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ever been stalked by a wild animal ?

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posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 05:37 PM
have you ever been stalked by a wild animal ? i havent as i live in the UK but i suppose people living in the USA or Canada or anyware else that has a wilderness has.

I just watched a film about some men who were lost in the wilderness and they were being followed by a large grizzly bear. it followed them for some time.

And i just thought jeez could you imagine what it would be like if something that wasnt human but was focusing all its atention on you in order to eat you !!!

I guess it would freak me out psycologicaly just for starters !

Also i watched a documentary about the Siberian Tiger and how they are turning to eat humans as their hunting grounds are being encroached on and they are losing their fear of humans.

It told you about this guy who was out hunting and he found a freshly killed boar so he took it home with him (bad idea !)

he was living alone in the widerness in a wooden shack, the Boar was the kill of a siberian tiger , and it stalked him to his shack ! the guy could hear it at night prowling round

He was last seen by a friend of his who worked at a lumber mill nearby ! but since then he was never seen again !

As he was missing a policeman was sent to look for him. The cop went to his shack but he wasnt there . there was plenty of tiger tracks though footprints in the snow

The the cop stumbled on the guys remains
his boots with his feet still in them ! thats all that was left ! it even showed you footage of the boots on the documentary !

Have you been stalked by anything ? is it a common occurance when living or hunting in the wilderness ?

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 05:52 PM
Being stalked will damn near stop your heart. The closest i've come to it was walking home one night, I suppose I was about 27 or 28 years old and I had to pass thru a section of road that had woods on both sides, but keep in mind this was in the city and it was just an undeveloped dark stretch.

As I was walking thru something in the woods on the other side of the road started walking alongside me. I did not know what it was, I could only hear the footsteps as it walked among the leaves and branches. It kept pace with me right up until I made it to the next street where there were street lights, and there it stopped.

It could have been a wino or a teenager just trying to freak me out, but it was a very scary experiance. It lasted only for the few minutes that I walked that dark corridor. That few minutes lasted for hours though. I wasn't about to run I just kept walking and waiting for what ever it was to jump out and attack me. It never did.

Like I said, It was in the city so I doubt it was a wild animal, but it was still a scary experiance.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
Being stalked will damn near stop your heart. The closest i've come to it was walking home one night, I suppose I was about 27 or 28 years old and I had to pass thru a section of road that had woods on both sides, but keep in mind this was in the city and it was just an undeveloped dark stretch.

As I was walking thru something in the woods on the other side of the road started walking alongside me. I did not know what it was, I could only hear the footsteps as it walked among the leaves and branches. It kept pace with me right up until I made it to the next street where there were street lights, and there it stopped.

It could have been a wino or a teenager just trying to freak me out, but it was a very scary experiance. It lasted only for the few minutes that I walked that dark corridor. That few minutes lasted for hours though. I wasn't about to run I just kept walking and waiting for what ever it was to jump out and attack me. It never did.

Like I said, It was in the city so I doubt it was a wild animal, but it was still a scary experiance.

i had a similar experience here in the UK . it was when i was living in cornwall which is a rural area.

one night as i was walking home from a friends house at about 2 am i was walking down a country lane. as i walked the trees on both sides of the road grew to meet each other forming a type of canopy. it was like walking through a tunnel. it was pitch black ! i wouldnt say i was being stalked but i could hear animals moving about

as i was leaving this stretch of road i could see a street light in the distance and by the street light was a garbage can. 2 animals possibly foxes were eating out of this garbage can ! and i thought jeez i got to walk past them ! i hope they dont get nasty as i will be disturbing dinner

i just started clapping my hands as i aproached and they ran off.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 08:20 PM
Being stalked? No one has ever stalked me. However that is why you should always have combat training and always carry something sharp that you KNOW how to use. However here is a story I got from a cousin who was hunting, not being stalked is not the ONLY thing that makes your heart stop apparently...

Racoon hunting (Ohio, I moved over 15 years ago), my cousin and his friend were out and walking along with a search light on some farmers land and heard snarling. Well they used their spotlight to target and turns out some wolves had brought down a cow and were not too happy about them being there, my cousin said they didnt even think about it they just dropped the light and ran took off like bats out of hell. My cousin said he was going under a fence (their truck was just outside of the fence line) and his friend jumped the 5ft fence with one leap. Before anyone says anything about hunting with rifles, a single shot rifle vs several POED wolves who are not backing down does not cut it, especially when one person is holding a light. Wolves go in packs remember?

First lesson of being stalked: keep your cool, stalkers thrive off of fear, you loose your cool they already have the advantage. Just knowing they are THERE is working against them, then keeping your cool destroys any hopes they have of a sneak attack. The next is just who is faster and has the best weapon.

Just so you know: I have always been the one stalking animals and people not the other way around. Predator not prey. Good kind of predator though.

