should not fear that journey. We can and must be the beacon of truth to the average citizen. A shining light to expose the corruption and evils of this current governmental body that has fought tooth and nail to rip from us the very freedoms that we have forgotten belong to us.

We stand here now on the precipice of a chasm looking down into it one may see the future of this nation if it continues on its present course. Are we to become lemmings and hurl ourselves into the crevasse? Blindly following our leaders to a certain doom never to recover? Or will we pause just for a moment to look at the way to the light, the promised land of freedom and opportunity that lay just a short distance away?

This is why I What U KNO am the clear choice for this websites esteemed office. My platform is a simple one. To take back from this government the rights that truly belongs to the people and the choices that were so wrongly stripped from us. To expose the wrongs and injustice snuck by us on a daily basis. To be your voice to those whose goal is to enslave you and to lead you from freedom to tyranny that currently hold office. This country needs to reform it needs a break from the status quo, it needs and deserves to be the beacon of freedom and democracy that it once proudly stood for. I What U KNO am the candidate for the job. I will be your voice your faithful elected servant, as I will be your voice to those in power, and it will be you the ATS voter that truly holds the power once again.

This November, elect me What U KNO as this websites President of the United States and you will not only have that voice, that power. You will know that you have sent a clear and loud message to those in power that this online community will no longer stand idly by watching as this government pillages the constitution and loots our freedoms. You will no longer stand by and watch as we send our young men and women away to a war for no reason but political gains. We will no longer take the official story as fact. We the Above Top Secret community have the power the resources and the determination to expose these lies. Shed light on this corruption and demand from our government to be OUR government once again.

I stand before you humbled by the sheer might and power that this online community wields. I am proud to be a member of this website, for I have seen through your threads and posts the awesome potential that this community holds. We the Above Top Secret community need not fear the alphabet agencies. For we as the people of this and other great lands know that those agencies truly work for us. It is high time that we as an online community send the united wake up call to those in power to remind them of that fact.

With the awesome power that is freedom brings the equally awesome responsibility to be ever vigilant to protect those rights. We have become distracted by the media and the sensationalism of our current lifestyle. In order to reform our government we must reform ourselves. We the Above Top Secret community needs to be the shining light that exposes the truth to the masses. We the Above Top Secret community have the responsibility to inform the walking cattle that are among us of the lies and corruption that is so prevalent in our government today. We have the duty to our own individual communities to share the truth and to educate the masses to what needs to be aired.

I hear it on the streets everyday the need and desire for this government to reform and to give back the freedoms that it wrongly stole from us. Nearly every American person sees that their government has gone from the beacon of freedom to a tyrannical oppressive regime that shows no signs of getting better. They all have the same complaints but not one of them thinks they by themselves can bring about that change. This is the ideology that first needs to be reformed. This government is for the people and by the people. But it has become a government for the few and by the few, one nation not under god but one nation under the dollar. This is where we as the American people most desperately need to reform.

American’s see that they no longer have a choice in the matter. We are force fed candidates that are not true representatives of our opinion. They in turn force laws on us that we cannot agree with. We sit by and watch as lies lead us to war. This is what needs to be reformed in our government. We need not only for this to reform but to reform ourselves to no longer stand by watching TV when our brothers and sisters sons and daughters die in a war that few agree with and lies brought us into.

I believe that if our founding fathers saw the condition we as the American people have let our country get into today they would be appalled and ashamed to call them selves Americans. We should be equally ashamed of ourselves to allow these injustices to continue on any longer. We have disgraced our founding fathers; we have disgraced the memory of those who died to give us the rights that we so frivolously discarded. We have brought shame upon the name of liberty. No is the time to erase that shame that disgrace and that dishonor from our shared heritage. So that we living now can proudly say to our children and grandchildren, “We give this world to you”.

Are you currently proud of the world you live in? Is this the world we want to give to our children? I say no, and I for one will not idly sit and let this shameful world continue to slide into the abyss that it is going into. I for one will stand up and shout to those in Washington “Enough! This will not be!” Those of you that are with me vote your conscience this September in this election and vote for me What U KNO as that voice.

