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The Bush Family 12/7-9/11 Circuit

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posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 07:24 PM
In my research on Pearl Harbor - 9/11 parallels, I found the works of Robert Stinnett, then his connexctions to Bush sr, and from there everything fell ito place. Spooky ass multi-generational myth-weaving...

It's a big story, but broken into parts and organized here: ml

I think this is aother seam - especially Stinnett backing off his provocation case and the McCollum memo in the period AFTER the "new Pearl Harbor." anybody care to check this out?

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 08:20 PM
My grandfather insisted that FDR had prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor, and he also nearly crapped himself when Reagan picked Bush Sr. for VP. My grandfather insisted that the CFR and Trilateral Commission were running everything.

By the way, how do you get to have the CIA headquarters named after you???

The CIA is the Bush family business for god's sake!

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 12:37 AM
And I didn't even mention the CFR or the triads. Another example why grandparents should be heeded.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 12:53 AM
I'm sure you probably know that the Rockefellers built the WTCs and the Trilateral Commission at about the same time.

What's not as well known is that it was about the same time that they started the SWIFT Banking conglomerate as well. This is the bank that handles EVERY international wire tranfer in the world... something like 6 million transfer a day. This is also the bank that turned over all their records to the U.S. Intelligence just because Bush asked for them.

This whole thing you brought about re 12/7 and 9/11 is really starting to seem weird... it's almost like PNAC referenced "a new Pearl Harbor" with a certain "insider" meaning.

You've really got me leaning back towards the they-let-it-happen theory as opposed to the TMIH theory.

It would have taken a much smaller, simpler, easily deniable operation to LIH. Or it could be a variation where they helped al-qaeda make it happen. Either way, there's something not right about this whole thing...

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[edit on 26/2/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 03:15 AM
Honestly, this apparent TLIH booster actually made me suspect MIHOP more, by actually providing a compelling Pearl Harbor parallel. Yes FDR let it happen, even pushed it along. But it was necessary to get us woke up and fighting the Fascists. We understand this, it's complex but Father Knows Best after all. We figured it out right before 9/11 thanks to a Bush friend.
Then 9/11 happens, we think maybe the same thing - it's all about the evil of the attacker, and that it may be a necessity in a democracy to allow us to see it up close, to feel the vulnerability. If al Qaeda was that evil, maybe we did need a wake up call... and now that it' rolling, our job is to button lips on any such suspicions anyway. We need to be united against the evil.
This set-up almost feels like pleading to a lesser crime. I dunno. But both Stinnett's book AND Northwoods come out as news right before 9/11... some kinda disinfo mind-messing.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 08:39 AM
Maybe there are still some people with a conscious and the Stinnett book and Northwoods were helped along to become public by certain *individuals* who want to reveal what's going on, but who can't do it blatantly. I dunno either...

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[edit on 26/2/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 11:37 PM
That's possible and a nice thought. I've hoped that such peoplewere also behind that Lone Gunmen episode. Some kind of warning? If so, too bad it only makes sense after the fact...

But as for this thread, it's too vague. Lemme 'splain.
PEARL HARBOR WAS SET UP! I can say this with failry certain certainty! the evidence is there, but the no. 1 piece most are still ignorant of is the McCollum memo. -mccollums-memo.html
Eight points to provoke Japan into an "overt act of war" to get the US into World War II. One point was to keep the Pacific fleet at Hawaii instead of sent back to safer ports in California. It was written up at the Office of Naval Intelligence, Oct.7 1940. Roosevelt read it that night, and the next day ordered the fleet to stay at Hawaii. The head of the fleet's protests got him fired. It was all planned. what ships were where, what codes broken, all just circumstantial evidence now. the memo cracked the case.

How do we know of this memo? A book, Day of Deceit, by Robert Stinnett, released December 7, 1999. Who is Stinnett? A photojournalist, Pearl Harbor scholar, and fellow at the libertarian Independent Institute of Oakland CA (Paul Craig Roberts is a fellow fellow there). He's also a Navy vet of WWII, Serving under Lt. George Bush. Stinnett later became an unofficial Bush biographer, lionizing his WWII heroics in a 1992 RNC fundraiser for Bush's re-election campaign. No dice, Clinton won, but Stinnett kept writing - even the Bush bio was loaded with sharp hints at his emerging Pearl Harbor case, which somehow got through FOIA requests no one else had and obtained McCollum's memo in 1995. This document freeing was allegedly Clinton's doing, but I'm not so sure... the papers Clinton is known to have declassified referred to the 1960s - Bay of Pigs, JFK, etc, and Northwoods to boot. This seems a different affair altoether, and Stinnett had other, closer, friends at the White House level.