[edit on 25-2-2007 by Vekar]

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 09:16 PM
I have been followed by Black Bears when I was coming back to camp with fish. I left the fish. I sure am glad there are no Grizzly Bears in my part of the country. Here people get mauled by Black Bears by doing stupid things like keeping food inside their tents instead of up in a tree.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Vekar
Being stalked? No one has ever stalked me. However that is why you should always have combat training and always carry something sharp that you KNOW how to use. However here is a story I got from a cousin who was hunting, not being stalked is not the ONLY thing that makes your heart stop apparently...

Racoon hunting (Ohio, I moved over 15 years ago), my cousin and his friend were out and walking along with a search light on some farmers land and heard snarling. Well they used their spotlight to target and turns out some wolves had brought down a cow and were not too happy about them being there, my cousin said they didnt even think about it they just dropped the light and ran took off like bats out of hell. My cousin said he was going under a fence (their truck was just outside of the fence line) and his friend jumped the 5ft fence with one leap. Before anyone says anything about hunting with rifles, a single shot rifle vs several POED wolves who are not backing down does not cut it, especially when one person is holding a light. Wolves go in packs remember?

First lesson of being stalked: keep your cool, stalkers thrive off of fear, you loose your cool they already have the advantage. Just knowing they are THERE is working against them, then keeping your cool destroys any hopes they have of a sneak attack. The next is just who is faster and has the best weapon.

Just so you know: I have always been the one stalking animals and people not the other way around. Predator not prey. Good kind of predator though.

[edit on 25-2-2007 by Vekar]

good post and your friends are lucky that their vehicle was nearby .

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
I have been followed by Black Bears when I was coming back to camp with fish. I left the fish. I sure am glad there are no Grizzly Bears in my part of the country. Here people get mauled by Black Bears by doing stupid things like keeping food inside their tents instead of up in a tree.

are grizzly bears more fearsome than black bears ? pity about your fish ! bleedin thieves

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by RedDanDoc
are grizzly bears more fearsome than black bears ? pity about your fish ! bleedin thieves

I've always heard that if a bear is after you, you will know what kind it is by climbing a tree. If it's a black bear they will climb the tree to get you. If it's a grizzly they will just push the tree over.

I don't know how true that is but either way, you're in a heap of trouble.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 09:57 PM
Growing up in rural New Zealand provided me ample opportunity to be chased by wild boars and once a wild goat. The secret is to run like the wind. Luckily I was always a good sprinter, but it does make the freckle pucker.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 01:25 AM
Animal noises in the bush can really get to you when you cant identify the sound. And the sounds always sound bigger than you would think.

I can't even count how many times a partridge has flown up and scared the crap out of me when all is quiet.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 11:02 AM
Well if you want to know something is going horribly wrong: your in the middle of a forest and their are NO SOUNDS AT ALL. When that happens its time to bunker in for combat or start running like hell itself is after you.
Bears, if you happen to find out one is stalking you and you have no food on you, then you ARE the food. Hear is a handy tip: run like a banshee is after you DOWNHILL not uphill, I had a friend who was a ranger and he said some campers think they can run uphill and the bear will slow down. Not the case, they can run uphill quickly due to differance in leg size, however going downhill WE have the advantage over them, just make sure to run in a random pattern not a straight line because if your a slow runner it might catch up to you anyway. If your on the flats, what the heck is a bear doing in the flats? They like mountains more than flat terrain. None the less, if flat know which direction you have to go in and then skiddale if you have nothing that could not puncture and inch of steel from 100 yards. Otherwise climb a tree and become a squirrel and move tree to tree, we are light and can, bears cannot last time I checked.

In my area bears and wildcat are not to be worried about, thoug they exist the threat lies with the kind of "stalkers" that make the good old "rattle rattle" sound. Hear that, jump 6ft straight up in the sky, sprout wings and fly.

Edit: added above line

[edit on 26-2-2007 by Vekar]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 11:17 AM
Here are a couple of times where I have had run ins with wild life.
One time a couple of freinds and I were out pheasant hunting (small bore ammo) when a wild boar came out of the bush. We escaped it by climbing a couple of trees. Unfortunately, The boar kept us up in the tree over night and that is no fun in the early spring in New Hampshire.

A second problem we had (different group) we were out hunting some deer when a she wolf came out from a burrow we were standing on. We did not know it was there. This time, we killed the she-wolf which was bad because she was only protecting three pups. We felt sorry for them and each of us took a pup home. I ended up with the best friend /pet ever.

A third time is kind of comical. Where I lived we ran a camp for city kids. One of the kids (from NY) decided he had enough and was going to go home. My boss sends me out to bring him back. All I had was a general direction which the kid took off on and that he was wearing all brown.
Well after about 3 miles of treking, I see a flash of brown going over a ridge about 1/2 mile in front of me. I took off chasing it (thinking it was the kid). What I was chasing took off at the same time, it knew something was after it.
I chased it for about 2 miles, Got to less than a 1/4 mile when we both stopped for a breather and at the same time, we each saw each other. What I had been chasing was a big old brown bear. I think the brown brea had enough of me chasing it and it took off after me!
Lucky for me that it was tired from the previous running since it gave up after about 1/2 mile of zig zagging after me, (the only way to stay ahead of a bear since they don't turn very well).
The kid, was picked up a couple of hours later safe and sound.


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