We in this generation should no longer stand for the way things have been going. We have the right and the responsibility to enact the changes we see fit. We are the ones that will ultimately be held accountable down the road when things go right or wrong. I for one cannot abide by the way this government thinks it can run itself. These are our representatives; in your opinion are they true representatives of you?

The phrase "taxation without representation" was coined by Reverend Jonathan Mayhew in a sermon in Boston in 1750. By 1765 the term "no taxation without representation" was in use in Boston, but no one is sure who first used it. Boston politician James Otis was most famously associated with the term, "taxation without representation is tyranny." Now we have seen that this same phrase once again applies. This time I say unto you that we are not being represented by our government and thus should not be taxed by them. Who does have the representation today? It is big corporations and big lobby groups. If this truism should still hold true then these are the ones that need to bear the tax burden.

When I write to my congressmen I often times receive a form letter with an electronic signature that has little to do with what I have written about. I find this appalling to me and disgraceful to the office that my representative holds. These are the reforms that my candidacy is going to be geared towards. These are the changes that I want to implement. With your help the Above Top Secret community we can finally have that voice.

I have the passion and commitment to strive for the truth the determination to aggressively demand the reasonable accountability of our government’s actions, and the follow-through to see that the job gets done right.

At the time I wrote this the Iraq war has cost this nation $369,223,581,481.00 that amounts to each American paying $1,230.75. For an illegal war that has no end in sight. Don’t you believe that this money should be refunded to us immediately? I know that I did not want the war in Iraq. We all know now that this war was started under false pretenses and outright lies by this administration. Should we stand by and let our government spend money on a war based on these lies? Were your tax dollars well spent on something that you in your heart know was a just cause? I say no!

Now our government without our consent is trying to decide whether or not to invade Iran. Is Iran a threat to our sovereignty? Again I say no! Because Iran wants to build nuclear weapons our government feels that it has the right to threaten the Iranian government with an attack. As an American is this not a clear reason to reign in the powers of this government and give them a unified wake up call to not try and dictate what the world does within their own countries?

When you vote this November your vote for What U KNO for Above Top Secret President of the United States of America will be the vote for change in this country. I would like to thank you all the ATS community for your support in my bid to be your voice. I would also like to thank the Staff and Administration for this great website. Thank you What U KNO.

As a candidate for this office, running on this website, I promise the following:

I will uphold the Terms & Conditions of at all times

I will conduct a campaign that focuses on issues

I will seek to always answer issue-based questions with direct honesty and integrity

I will not, through my actions, communicate libelous or slanderous statements or advertising messages directed toward other candidates in the primaries or general election

I will not, through my inaction, allow libelous or slanderous statements or advertising messages directed toward other candidates to be made on my behalf

I will participate in every debate and avail myself to questions from the general population

If selected in a primary election, I will accept the nomination to run for my party for The President of The United States and select a capable running mate for my Vice President

I understand that if I fail to live up to the higher standards described herein, I may voluntarily or forcibly be required to end my candidacy or Presidency if elected.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 02:06 PM
What U KNO,

You sure do have a lot to say, but I would like to ask you a few questions about the problems you find in our American system today.

1. What "rights" are you planning to restore and how will you go about it?
2. What "lies" are you speaking about and how will you prove they are lies?
3. You say we, the people, must reform. What are the reforms you are speaking about?
4. You speak about the war. What is your plan for victory or to stop it.

Thank you for your attention

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 02:08 PM
I'll ask you the same questions I'm going to ask everyone who is running -
Questions for the potential future president of the USA -

1 - Your stand on the rights of Americans to own and bear arms....

2 - Your stand on abortion laws ....

3 - Your stand on changing the Constitution to exclude gay marriage .....

4 - Your economic platform ....

5 - Your stand on the 'death tax' .....

6 - Your stand on the war in Iraq and how/when (IF?) to end it .....

7 - Your stand on our security wall on the southern US border (and then on the Northern border?) ...