“Today, you remember - I wonder how many Americans remember - today is Pearl Harbor Day. Forty-seven years ago to this very day we were hit and hit hard at Pearl Harbor… Did I say September 7th? Sorry about that. December 7th.” - George HW Bush, September 7 1988 [???He didn't say "September 7." He said "this very day."???]


While he was only seventeen at the time of 12/7, there may have been interesting discussions around the Skull and Bones family dinner table. Recall Secretary of War Stimson’s November 1941 order “the United States desires that Japan commit the first overt act,” revealed in Day of Deceit - clearly he was in on the provocation plan. Stinnett’s Bush book noted that Stimson was in fact a “powerful family friend” of the Bushes. The Yale graduate also shared membership in the secretive but powerful Skull and Bones society with Prescott – George’s turn to join had yet to come.

So we know that by no later than November 1941 Stimson and perhaps his friend Prescott Bush knew Pearl Harbor was set up –It can’t be ruled out that this was mentioned or hinted at to the young George Bush before war came. But whatever he knew, Stinnett explained that George was determination to “avenge the day of infamy.” He faced resistance: “his father, Prescott bush, and powerful family friend Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson wanted him to go on to college, but their persuasive arguments could not deter George from going to war.”

And that's not even touching yet on all the Nazi stuff preceding this that so ensnared Dem. Harriman in this web, nor on the later epsiode where Bush's son became President and a new Pearl Harbor just sort of happened...

[edit on 25-2-2007 by Caustic Logic]

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[edit on 26/2/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 11:53 PM
Thanks for the great info! I always enjoy reading your blog.

So if history repeats itself, we'll all be driving cars made in Afghanistan and Iraq 20 years from now!

Seriously, this 12-7 - 9/11 parallel is looking like something pulled out of a standard playbook.

What do they have in common?

Evil, immoral, heathen aggressors carry out a surprise attack on the innocent, righteous, god-fearing good guys. Somehow these evil heathens are able to defeat the most sophisticated and powerful milirary in the history of the world, only to poke us in the eye instead of hitting us with a deadly blow. We then rally the support of the entire nation to kick their asses back to kingdom come.

Geez... you know how the first 12/7 ended? Nuking Japan.

How's this one going to end???

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[edit on 26/2/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 12:25 AM
Thanks! WORLD WAR IV some are calling it. WW III having been the Cold War. It's all about the Arab/Muslim world officially, basically the old Clash of Civilizations thing, but it plays out much wider already. NATO expanding, Orange Revolution, Russia pushing back - Trigger points in Europe - for the first time in decades talk of missiles over Poland - Russia and China arming and training together - Shanghai Cooperation Organization - Iran trying to join! Nuclear weapons! Oh it makes one jittery. It could go different ways.

I'm not much good tonight. Kinda tired. You been rockin' lately, just be sure to get some sleep eventually.

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[edit on 26/2/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
Thanks! WORLD WAR IV some are calling it.

I think we can predict how it's going to play out based on 12/7. There's going to be a major event, like nuking Iran, which is going to lead to the next phase of the NWO. This phase will include rebuilding the Middle East (lots of money in that) and the U.S. and Russia controlling the oil coming out of the region. The trillions of dollars that China's new emerging economy will generate will be spent in large part on oil from the Middle East, and rather than Arabs reaping the profits, Exxon, BP, and Chevron will reap the profits.

Better for them that the people in Texas get rich than the arabs in Iran and Iraq, right?

Just my 2 cents...

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 12:43 PM
More good links about the Bush crime family

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by nick7261

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
Thanks! WORLD WAR IV some are calling it.

I think we can predict how it's going to play out based on 12/7. There's going to be a major event, like nuking Iran, which is going to lead to the next phase of the NWO. This phase will include rebuilding the Middle East (lots of money in that) and the U.S. and Russia controlling the oil coming out of the region. The trillions of dollars that China's new emerging economy will generate will be spent in large part on oil from the Middle East, and rather than Arabs reaping the profits, Exxon, BP, and Chevron will reap the profits.
Better for them that the people in Texas get rich than the arabs in Iran and Iraq, right?
Just my 2 cents...

I shouldn't read such things while listening to Nitzer Ebb. It makes me wanna smmassssh stuff up. they better at least be more subtle than all that.
Rusia and the US/West together? You'd need to add Gazprom to the list of beneficiary cos then. This is possible, what Fintan Dunne calls the G8 plan - all Russia-West rivalries play-acted - that almost scares me more. Did you know the mid-date of putin's apt. bombing terror campaign was 9/11 of 1999? With no exact date tho it became known as 9/99. Flip that upside down. Spooky stuff.
Thanks for the links Dragnet. I'll check them later. There's plenty to go on of course.


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