8 - Your stand on other security issues such as security in our ports etc ...

9 - Your stand on intelligence gathering within the USA in regards to terrorism and constitutional rights -

10 - Your VP and cabinet appointments? (any for me? Just teasing on that )

11 - Your education in America fix? (or does it need it?) Your thoughts on what to do with 'no child left behind'....

12 - Your policy for foreign aid and 'forgiving debts' .....

13 - What federal funding, if any, would you put into medical research etc etc? Including FETAL stem cell use yes or no??

14 - Afghanistan? Your policy there ....

15 - Oil companies, pharmacuticals, etc etc? Any thoughts in that area as far as your administration goes?

16 - The United Nations .... Your policy and thoughts in regards to that and how your administration would deal with them??

17 - Amnesty for illegals or send them back (anchor babies and all)??

18 - NASA ... further funding, more funding, less funding, a complete change ??? What would you and your administration support in this area?

19 - ANWAR ... drill or not drill? Alaska's state right to drill (they want to) or will your administration forbid it due to the possibilty that the Refuge could be damaged in the future?

20 - Alternative energies .... Solar, wind mill farms, etc ... what are your thoughts and plans in this area to make us no longer at the mercy of anti-American oil rich countires?

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Mahree
What U KNO,

You sure do have a lot to say, but I would like to ask you a few questions about the problems you find in our American system today.

Yes, these were great questions and I was happy to give you a response to them.

1. What "rights" are you planning to restore and how will you go about it?

We have lost the right to direct contact with our elected officials. They have begun thinking that they are above us and beyond us. It is our right to be able to have direct contact with our represenitives and we have the right to expect a personal response from those people and not from some flunky in their employ.

I plan to chainge this with a masterfull agressive letter writing campaign calling for fines to be imposed on any politician that would send out a form letter to thier constituancy.

2. What "lies" are you speaking about and how will you prove they are lies?

Politicians bank on lying all the time to the American people. They trust that the American populice will not remember the promises that they make trying to get office. I will hold these members of our government accountable for each promise that they make. Each vote in congress is recorded and available for the public to review. So it will be relitivly easy to track the voting history of each politician and hold them accountable for lying to us their constituancy.

3. You say we, the people, must reform. What are the reforms you are speaking about?

We must remember that this is a government by the people and for the people. The ones that we elect to office are responsible for each decision that they make. in essance they are our employees, we as the American taxpayers pay for their salaries and as such they must answer to us in the end. We as the American people cannot stand by while these people in office hold backdoor votes on constitutional amendments that they do not listen to the voices of the American people for. We must take back our rights to demand that the people that we elect vote the way we see fit.

4. You speak about the war. What is your plan for victory or to stop it.

It is time to withdraw from Iraq. We have done enough damage to our own world credibility by invading a soverign nation under falce pretences as it is. We have done what we were there to do. Saddam is dead. Our part of this conflict is over. It is now up to the Iraqi people to govern themselves from here on out.

Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your questions.

[edit on 25-2-2007 by whatukno]

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I'll ask you the same questions I'm going to ask everyone who is running -
Questions for the potential future president of the USA -

Happy to answer your questions FlyersFan...

1 - Your stand on the rights of Americans to own and bear arms....

We as Americans have the absolute right to own and bear arms, Congress should make no law against this. With gun ownership also comes gun responsibility. That is where the individual needs to be responsible for the actions if they choose to own a firearm.

2 - Your stand on abortion laws ....

I believe that no one has the right to dictate laws over a womans body. Period, this is a sensitive issue that should be left to the individual woman to decide what is right for her.

3 - Your stand on changing the Constitution to exclude gay marriage .....

I believe that marriage is the joining of two people that love each other, I believe that if two individuals of concenting age love each other then they should have the right to marry one annother regardless of their sex.

4 - Your economic platform ....

The buisness of government is buisness. There is no reason why this government shouldnt be unproffitable. It is economicly irresponsible of our government to have gotten itself into so much debt to begin with and I think that it should work hard to eliminate the defficit completely and to always run in the black.

5 - Your stand on the 'death tax' .....

The death tax is the single most inexcusable tax ever to have been placed on the American people. Why should we be taxed on something that happens to us all?

6 - Your stand on the war in Iraq and how/when (IF?) to end it .....

We must end the war in Iraq immediatly. We have done what we set out to do in Iraq and now it is time for us to let the Iraqi people govern themselves. We had no right to invade Iraq to begin with. It has cost us both our international reputation and it has cost way too much money that could have been better spent on Americans here.

7 - Your stand on our security wall on the southern US border (and then on the Northern border?) ...

This plan in my opinion is a huge waste of money for the American taxpayer. We need to encourage our neighbors to the south to better their countries so that comming across the border would be less attractive to people.

8 - Your stand on other security issues such as security in our ports etc ...

Our ports an airports and boarders of course need to be protected. We must do everything within our power and our technology to secure these entries into our country.

9 - Your stand on intelligence gathering within the USA in regards to terrorism and constitutional rights -

We as the American people cannot stand idly by while our government takes away our rights and liberties like this. Yes this does increase the chances of annother attack within our nation slightly but our freedom is more important to me. We must be the shining beacon of light and freedom to the world once again.

10 - Your VP and cabinet appointments? (any for me? Just teasing on that )

I have yet to pick a running mate, if anyone is interested please feel free to U2U me. Thank you.

11 - Your education in America fix? (or does it need it?) Your thoughts on what to do with 'no child left behind'....

Our children are our future. We must do everything possible to educate and allow our children to learn grow and prosper. America's education system is good but it can be much better. We have to do more with our children now thain ever before.

12 - Your policy for foreign aid and 'forgiving debts' .....

I believe in America first. We must takle our own problems within this country before we lend aid to others.

13 - What federal funding, if any, would you put into medical research etc etc? Including FETAL stem cell use yes or no??

I beleive that research funding should be alocated to these worthwile causes. We have the opertunity to help those that are sick with a new treatment we should do it.

14 - Afghanistan? Your policy there ....

Afghanistan is the only place we SHOULD have ever gone to war with. This is the country that hid Osama Bin Laden and we should never stop till we find that man and bring him to justice.

15 - Oil companies, pharmacuticals, etc etc? Any thoughts in that area as far as your administration goes?

It sickens me that we allow the obvious price gouging to continue with reference to these two areas of buisness. Oil and Paharmacutical companies have posted the most record breaking proffits that this country has ever seen. It is time for us to step in and controll these companies and no longer should we allow their lobbyists to controll our congress.

16 - The United Nations .... Your policy and thoughts in regards to that and how your administration would deal with them??

I believe that the UN has an important job in the world and we need to pay our fair share to the UN to help it continue its good causes.

17 - Amnesty for illegals or send them back (anchor babies and all)??

I beleive that we should make it quite easy for people that truly want to work in this country to work here legaly. We also can never separate a child that has been born in this country from it's parents regardless of imagration status.

We should also not tolerate those that come into this country illegaly only to break our laws while here. There should be no tolerance for this.

18 - NASA ... further funding, more funding, less funding, a complete change ??? What would you and your administration support in this area?

NASA needs to be given the opertunity and funding to continue its good work at discovering more about our world and the cosmos in general.

19 - ANWAR ... drill or not drill? Alaska's state right to drill (they want to) or will your administration forbid it due to the possibilty that the Refuge could be damaged in the future?

We must look at the environmental impact that such a drilling would pose. I believe in state soverignty and if Alaska wants to drill in it's own backyard then they should be allowed to. However we must do everything within our power to ensure that this is done in the most environmentaly sane way possible.

20 - Alternative energies .... Solar, wind mill farms, etc ... what are your thoughts and plans in this area to make us no longer at the mercy of anti-American oil rich countires?

We should do everything we can to encourage the use of alternative energy in this country as to reduce and eventualy eliminate our dependance on forign oil.

I thank you for your questions FlyersFan I hope that I have adiquatly answered them for you.

[edit on 25-2-2007 by whatukno]

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 03:33 PM
This question was posed by RRconservative when I first posted my intention to run for this office.

This is my main question for All ATS candidates and real-life candidates.

Do you want victory in Iraq?

It's a simple question that only requires a Yes or No answer.

A response would be appreciated!

In short Yes.

But to explain, we have already achieved victory in Iraq it's time to come home. We set out to tople Sadam's regime and we have done it. It is now time for us to come home and let the Iraqi people govern themselves as they should.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
I believe that marriage is the joining of two people that love each other, I believe that if two individuals of concenting age love each other then they should have the right to marry one annother regardless of their sex.

Okay. Let me ask further .. do you plan to have a Constitutional Amendment to reflect this or would you leave it for each state to decide what it wants in this area.

Thanks for answering all my questions.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 09:39 AM
No there should be no constitutional amendment for or against homosexual marriage, There is no constitutional amendment for heterosexual marriage so therefore no special clause to grant or deny homosexual marriage.

However I would like to see states recognise same sex unions as legitimate unions in all 50 states. But that law would be up for the individual states to decide. But if one state passes a law alowing for the rights of same sex unions in their states then I believe that all states should recognise and and respect the states that allow for these unions.

Love is love it should not be bound by legislation. This is my stand.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
No there should be no constitutional amendment .....

Great. Don't touch my Constitution. Excellent. Each state can decide what it wants without messing with the Constitution.


posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Great. Don't touch my Constitution. Excellent. Each state can decide what it wants without messing with the Constitution.


Any time, my U2U is also always open as well as my phone line. you may always reach this candidate.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 03:18 PM
I'll be asking all candidates this.

What is your opinion the current election age, that is having to be at least
35 to become president, should it be lowered, raised or stay the same?

What are your thoughts on the requirement that one must be born in the
United States to become president, should it be changed or stay the

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 07:08 PM
I think that we should respect tradition in this aspect. I believe that 35 is a young enough age to know what the people of the United States want. Yet it is old enough to have expirenced life enough to make wise decisions.

As far as being a natural born citizen goes I also would go with tradition on this because, A person that was not born in this country could be detrimental to the national security of the nation. As a person that was not born in this country may not love this great nation of ours as much as someone that is a natural born citizen.

posted on Feb, 28 2007 @ 06:20 AM
As your reform party candidate I What U KNO would like to give you the opertunity to listen to some of my Podcasts covering this subject.

What U KNO For President 1

What U KNO For President 2

What U KNO For President 3

I will be doing more podcasts pretty soon and I invite you all to call in and leave your questions on my voicemail for inclusion in these podcasts. You can find my number convienently located in my avatar.

Thank You

What U KNO

[edit on 28-2-2007 by whatukno]

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 04:20 PM




posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 04:22 PM
I am proud to announce that Rockpuck will be joining me as my running mate in this election. Rockpuck has the leadership abilities the poise, grace and determination to be an effective running mate.

with What U KNO and Rockpuck you can be sure to KNO to Rock the Vote!

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 04:29 PM
Indeed I am proud to be running beside Whatukno, I stand by his goals as president and his campaign, we as a team can surely bring a proud and respectable leadership capabilities that so many of you seek!

Whatukno and Rockpuck for President!

May our combined political ideas represent the people, the board and the values we both wish to uphold!

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 07:14 PM
This Election, For Freedom, For Democracy, For Our Future.... What U KNO, Rockpuck. KNO to Rock The Vote.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 07:29 PM

A short comentary on my views on the Iraq war.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 08:14 PM

I just did not want you all to forget that I with my excellently brilliant VP are still in this race. I want you all to know that I will always be here to answer your questions.

Thank you

Your candidate What U KNO

KNO To Rock The Vote

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 08:38 PM
I have two questions.

1. WTF happened to Central America?? It did'nt look like that the last
time I checked.

2. What is your policy on certaibn military bases being above the law?

[edit on 4/2/2007 by iori_komei]

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